import {Phase} from './Phase' import {ExtolloCompileConfig} from '../types' import * as rimraf from 'rimraf' import * as fse from 'fs-extra' import * as path from 'path' import {Logger} from '../Logger' async function* walk(dir: string): any { for await (const d of await fse.promises.opendir(dir)) { const entry = path.join(dir, if (d.isDirectory()) { yield* walk(entry) } else if (d.isFile()) { yield entry } } } export class ZodifyPhase extends Phase { constructor( config: ExtolloCompileConfig, tsconfig: any, protected readonly zodPath: string, ) { super(config, tsconfig) } public async run(): Promise { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const tsz = require('ts-to-zod') const dir = this.config.compileDir || 'exbuild' await new Promise((res, rej) => { rimraf(path.resolve(dir, this.zodPath), e => e ? rej(e) : res()) }) await fse.mkdirp(path.resolve(dir, this.zodPath)) for await ( const file of walk(this.zodPath) ) { if ( !file.endsWith('.ts') ) { continue } Logger.verb('zod', file) const sourceText = (await fse.readFile(file)).toString('utf-8') const gen = tsz.generate({ sourceText, getSchemaName: () => 'exZodifiedSchema', }) const zodSource = gen.getZodSchemasFile(file) const augmentedSource = this.getAugmentedSourceText(sourceText, zodSource) await fse.writeFile(path.resolve(dir, file), augmentedSource) } } protected getAugmentedSourceText(originalSource: string, zodSource: string): string { const lines = originalSource.split('\n') let line = 0 if ( lines[line].startsWith('#!') ) { if ( lines[line + 1] ) { line = line + 1 } } const newlines: string[] = [] lines.forEach((lineVal, idx) => { if ( idx === line ) { newlines.push('import { z } from "zod";') } newlines.push(lineVal) }) return [...newlines, ...zodSource.split('\n').slice(2)].join('\n') } }