package gq.cestaberous.supernaturalflora; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; public class BlockDeadSoilCreeper extends Block { protected BlockDeadSoilCreeper(Material material) { super(material); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub //this.setBlockUnbreakable(); //unbreakable, still explodes //this.setResistance(2000.0F); //TNT resistant 15.0F-mild this.setHardness(0.5F); //How long to break 1.0F - Log //Based on material properties, check Material class //this.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 3); //require tool to harvest, what kind, what level //Requires toolRequired material this.setLightLevel(0.0F); //between 1.0F and 0.0F how much illumination //this.setLightOpacity(5); //between 1 and 16, allow light through it, 15 levels, no levels, resp. this.setStepSound(this.soundTypeGrass); //step sound type } }