const Controller = require('libflitter/controller/Controller') const { ObjectId } = require("mongodb"); const Page = require("../../../models/api/Page.model") /* * Misc Controller * ------------------------------------------------------------- * Put some description here! */ class Misc extends Controller { #default_token_grants = ['database'] static get services() { return [, 'models'] } async get_token(req, res, next) { const Token = this.models.get('api:Token') const token = await Token.for_user(req.user) return res.api(token.token) } async get_search(req, res, next) { if ( !req.query.query ) { return res.status(400) .message('Missing query.') .api() } const query = String(req.query.query) const snip_length = 50 const Page = this.models.get('api:Page') const Node = this.models.get('api:Node') const Codium = this.models.get('api:Codium') const all_user_page_ids = (await req.user.get_accessible_pages()).map(x => x.UUID) const results = [] const matching_pages = await Page.find({ UUID: { $in: all_user_page_ids }, Active: true, $text: { $search: query }, }) for ( const page of matching_pages ) { results.push({ title: page.Name, short_title: `${page.Name.slice(0, snip_length)}${page.Name.length > snip_length ? '...' : ''}`, type: 'page', id: page.UUID, }) } const matching_nodes = await Node.find({ PageId: { $in: all_user_page_ids }, 'Value.Mode': 'norm', $text: { $search: query } }) for ( const node of matching_nodes ) { const page = await results.push({ title: node.Value.Value, short_title: `${node.Value.Value.slice(0, snip_length)}${node.Value.Value.length > snip_length ? '...' : ''}`, type: 'node', id: node.UUID, associated: { title: page.Name, short_title: `${page.Name.slice(0, snip_length)}${page.Name.length > snip_length ? '...' : ''}`, type: 'page', id: page.UUID, } }) } const matching_codiums = await Codium.find({ PageId: { $in: all_user_page_ids }, $text: { $search: query }, }); for ( const codium of matching_codiums ) { const page = await results.push({ title: codium.code, short_title: `${codium.code.slice(0, snip_length)}${codium.code.length > snip_length ? '...' : ''}`, type: 'code', id: codium.NodeId, associated: { title: page.Name, short_title: `${page.Name.slice(0, snip_length)}${page.Name.length > snip_length ? '...' : ''}`, type: 'page', id: page.UUID, } }) } return res.api({results}) } } module.exports = exports = Misc