const Controller = require('libflitter/controller/Controller') const PageModel = require('../../../models/api/Page.model') const Node = require('../../../models/api/Node.model') /* * Page Controller * ------------------------------------------------------------- * Put some description here! */ class Page extends Controller { async get_page(req, res) { const PageId = req.params.PageId const user = req.user const page = await PageModel.findOne({UUID: PageId}) if ( !page ) return res.status(404).message('Page not found with that ID.').api({}) if ( !page.accessible_by(user) ) return return res.api(page) } async save_page(req, res) { const PageId = req.params.PageId let page; if ( PageId ) { page = await PageModel.findOne({UUID: PageId}) if ( !page ) return res.status(404).message('Page not found with that ID.').api({}) if ( !page.accessible_by(req.user, 'update') ) return } else { page = new PageModel page.CreatedUserId = page.OrgUserId = req.user._id } if ( !req.body.Name ) return res.status(400).message('Missing required: Name').api({}) page.Name = req.body.Name if ( 'IsPublic' in req.body ) { page.IsPublic = !!req.body.IsPublic } if ( 'IsVisibleInMenu' in req.body ) { page.IsVisibleInMenu = !!req.body.IsVisibleInMenu } let parent; if ( !req.body.ParentId ) return res.status(400).message('Missing required: ParentId').api({}) else { parent = await PageModel.findOne({UUID: req.body.ParentId}) if ( !parent ) return res.status(404).message('Parent page not found with that ID.').api({}) if ( !parent.accessible_by(req.user, 'update') ) return } page.UpdatedAt = new Date page.UpdateUserId = req.user._id await return res.api(page) } async get_nodes(req, res) { const PageId = req.params.PageId let page; if ( PageId ) { page = await PageModel.findOne({UUID: PageId}) if ( !page ) return res.status(404).message('Page not found with that ID.').api({}) if ( !page.accessible_by(req.user) ) return } const nodes = await Node.find({PageId: page.UUID}); const assoc_nodes = {} nodes.forEach(node => { assoc_nodes[node.UUID] = node }) const return_nodes = []; for ( const uuid of page.NodeIds ) { return_nodes.push(assoc_nodes[uuid]) } return res.api(return_nodes); } async save_nodes(req, res) { const PageId = req.params.PageId let page; if ( PageId ) { page = await PageModel.findOne({UUID: PageId}) if ( !page ) return res.status(404).message('Page not found with that ID.').api({}) if ( !page.accessible_by(req.user, 'update') ) return } const nodes = await Node.find({PageId: page.UUID}) const assoc_nodes = {} nodes.forEach(node => { assoc_nodes[node.UUID] = node }) if ( !Array.isArray(req.body) ) return res.status(400).message('Invalid request body. Should be array of nodes.').api({}) const updated_node_ids = [] for ( let node of req.body ) { if ( node.UUID && Object.keys(assoc_nodes).includes(node.UUID) ) updated_node_ids.push(node.UUID) } console.log('req body', req.body) const updated_nodes = [] for ( let node of req.body ) { if ( node.UUID && assoc_nodes[node.UUID] ) { assoc_nodes[node.UUID].update_from_raw(node) assoc_nodes[node.UUID].UpdatedAt = new Date assoc_nodes[node.UUID].UpdateUserId = req.user._id updated_nodes.push(assoc_nodes[node.UUID]) } else { const node_obj = new Node({ Type: node.Type, Value: node.Value, PageId, CreatedUserId: req.user._id, UpdateUserId: req.user._id, }) await updated_nodes.push(node_obj) } } // console.log('updated nodes', updated_nodes) let delete_nodes = nodes for ( const node of updated_nodes ) { await delete_nodes = delete_nodes.filter(n => { return n.UUID !== node.UUID }) } for ( const node of delete_nodes ) { await node.delete() } console.log('updated nodes', updated_nodes) page.NodeIds = => x.UUID) console.log({page}) await res.api(updated_nodes) // Step 1: make sure the updated nodes are updated // Make sure the deleted nodes are deleted // Make sure the new nodes are created // Make sure the order is correct } } module.exports = exports = Page