#Copyright Joel Schaerer 2008, 2009 #This file is part of autojump #autojump is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. # #autojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with autojump. If not, see . # determine the data directory according to the XDG Base Directory Specification if [[ -n ${XDG_DATA_HOME} ]] && [[ ${XDG_DATA_HOME} =~ ${USER} ]]; then export AUTOJUMP_DATA_DIR="${XDG_DATA_HOME}/autojump" else export AUTOJUMP_DATA_DIR=${HOME}/.local/share/autojump fi if [[ ! -e ${AUTOJUMP_DATA_DIR} ]]; then mkdir -p "${AUTOJUMP_DATA_DIR}" mv ${HOME}/.autojump_py "${AUTOJUMP_DATA_DIR}/autojump_py" 2>>/dev/null #migration mv ${HOME}/.autojump_py.bak "${AUTOJUMP_DATA_DIR}/autojump_py.bak" 2>>/dev/null mv ${HOME}/.autojump_errors "${AUTOJUMP_DATA_DIR}/autojump_errors" 2>>/dev/null fi # set paths if necessary for local installations if [[ -d ${HOME}/.autojump ]]; then path=(${HOME}/.autojump/bin ${path}) fpath=(${HOME}/.autojump/functions/ ${fpath}) fi # set fpath if necessary for homebrew installation if [[ -d "`brew --prefix 2>/dev/null`/share/zsh/functions" ]]; then fpath=(`brew --prefix`/share/zsh/functions ${fpath}) fi function autojump_preexec() { if [[ "${AUTOJUMP_KEEP_SYMLINKS}" == "1" ]]; then _PWD_ARGS="" else _PWD_ARGS="-P" fi { (autojump -a "$(pwd ${_PWD_ARGS})"&)>/dev/null 2>>|${AUTOJUMP_DATA_DIR}/.autojump_errors ; } 2>/dev/null } typeset -ga preexec_functions preexec_functions+=autojump_preexec alias jumpstat="autojump --stat" function j { local new_path="$(autojump $@)";if [ -n "${new_path}" ]; then echo -e "\\033[31m${new_path}\\033[0m"; cd "${new_path}";else false; fi }