diff --git a/Home.textile b/Home.textile
index a2375ba..3db50e4 100644
--- a/Home.textile
+++ b/Home.textile
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
Autojump: a cd command that learns
For a quick introduction to Autojump, see [[this video.|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnNyoMGnbKg]]
@@ -64,10 +63,6 @@ Install script written by Daniel Jackoway and others.
autojump is distributed under the terms of the GPL, version 3.
-If you like autojump, you can (but there is really no pressure to do so!) make a small donation using the "flattr this" button on top of this page. You can also make a small [[bitcoin|http://www.bitcoin.org/]] donation to the following address: 16RQWifjN68T3BP5wvpZSev9CbUMkMBcEJ . If you do, don't hesitate to drop me a word by email; otherwise, I have no way to say thanks!
For *Arch Linux* it is available from the [community] repository. Until Feb, 2011 there was [[a bug in Arch's packaging of bash|https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/22161?only_watched=1&type[0]=&sev[0]=&due[0]=&cat[0]=&status[0]=open&percent[0]=&reported[0]=]], this has now been resolved. Make sure your bash package is at least bash-4.1.009-4.