# This module was contributed by Mario Pastorelli # It is released in the public domain # This tool provides "j" for ipython # To use it, copy it in your ~/.ipython directory # and add the following line to ipy_user_conf.py: # import autojump_ipython import os import subprocess as sub from IPython.ipapi import get from IPython.iplib import InteractiveShell ip = get() def magic_j(self,parameter_s=''): cmd = ['autojump']+parameter_s.split() # print 'executing autojump with args %s' % str(cmd) newpath=sub.Popen(cmd,stdout=sub.PIPE,shell=False).communicate()[0][:-1] # delete last '\n' # print 'Autojump answer: \'%s\'' % newpath if newpath: ip.magic('cd \'%s\'' % newpath) def cd_decorator(f): def autojump_cd_monitor(self,parameter_s=''): f(self,parameter_s) sub.call(['autojump','-a',os.getcwd()]) return autojump_cd_monitor # Add the new magic function to the class dict and decorate magic_cd: InteractiveShell.magic_j = magic_j InteractiveShell.magic_cd = cd_decorator(InteractiveShell.magic_cd) # And remove the global name to keep global namespace clean. del magic_j del cd_decorator