import {Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {AlertController, IonInput, LoadingController, ModalController, PopoverController} from '@ionic/angular'; import {EditorService} from '../../service/editor.service'; import {ApiService} from '../../service/api.service'; import {NavigationService} from '../../service/navigation.service'; import {AuthService} from '../../service/auth.service'; import {environment} from '../../../environments/environment'; export type LoginPageStep = 'greeter' | 'username' | 'password' | 'create-account'; @Component({ selector: 'app-login', templateUrl: './', styleUrls: ['./'], }) export class LoginPage implements OnInit { public step: LoginPageStep = 'greeter'; @ViewChild('usernameInput') usernameInput: IonInput; @ViewChild('passwordInput') passwordInput: IonInput; @ViewChild('nameInput') nameInput: IonInput; stepMessages = { username: 'Enter a username to continue', password: 'Enter your password to sign-in', 'create-account': 'Welcome! Create an account to continue', }; public username = ''; public password = ''; public fullName = ''; public passwordConfirm = ''; public userExists?: boolean; public userInfo: any = {}; public errorMessage = ''; public readonly coreidUrl: string; constructor( protected api: ApiService, protected route: ActivatedRoute, protected router: Router, protected loader: LoadingController, protected popover: PopoverController, protected alerts: AlertController, protected modals: ModalController, public readonly editorService: EditorService, public readonly navService: NavigationService, public readonly auth: AuthService, ) { this.coreidUrl = this.api._build_url('/auth/starship_coreid/login', '/'); } ngOnInit() {} async ionViewDidEnter() { } coreid() { window.location.assign(this.coreidUrl); } async back() { this.errorMessage = ''; if ( this.step === 'password' ) { this.password = ''; this.step = 'username'; setTimeout(() => { if ( this.usernameInput ) { this.usernameInput.setFocus(); } }, 150); } else if ( this.step === 'create-account' ) { this.fullName = ''; this.password = ''; this.passwordConfirm = ''; this.step = 'username'; setTimeout(() => { if ( this.usernameInput ) { this.usernameInput.setFocus(); } }, 150); } } async advance() { this.errorMessage = ''; if ( this.step === 'greeter' ) { this.step = 'username'; setTimeout(() => { if ( this.usernameInput ) { this.usernameInput.setFocus(); } }, 150); } else if ( this.step === 'username' ) { if ( !this.username ) { return; } const loader = await this.loader.create({ message: 'Checking username...' }); await loader.present(); this.userInfo = await this.api.getUserInfo(this.username); this.userExists = !!this.userInfo?.exists; if ( this.userExists ) { this.step = 'password'; setTimeout(() => { if ( this.passwordInput ) { this.passwordInput.setFocus(); } }, 150); } else { this.step = 'create-account'; setTimeout(() => { if ( this.nameInput ) { this.nameInput.setFocus(); } }, 150); } await loader.dismiss(); } else if ( this.step === 'password' ) { if ( !this.username || !this.password ) { return; } const loader = await this.loader.create({ message: 'Signing you in...' }); await loader.present(); const result = await this.api.attemptLogin(this.username, this.password); await loader.dismiss(); if ( !result.success ) { this.errorMessage = result.message || 'Un unknown error has occurred'; } else { this.auth.authInProgress = true; this.navService.requestInitialization(); this.reset(); } } else if ( this.step === 'create-account' ) { if ( !this.username || !this.password || this.passwordConfirm !== this.password || !this.fullName ) { return; } const loader = await this.loader.create({ message: 'Creating your account...' }); await loader.present(); const result = await this.api.attemptRegistration(this.username, this.password, this.passwordConfirm, this.fullName); await loader.dismiss(); if ( !result.success ) { this.errorMessage = result.message || 'Un unknown error has occurred'; } else { this.auth.authInProgress = true; this.navService.requestInitialization(); this.reset(); } } } reset() { this.username = ''; this.password = ''; this.passwordConfirm = ''; this.fullName = ''; this.step = 'greeter'; } }