import {Inject, Singleton} from "@extollo/di" import {Application, Config, Logging, Unit} from "@extollo/lib" import {FirebaseUnit} from "./FirebaseUnit" import { BlockEncounterTransaction, BlockResourceItem, BlockTransaction, isBlockResourceItem } from "../rtdb/BlockResource" import {TransactionResourceItem} from "../rtdb/TransactionResource" import * as openpgp from "openpgp" import * as crypto from "crypto" import axios from "axios" import {collect, uuid_v4} from "@extollo/util" import {ExposureResourceItem} from "../rtdb/ExposureResource" async function pgpVerify(armoredKey: string, armoredMessage: string) { const [publicKeys, message] = await Promise.all([ openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey }), openpgp.readMessage({ armoredMessage }) ]) return !!(await (await openpgp.verify({ publicKeys, message })).signatures?.[0]?.verified) } /** * Utility wrapper class for a block in the chain. */ export class Block implements BlockResourceItem { uuid: string transactions: BlockTransaction[] timestamp: number lastBlockHash: string lastBlockUUID: string proof: string waitTime: number peer: string get config(): Config { return Application.getApplication().make(Config) } constructor(rec: BlockResourceItem) { this.uuid = rec.uuid || uuid_v4() this.transactions = rec.transactions || [] this.lastBlockHash = rec.lastBlockHash || '' this.lastBlockUUID = rec.lastBlockUUID || '' this.proof = rec.proof this.timestamp = rec.timestamp || (new Date).getTime() this.waitTime = rec.waitTime this.peer = rec.peer } /** Returns true if this is the genesis block. */ async isGenesis() { // first block will be guaranteed uuid 0000 if (this.uuid !== '0000') { return false } const proof = this.proof const publicKey = this.config.get("app.gpg.key.public") return pgpVerify(publicKey, proof) } /** Generate the hash for this block. */ hash() { return crypto.createHash('sha256') .update(this.toString(), 'utf-8') .digest('hex') } /** Cast the Block's data to a plain object. */ toItem(): BlockResourceItem { return { uuid: this.uuid, transactions: this.transactions, lastBlockHash: this.lastBlockHash, lastBlockUUID: this.lastBlockUUID, proof: this.proof, timestamp: this.timestamp, waitTime: this.waitTime, peer: this.peer, } } /** Generate the deterministic hash-able string. */ toString() { return [ this.uuid, this.waitTime, JSON.stringify(this.transactions || [], undefined, 0), this.lastBlockHash, this.lastBlockUUID, ].join('%') } } /** * Interface representing a federated peer. */ export interface Peer { host: string, name?: string, } /** * Blockchain Unit * --------------------------------------- * Main service for interacting with the contact blockchain. */ @Singleton() export class Blockchain extends Unit { private readonly MIN_WAIT_TIME = 1000 private readonly MAX_WAIT_TIME = 3000 private readonly PENALTY_INTERVAL = 500 private readonly MAX_PEERS_PENALTY = 10 @Inject() protected readonly logging!: Logging @Inject() protected readonly firebase!: FirebaseUnit @Inject() protected readonly config!: Config protected approvedChain: Block[] = [] protected peers: Peer[] = [] protected breakForExit = false /** * Block transactions that will be attempted as part of this host's * next block submission. * @protected */ protected pendingTransactions: BlockTransaction[] = [] protected publicKey!: openpgp.Key protected privateKey!: openpgp.Key protected genesisProof!: string protected nextWaitTime!: number protected lastBlock!: Block protected nextProof!: string async up() {'Generating OpenPGP assets...') this.publicKey = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: this.config.get("app.gpg.key.public") }) this.privateKey = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: this.config.get("app.gpg.key.private") }) this.genesisProof = await openpgp.sign({ message: openpgp.Message.fromText('0000'), privateKeys: this.privateKey, })'Performing initial load...') await this.initialLoad()'Contacting configured peers...') const peers = this.config.get('server.peers') await Promise.all( string) => this.registerPeer({ host })))'Performing initial writeback...') await this.writeback() } async down() { this.breakForExit = true } async initialLoad() { const [peers, chain] = await Promise.all([ this.firebase.ref('peers') .once('value') .then(val => val.val()), this.firebase.ref('block') .orderByKey() .once('value') .then(val => val.val()) ]) this.logging.debug({peers, chain}) this.approvedChain = BlockResourceItem) => new Block(item)) this.peers = peers || [] } /** * Returns true if the given host is registered as a peer. * @param host */ public hasPeer(host: string): boolean { return this.peers.some(x => === host) } /** * Get a list of all registered peers. */ public getPeers(): Peer[] { return this.peers } /** * From a peer, fetch the submission blockchain, if it is valid. * @param peer */ public async getPeerSubmit(peer: Peer): Promise { try { const result = await axios.get(`${}api/v1/chain/submit`) const blocks: unknown = if ( Array.isArray(blocks) && blocks.every(block => { return isBlockResourceItem(block) }) ) { return => new Block(x)) } } catch (e) { this.logging.error(e) return undefined } } /** * Register a new host as a peer of this instance. * @param peer */ public async registerPeer(peer: Peer) { if ( !this.hasPeer( ) {`Registering peer: ${}`) const header = this.config.get('app.api_server_header') try { await`${}api/v1/peer`, { host: this.getBaseURL(), }, { headers: { [header]: this.getPeerToken(), 'content-type': 'application/json', } }) } catch (e) { this.logging.error(e) } } } /** * Given an array of blocks in chain-order, validate the chain. * @param chain * @return boolean - true if the chain is valid */ public async validate(chain: Block[]) { const blocks = collect(chain) return ( await blocks.promiseMap(async (block, idx) => { const previous: Block | undefined = - 1) if ( !previous ) { this.logging.debug(`Chain is invalid: block ${idx} is missing previous ${idx - 1}.`) return false; } const pass = ( block.lastBlockUUID === previous.uuid && block.lastBlockHash === previous.hash() ) if ( !pass ) { this.logging.debug(`Chain is invalid: block ${idx} does not match previous.`) this.logging.debug({ lastBlockUUID: block.lastBlockUUID, computedLastUUID: previous.uuid, lastBlockHash: block.lastBlockHash, computedLastHash: previous.hash(), }) return false } if ( await block.isGenesis() ) { return true } if ( !(await this.validateProofOfWork(block, previous)) ) { this.logging.debug(`Chain is invalid: block ${idx} failed proof of work validation`) return false; } return false }) ).every(Boolean) } public async refresh() { if ( this.breakForExit ) return; this.logging.debug('Called refresh().') const peers = await this.getPeers() const time_x_block: {[key: string]: Block} = {} const time_x_blocks: {[key: string]: Block[]} = {} const time_x_peer: {[key: string]: Peer | true} = {} await Promise.all( peer => { const blocks: Block[] | undefined = await this.getPeerSubmit(peer) if ( blocks && await this.validate(blocks) ) { const block = blocks.slice(-1)[0] if ( !block ) return // TODO fixme const penalty = blocks.slice(0, 10) .map(block => block.peer === .filter(Boolean).length * this.PENALTY_INTERVAL * (Math.min(peers.length, this.MAX_PEERS_PENALTY)) block.waitTime += penalty time_x_block[block.waitTime] = block time_x_blocks[block.waitTime] = blocks.reverse() time_x_peer[block.waitTime] = peer } else { console.log('validation fail!') } })) console.log(time_x_blocks, time_x_peer, time_x_block) const submitBlock = this.getSubmitBlock() if ( submitBlock ) { time_x_block[submitBlock.waitTime] = submitBlock time_x_peer[submitBlock.waitTime] = true } console.log('submit block', submitBlock) const min = Math.min(...Object.keys(time_x_block).map(parseFloat)) const peer = time_x_peer[min] console.log('peer?', peer) if ( peer === true ) { // Our version of the chain was accepted this.approvedChain.push(submitBlock!) this.pendingTransactions = [] } else if ( peer ) { // A different server's chain was accepted this.approvedChain = (time_x_blocks[min] || []).map(block => { if (!block.transactions) { block.transactions = [] } return block }) } console.log('approved chain', this.approvedChain) await this.writeback() } public getSubmitChain(): BlockResourceItem[] { const submit = this.getSubmitBlock() if ( !submit ) return this.approvedChain else return [...this.approvedChain, submit] } public async writeback() { if ( this.breakForExit ) return;'Generating initial proof-of-elapsed-time. This will take a second...') this.nextWaitTime = this.random(this.MIN_WAIT_TIME, this.MAX_WAIT_TIME) this.lastBlock = this.getLastBlock() this.nextProof = await this.generateProofOfWork(this.lastBlock, this.nextWaitTime) console.log('writeback approved chain', this.approvedChain) await Promise.all([ this.firebase.ref('block').set( => x.toItem())), this.firebase.ref('peers').set(this.peers) ]) this.refresh() } public getSubmitBlock(): Block | undefined { if ( !this.pendingTransactions?.length ) { return } return new Block({ timestamp: (new Date).getTime(), uuid: uuid_v4(), transactions: this.pendingTransactions, lastBlockHash: this.lastBlock.hash(), lastBlockUUID: this.lastBlock.uuid, proof: this.nextProof, waitTime: this.nextWaitTime, peer: this.getBaseURL(), }) } /** * Submit a group of encounter transactions to be added to the chain. * @param groups */ public submitTransactions(...groups: [TransactionResourceItem, TransactionResourceItem][]) { groups.forEach(group => { const txes = => this.getEncounterTransaction(item)) this.pendingTransactions.push(...txes) }) } /** * Submit the given exposure notifications onto the blockchain. * @param exposures */ public submitExposures(...exposures: ExposureResourceItem[]) { this.pendingTransactions.push(...exposures) } public getPeerToken() { return Buffer.from(this.genesisProof, 'utf-8') .toString('base64') } /** * Instantiate the genesis block of the entire chain. */ public getGenesisBlock(): Block { return new Block({ timestamp: (new Date).getTime(), uuid: '0000', transactions: [], lastBlockHash: '', lastBlockUUID: '', proof: this.genesisProof, firebaseID: '', waitTime: 0, peer: this.getBaseURL(), }) } /** * Get the last block in the blockchain, or push the genesis if one doesn't already exist. */ public getLastBlock(): Block { if ( !this.approvedChain ) { this.approvedChain = [] } const rec = this.approvedChain.slice(-1)[0] if (rec) return rec const genesis = this.getGenesisBlock() this.approvedChain.push(genesis) return genesis } /** * Get a list of all blocks in the chain, in order. */ public read(): Promise { return this.firebase.ref('block') .once('value') .then(snap => snap.val()) } /** * Given a client-submitted transaction, generate a block encounter transaction record. * @param item * @protected */ protected getEncounterTransaction(item: TransactionResourceItem): BlockEncounterTransaction { return { combinedHash: item.combinedHash, timestamp: item.timestamp, encodedGPSLocation: item.encodedGPSLocation, } } /** * Generate a proof of work string for the block that follows lastBlock. * @param lastBlock * @param waitTime * @protected */ protected async generateProofOfWork(lastBlock: Block, waitTime: number): Promise { const hashString = lastBlock.hash() const message = openpgp.Message.fromText(hashString) await this.sleep(waitTime) // Sign the hash using the server's private key return openpgp.sign({ message, privateKeys: this.privateKey, }) } /** * Validate that the proof of work of currentBlock is accurate relative to lastBlock. * @param currentBlock * @param lastBlock * @protected */ protected validateProofOfWork(currentBlock: Block, lastBlock: Block): Promise { const proof = lastBlock.proof const publicKey = this.config.get("app.gpg.key.public") return pgpVerify(publicKey, proof) } /** * Get the base URL that identifies this peer. * This should be the endpoint used to fetch the submitted blockchain. * @protected */ protected getBaseURL(): string { const base = this.config.get('server.base_url') return `${base}${base.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/'}` } /** Sleep for (roughly) the given number of milliseconds. */ async sleep(ms: number) { await new Promise(res => { setTimeout(res, ms) }) } /** * Get a random number between two values. * @param min * @param max */ random(min: number, max: number): number { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.floor(max) - Math.ceil(min) + 1)) + Math.ceil(min); } }