#!/usr/bin/python #Copyright Joel Schaerer 2008, 2009 #This file is part of autojump #autojump is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. # #autojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with autojump. If not, see . from __future__ import division import cPickle import getopt from sys import argv,exit import os import signal max_keyweight=1000 dead_dirs=False #global variable (evil ;-) to know if we should save the dict at the end def signal_handler(arg1,arg2): print "Received SIGINT, trying to continue" signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,signal_handler) #Don't break on sigint def uniqadd(list,key): if key not in list: list.append(key) def dicadd(dic,key,increment=1): dic[key]=dic.get(key,0.)+increment def match(path,pattern,path_dict,re_flags=0): import re if os.path.realpath(os.curdir)==path : return False if re.search(pattern,"/".join(path.split('/')[-1-pattern.count('/'):]),re_flags) is None: return False else: if os.path.exists(path) : return True else: #clean up dead directories del path_dict[path] global dead_dirs dead_dirs=True return False def save(path_dict,dic_file): f=open(dic_file+".tmp",'w') cPickle.dump(path_dict,f,-1) f.flush() os.fsync(f) f.close() try: os.rename(dic_file+".tmp",dic_file) #cf. http://thunk.org/tytso/blog/2009/03/15/dont-fear-the-fsync/ except OSError: pass #Fail quietly, this usually means a concurrent autojump process already did the job #import shutil #shutil.copy(dic_file+".tmp",dic_file) #cPickle.dump doesn't seem to be atomic, so this is more secure def forget(path_dict,dic_file): """Gradually forget about directories. Only call from the actual jump since it can take time""" keyweight=sum(path_dict.values()) #Gradually forget about old directories if keyweight>max_keyweight: for k in path_dict.keys(): path_dict[k]*=0.9*max_keyweight/keyweight save(path_dict,dic_file) def find_matches(dirs,pattern,path_dict,result_list,re_flags,max_matches): """Find max_matches paths that match the pattern, and add them to the result_list""" for path,count in dirs: if len(result_list) >= max_matches : break if match(path,pattern,path_dict,re_flags): uniqadd(result_list,path) #Main code try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'a',['stat','import','completion']) except getopt.GetoptError, e: print "Unknown command line argument: %s" % e exit(1) dic_file=os.path.expanduser("~/.autojump_py") try: aj_file=open(dic_file) path_dict=cPickle.load(aj_file) aj_file.close() except IOError: path_dict={} if ('-a','') in optlist: if(args[-1] != os.path.expanduser("~")): # home dir can be reached quickly by "cd" and may interfere with other directory dicadd(path_dict,args[-1]) save(path_dict,dic_file) elif ('--stat','') in optlist: a=path_dict.items() a.sort(key=lambda e:e[1]) for path,count in a[-100:]: print "%.1f:\t%s" % (count,path) print "Total key weight: %d" % sum(path_dict.values()) elif ('--import','') in optlist: for i in open(args[-1]).readlines(): dicadd(path_dict,i[:-1]) cPickle.dump(path_dict,open(dic_file,'w'),-1) else: import re completion=False userchoice=-1 #3 if the pattern is of the form __pattern__3, otherwise -1 results=[] if ('--completion','') in optlist: completion=True else: forget(path_dict,dic_file) #gradually forget about old directories if not args: pattern="" else: pattern=args[-1] if len(pattern)>0 and pattern[0]=="/" and os.path.exists(pattern): #if pattern is a full path, jump there if not completion : print pattern else: endmatch=re.search("__([0-9]+)",pattern) if endmatch: userchoice=int(endmatch.group(1)) pattern=re.sub("__[0-9]+.*","",pattern) else: endmatch=re.match("(.*)__",pattern) if endmatch: pattern=endmatch.group(1) dirs=path_dict.items() dirs.sort(key=lambda e:e[1],reverse=True) find_matches(dirs,pattern,path_dict,results,re_flags=0,max_matches=9) dirs=path_dict.items() #we need to recreate the list since the first iteration potentially deletes paths dirs.sort(key=lambda e:e[1],reverse=True) if completion or not results: #if not found, try ignoring case. On completion always show all results find_matches(dirs,pattern,path_dict,results,re_flags=re.IGNORECASE,max_matches=9) if dead_dirs and not completion: #save the dict if there were some non-existent directories in the database save(path_dict,dic_file) if userchoice!=-1: if len(results) > userchoice-1 : print results[userchoice-1] elif len(results) > 1 and completion: print "\n".join(("%s__%d__%s" % (pattern,n+1,r) for n,r in enumerate(results[:8]))) else: if results : print results[0]