import {ExComponent} from '../ExComponent.js' import {Attribute, Component, Element, Renders} from '../decorators.js' export interface NavBarItem { title: string, name: string, href?: string, right?: boolean, } @Component('ex-nav') export class NavBarComponent extends ExComponent { protected static styles = ` ` protected static html = `
` @Renders() public items: NavBarItem[] = [] @Attribute() public appName = '' @Element('span.appName') protected appNameEl!: HTMLSpanElement @Element('ul') protected list!: HTMLUListElement render() { super.render() this.appNameEl.hidden = !this.appName this.appNameEl.innerText = this.appName || '' this.list.childNodes.forEach(x => x.remove()) for ( const item of this.getItems() ) { const li = document.createElement('li') const a = document.createElement('a') li.appendChild(a) a.setAttribute('href', item.href ?? '#') a.innerText = item.title a.addEventListener('click', () => this.dispatchItemClick( if ( item.right ) { li.classList.add('right') } this.list.append(li) } } getItems(): NavBarItem[] { const itemEls = this.querySelectorAll('ex-nav-item').values() const items = [] for ( const itemEl of itemEls ) { const title = itemEl.getAttribute('title') const name = itemEl.getAttribute('name') if ( title && name ) { const item: NavBarItem = { title, name, right: itemEl.hasAttribute('right'), } const href = itemEl.getAttribute('href') if ( href ) { item.href = href } items.push(item) } } return items } dispatchItemClick(name: string) { return this.dispatchCustom('onItemClick', { name }) } }