module.exports = exports = { prefix: '/api/v1/files', middleware: [], get: { // Get the file ref node config for the specified file ref '/:PageId/:NodeId/get/:FilesId': [ 'middleware::auth:ApiRoute', ['middleware::api:DataInjection', { access_level: 'view' }], 'controller::api:v1:File.get_config', ], // Download the specified file ID from the specified file ref node '/:PageId/:NodeId/get/:FilesId/:FileId': [ 'middleware::auth:ApiRoute', ['middleware::api:DataInjection', { access_level: 'view' }], '', ], }, post: { // FIXME - files, not file. Fix in front-end! // Upload the file in the 'uploaded_file' key to the specified file ref node '/file/upload/:PageId/:NodeId/:FilesId': [ 'middleware::auth:ApiRoute', ['middleware::api:DataInjection', { access_level: 'update' }], 'middleware::upload:UploadFile', 'controller::api:v1:File.save_upload', ], // Create a new file ref node '/:PageId/:NodeId/create': [ 'middleware::auth:ApiRoute', ['middleware::api:DataInjection', { access_level: 'update' }], 'controller::api:v1:File.create_config', ], // Delete a file ref node and its files '/:PageId/:NodeId/delete/:FilesId': [ 'middleware::auth:ApiRoute', ['middleware::api:DataInjection', { access_level: 'update' }], 'controller::api:v1:File.delete_group', ], }, }