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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const lib_1 = require("@extollo/lib");
const orm_1 = require("@extollo/orm");
const util_1 = require("@extollo/util");
exports.default = {
debug: lib_1.env('DEBUG_MODE', false),
session: {
/* The implementation of @extollo/lib.Session that serves as the session backend. */
driver: orm_1.ORMSession,
* Here, you can define various filesystem drivers that can be used in
* your application to store/retrieve files.
* The key in the object is the 'name' of the filesystem as it will be
* fetched in code. For example, if you have a `fubar: { ... }` item,
* then you can retrieve that filesystem using the Files service like
* so:
* files.getFilesystem('fubar') // => Filesystem { ... }
filesystems: {
default: {
/* If true, this will serve as the default filesystem for modules in your application. */
isDefault: true,
/* The implementation of @extollo/util.Filesystem that serves as the backend. */
driver: util_1.LocalFilesystem,
/* The config required by the filesystem driver. */
config: {
baseDir: lib_1.basePath('..', 'uploads').toLocal,
middleware: {
global: {
pre: ['LogRequest'],