const AuthUser = require('flitter-auth/model/User') /* * Auth user model. This inherits fields and methods from the default * flitter-auth/model/User model, however you can override methods and * properties here as you need. */ class User extends AuthUser { static get services() { return [, 'models'] } static get schema() { return {...super.schema, ...{ // other schema fields here }} } async get_root_page() { const Page = this.models.get('api:Page') return Page.findOne({OrgUserId: this._id, ParentId: '0'}) } async get_accessible_pages() { const Page = this.models.get('api:Page') const user_page = await this.get_root_page() const user_pages = await user_page.visible_flat_children(this) let view_pages = await Page.find({ shared_users_view: this._id }) for ( const page of view_pages ) { view_pages = [...view_pages, ...(await page.visible_flat_children(this))] } let update_pages = await Page.find({ shared_users_update: this._id }) for ( const page of update_pages ) { update_pages = [...update_pages, ...(await page.visible_flat_children(this))] } let manage_pages = await Page.find({ shared_users_manage: this._id }) for ( const page of manage_pages ) { manage_pages = [...manage_pages, ...(await page.visible_flat_children(this))] } const all_pages = [...user_pages, ...view_pages, ...update_pages, ...manage_pages].filter(x => !x.virtual) const uniq_page_obj = {} for ( const page of all_pages ) { uniq_page_obj[page.UUID] = page } return Object.values(uniq_page_obj) } // Other members and methods here } module.exports = exports = User