import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js' import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js' class PolicyResource extends CRUDBase { constructor() { super() this.endpoint = '/api/v1/iam/policy' this.required_fields = ['entity_id', 'entity_type', 'target_id', 'target_type', 'access_type'] this.permission_base = 'v1:iam:policy' this.item = 'IAM Policy' this.plural = 'IAM Policies' this.listing_definition = { display: ` Identity & Access Management (IAM) policies give you fine grained control over which ${session.get('')} users and groups are allowed to access which applications.

An IAM policy has three parts. First, is the subject. The subject is who the policy applies to and is either a user or a group. The second part is the access type. This is either an allowance or a denial. That is, the policy either grants a subject access to a resource, or explicitly denies them access. The final part of the policy is the target. This is the application that the subject is being granted or denied access to.

Note that IAM policies can be overlapping. So, ${session.get('')}'s policy engine follows a few basic rules when deciding what policies take precedence:

  1. User policy takes precedence over group policy.
  2. Denials take precedence over approvals.
  3. Denials by default.
This means, for example, that if a user's group is allowed access, but a user is denied access, the user will be denied access. Likewise, if there are two policies for a subject, one granting them access and one denying them access, the denial will take precedence. `, columns: [ { name: 'Subject', field: 'entity_display', }, { name: 'Access Type', field: 'access_type', renderer: access_type => access_type === 'deny' ? ' denied access to...' : ' granted access to...', }, { name: 'Target', field: 'target_display', }, ], actions: [ { type: 'resource', position: 'main', action: 'insert', text: 'Create New', color: 'success', }, { type: 'resource', position: 'row', action: 'update', icon: 'fa fa-edit', color: 'primary', }, { type: 'resource', position: 'row', action: 'delete', icon: 'fa fa-times', color: 'danger', confirm: true, }, ], } this.form_definition = { fields: [ { name: 'Subject Type', field: 'entity_type', required: true, type: 'select', options: [ {display: 'User', value: 'user'}, {display: 'Group', value: 'group'}, ], }, { name: 'Subject', field: 'entity_id', required: true, type: 'select.dynamic', options: { resource: 'auth/User', display: user => `User: ${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`, value: 'id', }, if: (form_data) => form_data.entity_type === 'user', }, { name: 'Subject', field: 'entity_id', required: true, type: 'select.dynamic', options: { resource: 'auth/Group', display: group => `Group: ${} (${group.user_ids.length} users)`, value: 'id', }, if: (form_data) => form_data.entity_type === 'group', }, { name: 'Access Type', field: 'access_type', required: true, type: 'select', options: [ {display: ' granted access to...', value: 'allow'}, {display: ' denied access to...', value: 'deny'}, ], }, { name: 'Target Type', field: 'target_type', required: true, type: 'select', options: [ {display: 'Application', value: 'application'}, {display: 'API Scope', value: 'api_scope'}, {display: 'Computer', value: 'machine'}, {display: 'Computer Group', value: 'machine_group'}, ], }, { name: 'Target', field: 'target_id', required: true, type: 'select.dynamic', options: { resource: 'App', display: 'name', value: 'id', }, if: (form_data) => form_data.target_type === 'application' }, { name: 'Target', field: 'target_id', required: true, type: 'select.dynamic', options: { resource: 'reflect/Scope', display: 'scope', value: 'scope', }, if: (form_data) => form_data.target_type === 'api_scope' }, { name: 'Target', field: 'target_id', required: true, type: 'select.dynamic', options: { resource: 'ldap/Machine', display: machine => `${}${machine.host_name ? ' (' + machine.host_name + ')' : ''}`, value: 'id', }, if: (form_data) => form_data.target_type === 'machine' }, { name: 'Target', field: 'target_id', required: true, type: 'select.dynamic', options: { resource: 'ldap/MachineGroup', display: group => `${} (${(group.machine_ids || []).length} computers)`, value: 'id', }, if: (form_data) => form_data.target_type === 'machine_group' }, ], /*handlers: { insert: { action: 'back', }, update: { action: 'back', }, },*/ } } } const iam_policy = new PolicyResource() export { iam_policy }