import {Attribute, Component, Element} from '../../decorators.js' import {InputComponent} from './Input.component.js' @Component('ex-input') export class TextInputFieldComponent extends InputComponent { protected static styles = ` ` protected static html = ` ` @Attribute() public name?: string @Attribute() public placeholder?: string @Attribute() public label?: string @Attribute() public error?: string @Attribute() public minlength?: string @Attribute() public maxlength?: string @Element('span.label') protected labelEl!: HTMLSpanElement @Element('input.input') protected inputEl!: HTMLInputElement @Element('small.error') protected errorEl!: HTMLElement render() { super.render() this.labelEl.innerText = this.label || '' this.inputEl.setAttribute('placeholder', this.placeholder || '') this.inputEl.setAttribute('name', || this.uuid) if ( this.hasAttribute('required') ) { this.inputEl.setAttribute('required', '1') } else { this.inputEl.removeAttribute('required') } this.errorEl.hidden = !this.error this.errorEl.innerText = this.error || '' } getFieldName(): string { return || this.uuid } getValue(): any { return this.inputEl.value } validate(): boolean { const isValid = ( !this.hasAttribute('required') || this.getValue().trim() ) if ( !isValid ) { this.error = 'This field is required' } else { this.error = '' } const min = parseInt(this.minlength || '', 10) if ( this.minlength && !isNaN(min) && String(this.getValue()).length < min ) { this.error = `Value must be at least ${min} characters` } const max = parseInt(this.maxlength || '', 10) if ( this.maxlength && !isNaN(max) && String(this.getValue()).length > max ) { this.error = `Value must be at most ${max} characters` } return isValid } }