import {MathStatement} from './parse' import * as math from 'mathjs' import {DepGraph} from 'dependency-graph' import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid' import {EvaluationResult, hasOwnProperty, Maybe, StatementID, VariableName} from './types' /** * Wrapper for a page containing multiple interrelated mathematical statements. */ export class MathPage { /** The statements on the page. */ protected statements: Record = {} static deserialize(vals: [string, [StatementID, string, number, number][]]) { const inst = new this(vals[0]) for ( const row of vals[1] ) { inst.statements[row[0]] = MathStatement.deserialize(row) } return inst } constructor( /** Unique page ID. */ public readonly id: string, ) {} serialize(): [string, [StatementID, string, number, number][]] { return [, Object.values(this.statements).map(x => x.serialize()), ] } /** Get all defined statements. */ getStatements(): MathStatement[] { return Object.values(this.statements) } /** Remove a statement from the math page. */ removeStatement(id: StatementID) { delete this.statements[id] } /** Get a statement by ID if it exists. */ getStatement(id: StatementID): Maybe { return this.statements[id] } /** Add a statement to this page. */ addStatement(statement: MathStatement): this { this.statements[] = statement return this } /** Parse the math expression and add it to the page as a statement. */ addRaw(statement: string): StatementID { const stmt = new MathStatement(uuidv4() as StatementID, statement) this.addStatement(stmt) return } /** Get all symbols referenced by statements on this page. */ symbols(): math.SymbolNode[] { return Object.values(this.statements) .map(x => x.symbols()) .reduce((carry, current) => current.concat(carry), []) } /** Get all symbols defined on this page. */ defines(): math.SymbolNode[] { return Object.values(this.statements) .map(x => x.defines()) .reduce((carry, current) => current.concat(carry), []) } /** Get all symbols used on this page. */ uses(): math.SymbolNode[] { return Object.values(this.statements) .map(x => x.uses()) .reduce((carry, current) => current.concat(carry), []) } /** Get a mapping of symbol names to the statements where they are defined. */ definers(): Record { const definers: Record = {} for ( const statement of Object.values(this.statements) ) { for ( const symbol of statement.defines() ) { definers[ as VariableName] = statement } } return definers } /** Get the dependency graph of variable declarations between statements on this page. */ dependencies(): DepGraph { const graph = new DepGraph() const defined: Record = this.definers() const definedFunctions: Record = {} for ( const sym of this.functions() ) { const node = sym.parse() as math.FunctionAssignmentNode definedFunctions[ as VariableName] = sym } for ( const statement of Object.values(this.statements) ) { graph.addNode(, statement) } for ( const statement of Object.values(this.statements) ) { for ( const symbol of statement.uses() ) { const functionProvider = definedFunctions[ as VariableName] if ( functionProvider ) { graph.addDependency(, continue } const provider = defined[ as VariableName] if ( !provider ) { throw new Error('No provider for undefined symbol: ' + } graph.addDependency(, } } return graph } /** Returns true if the given variable name is a function definition. */ isFunctionKey(name: VariableName): boolean { return this.functions() .some(stmt => { const node = stmt.parse() as math.FunctionAssignmentNode return === name }) } /** Get all the statements defining functions. */ functions(): MathStatement[] { return Object.values(this.statements) .filter(x => x.isFunctionDeclaration()) } /** Look up a function statement by name, if it exists. */ getFunctionByName(name: string): MathStatement|undefined { for ( const fn of this.functions() ) { const node = fn.parse() as math.FunctionAssignmentNode if ( === name ) { return fn } } } /** Look up a function statement by name, if it exists. */ getFunctionByNameOrFail(name: string): MathStatement { const fn = this.getFunctionByName(name) if ( !fn ) { throw new Error('Unable to find function with name: ' + name) } return fn } /** Evaluate the current state of the page and get the result. */ evaluate(): EvaluationResult { const evaluations: Record = {} const scope: Record = {} const graph = this.dependencies() const definers = this.definers() for ( const stmt of this.functions() ) { const node = stmt.parse() as math.FunctionAssignmentNode scope[ as VariableName] = stmt.parse().evaluate() } for ( const node of graph.overallOrder() ) { const stmt = this.statements[node as StatementID] evaluations[] = stmt.parse() .compile() .evaluate(scope) } const nonFunctionalScope: Record = {} for ( const key in scope ) { if ( !hasOwnProperty(scope, key) ) { continue } if ( definers[key as VariableName] ) { nonFunctionalScope[key as VariableName] = scope[key] } } return { variables: nonFunctionalScope, statements: evaluations, } } }