import { Component } from '../../lib/vues6/vues6.js' import { auth_api } from '../service/AuthApi.service.js' import { location_service } from '../service/Location.service.js' const template = `
{{ app_name }}

{{ t['mfa.secret'] }} {{ secret }}
{{ t['mfa.setup_success'].replace('APP_NAME', app_name) }}
{{ error_message }}
{{ other_message }}
` export default class MFASetupPage extends Component { static get selector() { return 'coreid-mfa-setup-page' } static get props() { return ['app_name'] } static get template() { return template } loading = false step = 0 qr_data = '' otpauth_url = '' secret = '' verify_code = '' verify_success = false error_message = '' other_message = '' t = {} async vue_on_create() { this.t = await T( 'mfa.setup_prompt', 'common.cancel', 'common.continue', 'mfa.setup_qr_prompt', 'mfa.secret', 'mfa.setup_success', 'mfa.mfa_code', 'common.back', 'mfa.enable_mfa', 'mfa.invalid_code', 'mfa.setup_code_success', 'mfa.mfa_enabled', 'common.unknown_error' ) } async watch_verify_code(new_verify_code, old_verify_code) { if ( new_verify_code.length === 6 ) { this.loading = true const result = await auth_api.mfa_attempt(new_verify_code) this.verify_success = result && result.is_valid this.loading = false if ( !this.verify_success ) { this.other_message = '' this.error_message = this.t['mfa.invalid_code'] } else { this.error_message = '' this.other_message = this.t['mfa.setup_code_success'].replace('APP_NAME', this.app_name) } } else if ( new_verify_code.length > 6 ) { this.verify_code = old_verify_code } } async back_click() { if ( this.step === 0 ) await location_service.back() else this.step -= 1 } async on_key_up(event) { if ( event.keyCode === 13 ) { // Enter was pressed - don't submit the form event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() return false } } async continue_click() { if ( this.step === 0 ) { // Get the MFA token // TODO try/catch this this.loading = true const result = await auth_api.mfa_generate() this.qr_data = result.qr_code this.otpauth_url = result.otpauth_url this.secret = result.secret this.step = 1 this.loading = false } else if ( this.step === 1 ) { this.step = 2 this.error_message = '' this.other_message = '' this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.verify_input.focus() }) } else if ( this.step === 2 ) { this.loading = true try { await auth_api.mfa_enable() this.error_message = '' this.other_message = this.t['mfa.mfa_enabled'] await location_service.redirect('/auth/login', 3000) } catch(e) { this.loading = false this.error_message = this.t['common.unknown_error'] this.other_message = '' } } } }