#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import division import cPickle import getopt from sys import argv import os import signal def signal_handler(arg1,arg2): print "Received SIGINT, trying to continue" signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,signal_handler) #Don't break on sigint #add the following to your .bashrc: """ PROMPT_COMMAND='autojump.py -a $(pwd)' function j { cd "$(autojump.py $1)"; } """ max_keyweight=1000 def dicadd(dic,key,increment=1): dic[key]=dic.get(key,0.)+increment def match(path,pattern,path_dict): import re if os.path.realpath(os.curdir)==path : return False if re.search(pattern,"/".join(path.split('/')[-1-pattern.count('/'):]),re.IGNORECASE) is None: return False else: if os.path.exists(path) : return True else: #clean up dead directories del path_dict[path] return False optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'a',['stat','import']) dic_file=os.path.expanduser("~/.autojump_py") try: aj_file=open(dic_file) path_dict=cPickle.load(aj_file) aj_file.close() except IOError: path_dict={} if ('-a','') in optlist: dicadd(path_dict," ".join(args)) cPickle.dump(path_dict,open(dic_file,'w'),-1) elif ('--stat','') in optlist: a=path_dict.items() a.sort(key=lambda e:e[1]) for path,count in a[-100:]: print "%.1f:\t%s" % (count,path) print "Total key weight: %d" % sum(path_dict.values()) elif ('--import','') in optlist: for i in open(" ".join(args)).readlines(): dicadd(path_dict,i[:-1]) cPickle.dump(path_dict,open(dic_file,'w'),-1) else: keyweight=sum(path_dict.values()) #Gradually forget about old directories if keyweight>max_keyweight: for k in path_dict.keys(): path_dict[k]*=0.9*max_keyweight/keyweight if not args: args=[''] dirs=path_dict.items() dirs.sort(key=lambda e:e[1],reverse=True) for path,count in dirs: if match(path," ".join(args),path_dict): print path break cPickle.dump(path_dict,open(dic_file+".tmp",'w'),-1) import shutil shutil.copy(dic_file+".tmp",dic_file) #cPickle.dump doesn't seem to be atomic, so this is more secure