import { clickDetectorGlobals } from "../core/click_detector"; import { globalConfig, SUPPORT_TOUCH } from "../core/config"; import { createLogger } from "../core/logging"; import { Rectangle } from "../core/rectangle"; import { Signal, STOP_PROPAGATION } from "../core/signal"; import { clamp } from "../core/utils"; import { mixVector, Vector } from "../core/vector"; import { BasicSerializableObject, types } from "../savegame/serialization"; import { KEYMAPPINGS } from "./key_action_mapper"; import { GameRoot } from "./root"; const logger = createLogger("camera"); export const USER_INTERACT_MOVE = "move"; export const USER_INTERACT_ZOOM = "zoom"; export const USER_INTERACT_TOUCHEND = "touchend"; const velocitySmoothing = 0.5; const velocityFade = 0.98; const velocityStrength = 0.4; const velocityMax = 20; const ticksBeforeErasingVelocity = 10; /** * @enum {string} */ export const enumMouseButton = { left: "left", middle: "middle", right: "right", }; export class Camera extends BasicSerializableObject { constructor(root) { super(); /** @type {GameRoot} */ this.root = root; // Zoom level, 2 means double size // Find optimal initial zoom this.zoomLevel = this.findInitialZoom(); this.clampZoomLevel(); /** @type {Vector} */ = new Vector(0, 0); // Input handling this.currentlyMoving = false; this.lastMovingPosition = null; this.lastMovingPositionLastTick = null; this.numTicksStandingStill = null; this.cameraUpdateTimeBucket = 0.0; this.didMoveSinceTouchStart = false; this.currentlyPinching = false; this.lastPinchPositions = null; this.keyboardForce = new Vector(); // Signal which gets emitted once the user changed something this.userInteraction = new Signal(); /** @type {Vector} */ this.currentShake = new Vector(0, 0); /** @type {Vector} */ this.currentPan = new Vector(0, 0); // Set desired pan (camera movement) /** @type {Vector} */ this.desiredPan = new Vector(0, 0); // Set desired camera center /** @type {Vector} */ this.desiredCenter = null; // Set desired camera zoom /** @type {number} */ this.desiredZoom = null; /** @type {Vector} */ this.touchPostMoveVelocity = new Vector(0, 0); // Handlers this.downPreHandler = /** @type {TypedSignal<[Vector, enumMouseButton]>} */ (new Signal()); this.movePreHandler = /** @type {TypedSignal<[Vector]>} */ (new Signal()); // this.pinchPreHandler = /** @type {TypedSignal<[Vector]>} */ (new Signal()); this.upPostHandler = /** @type {TypedSignal<[Vector]>} */ (new Signal()); this.internalInitEvents(); this.clampZoomLevel(); this.bindKeys(); if (G_IS_DEV) { window.addEventListener("keydown", ev => { if (ev.key === "i") { this.zoomLevel = 3; } }); } } // Serialization static getId() { return "Camera"; } static getSchema() { return { zoomLevel: types.float, center: types.vector, }; } deserialize(data) { const errorCode = super.deserialize(data); if (errorCode) { return errorCode; } // Safety this.clampZoomLevel(); } // Simple getters & setters addScreenShake(amount) { const currentShakeAmount = this.currentShake.length(); const scale = 1 / (1 + 3 * currentShakeAmount); this.currentShake.x = this.currentShake.x + 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5) * scale * amount; this.currentShake.y = this.currentShake.y + 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5) * scale * amount; } /** * Sets a point in world space to focus on * @param {Vector} center */ setDesiredCenter(center) { this.desiredCenter = center.copy(); this.currentlyMoving = false; } /** * Sets a desired zoom level * @param {number} zoom */ setDesiredZoom(zoom) { this.desiredZoom = zoom; } /** * Returns if this camera is currently moving by a non-user interaction */ isCurrentlyMovingToDesiredCenter() { return this.desiredCenter !== null; } /** * Sets the camera pan, every frame the camera will move by this amount * @param {Vector} pan */ setPan(pan) { this.desiredPan = pan.copy(); } /** * Finds a good initial zoom level */ findInitialZoom() { const desiredWorldSpaceWidth = 15 * globalConfig.tileSize; const zoomLevelX = this.root.gameWidth / desiredWorldSpaceWidth; const zoomLevelY = this.root.gameHeight / desiredWorldSpaceWidth; const finalLevel = Math.min(zoomLevelX, zoomLevelY); assert( Number.isFinite(finalLevel) && finalLevel > 0, "Invalid zoom level computed for initial zoom: " + finalLevel ); return finalLevel; } /** * Clears all animations */ clearAnimations() { this.touchPostMoveVelocity.x = 0; this.touchPostMoveVelocity.y = 0; this.desiredCenter = null; this.desiredPan.x = 0; this.desiredPan.y = 0; this.currentPan.x = 0; this.currentPan.y = 0; this.currentlyPinching = false; this.currentlyMoving = false; this.lastMovingPosition = null; this.didMoveSinceTouchStart = false; this.desiredZoom = null; } /** * Returns if the user is currently interacting with the camera * @returns {boolean} true if the user interacts */ isCurrentlyInteracting() { if (this.currentlyPinching) { return true; } if (this.currentlyMoving) { // Only interacting if moved at least once return this.didMoveSinceTouchStart; } if (this.touchPostMoveVelocity.lengthSquare() > 1) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns if in the next frame the viewport will change * @returns {boolean} true if it willchange */ viewportWillChange() { return this.desiredCenter !== null || this.desiredZoom !== null || this.isCurrentlyInteracting(); } /** * Cancels all interactions, that is user interaction and non user interaction */ cancelAllInteractions() { this.touchPostMoveVelocity = new Vector(0, 0); this.desiredCenter = null; this.currentlyMoving = false; this.currentlyPinching = false; this.desiredZoom = null; } /** * Returns effective viewport width */ getViewportWidth() { return this.root.gameWidth / this.zoomLevel; } /** * Returns effective viewport height */ getViewportHeight() { return this.root.gameHeight / this.zoomLevel; } /** * Returns effective world space viewport left */ getViewportLeft() { return - this.getViewportWidth() / 2 + (this.currentShake.x * 10) / this.zoomLevel; } /** * Returns effective world space viewport right */ getViewportRight() { return + this.getViewportWidth() / 2 + (this.currentShake.x * 10) / this.zoomLevel; } /** * Returns effective world space viewport top */ getViewportTop() { return - this.getViewportHeight() / 2 + (this.currentShake.x * 10) / this.zoomLevel; } /** * Returns effective world space viewport bottom */ getViewportBottom() { return + this.getViewportHeight() / 2 + (this.currentShake.x * 10) / this.zoomLevel; } /** * Returns the visible world space rect * @returns {Rectangle} */ getVisibleRect() { return Rectangle.fromTRBL( Math.floor(this.getViewportTop()), Math.ceil(this.getViewportRight()), Math.ceil(this.getViewportBottom()), Math.floor(this.getViewportLeft()) ); } getIsMapOverlayActive() { return this.zoomLevel < globalConfig.mapChunkOverviewMinZoom; } /** * Attaches all event listeners */ internalInitEvents() { this.eventListenerTouchStart = this.onTouchStart.bind(this); this.eventListenerTouchEnd = this.onTouchEnd.bind(this); this.eventListenerTouchMove = this.onTouchMove.bind(this); this.eventListenerMousewheel = this.onMouseWheel.bind(this); this.eventListenerMouseDown = this.onMouseDown.bind(this); this.eventListenerMouseMove = this.onMouseMove.bind(this); this.eventListenerMouseUp = this.onMouseUp.bind(this); if (SUPPORT_TOUCH) { this.root.canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", this.eventListenerTouchStart); this.root.canvas.addEventListener("touchend", this.eventListenerTouchEnd); this.root.canvas.addEventListener("touchcancel", this.eventListenerTouchEnd); this.root.canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", this.eventListenerTouchMove); } this.root.canvas.addEventListener("wheel", this.eventListenerMousewheel); this.root.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", this.eventListenerMouseDown); this.root.canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", this.eventListenerMouseMove); window.addEventListener("mouseup", this.eventListenerMouseUp); // this.root.canvas.addEventListener("mouseout", this.eventListenerMouseUp); } /** * Cleans up all event listeners */ cleanup() { if (SUPPORT_TOUCH) { this.root.canvas.removeEventListener("touchstart", this.eventListenerTouchStart); this.root.canvas.removeEventListener("touchend", this.eventListenerTouchEnd); this.root.canvas.removeEventListener("touchcancel", this.eventListenerTouchEnd); this.root.canvas.removeEventListener("touchmove", this.eventListenerTouchMove); } this.root.canvas.removeEventListener("wheel", this.eventListenerMousewheel); this.root.canvas.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.eventListenerMouseDown); this.root.canvas.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.eventListenerMouseMove); window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.eventListenerMouseUp); // this.root.canvas.removeEventListener("mouseout", this.eventListenerMouseUp); } /** * Binds the arrow keys */ bindKeys() { const mapper = this.root.keyMapper; mapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.mapMoveUp).add(() => (this.keyboardForce.y = -1)); mapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.mapMoveDown).add(() => (this.keyboardForce.y = 1)); mapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.mapMoveRight).add(() => (this.keyboardForce.x = 1)); mapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.mapMoveLeft).add(() => (this.keyboardForce.x = -1)); mapper .getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.mapZoomIn) .add(() => (this.desiredZoom = this.zoomLevel * 1.2)); mapper .getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.mapZoomOut) .add(() => (this.desiredZoom = this.zoomLevel / 1.2)); mapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.centerMap).add(() => this.centerOnMap()); } centerOnMap() { this.desiredCenter = new Vector(0, 0); } /** * Converts from screen to world space * @param {Vector} screen * @returns {Vector} world space */ screenToWorld(screen) { const centerSpace = screen.subScalars(this.root.gameWidth / 2, this.root.gameHeight / 2); return centerSpace.divideScalar(this.zoomLevel).add(; } /** * Converts from world to screen space * @param {Vector} world * @returns {Vector} screen space */ worldToScreen(world) { const screenSpace = world.sub(; return screenSpace.addScalars(this.root.gameWidth / 2, this.root.gameHeight / 2); } /** * Returns if a point is on screen * @param {Vector} point * @returns {boolean} true if its on screen */ isWorldPointOnScreen(point) { const rect = this.getVisibleRect(); return rect.containsPoint(point.x, point.y); } getMaximumZoom() { return this.root.gameMode.getMaximumZoom(); } getMinimumZoom() { return this.root.gameMode.getMinimumZoom(); } /** * Returns if we can further zoom in * @returns {boolean} */ canZoomIn() { return this.zoomLevel <= this.getMaximumZoom() - 0.01; } /** * Returns if we can further zoom out * @returns {boolean} */ canZoomOut() { return this.zoomLevel >= this.getMinimumZoom() + 0.01; } // EVENTS /** * Checks if the mouse event is too close after a touch event and thus * should get ignored */ checkPreventDoubleMouse() { if ( - clickDetectorGlobals.lastTouchTime < 1000.0) { return false; } return true; } /** * Mousedown handler * @param {MouseEvent} event */ onMouseDown(event) { if (event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); // event.stopPropagation(); } if (!this.checkPreventDoubleMouse()) { return; } this.touchPostMoveVelocity = new Vector(0, 0); if (event.button === 0) { this.combinedSingleTouchStartHandler(event.clientX, event.clientY); } else if (event.button === 1) { this.downPreHandler.dispatch(new Vector(event.clientX, event.clientY), enumMouseButton.middle); } else if (event.button === 2) { this.downPreHandler.dispatch(new Vector(event.clientX, event.clientY), enumMouseButton.right); } return false; } /** * Mousemove handler * @param {MouseEvent} event */ onMouseMove(event) { if (event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); // event.stopPropagation(); } if (!this.checkPreventDoubleMouse()) { return; } if (event.button === 0) { this.combinedSingleTouchMoveHandler(event.clientX, event.clientY); } // Clamp everything afterwards this.clampZoomLevel(); this.clampToBounds(); return false; } /** * Mouseup handler * @param {MouseEvent=} event */ onMouseUp(event) { if (event) { if (event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); // event.stopPropagation(); } } if (!this.checkPreventDoubleMouse()) { return; } this.combinedSingleTouchStopHandler(event.clientX, event.clientY); return false; } /** * Mousewheel event * @param {WheelEvent} event */ onMouseWheel(event) { if (event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); // event.stopPropagation(); } const prevZoom = this.zoomLevel; const scale = 1 + 0.15 *; assert(Number.isFinite(scale), "Got invalid scale in mouse wheel event: " + event.deltaY); assert(Number.isFinite(this.zoomLevel), "Got invalid zoom level *before* wheel: " + this.zoomLevel); this.zoomLevel *= event.deltaY < 0 ? scale : 1 / scale; assert(Number.isFinite(this.zoomLevel), "Got invalid zoom level *after* wheel: " + this.zoomLevel); this.clampZoomLevel(); this.desiredZoom = null; let mousePosition =; if (! { mousePosition = new Vector(this.root.gameWidth / 2, this.root.gameHeight / 2); } if (mousePosition) { const worldPos =; const worldDelta = worldPos.sub(; const actualDelta = this.zoomLevel / prevZoom - 1; =; this.desiredCenter = null; } return false; } /** * Touch start handler * @param {TouchEvent} event */ onTouchStart(event) { if (event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); // event.stopPropagation(); } clickDetectorGlobals.lastTouchTime =; this.touchPostMoveVelocity = new Vector(0, 0); if (event.touches.length === 1) { const touch = event.touches[0]; this.combinedSingleTouchStartHandler(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); } else if (event.touches.length === 2) { // if (this.pinchPreHandler.dispatch() === STOP_PROPAGATION) { // // Something prevented pinching // return false; // } const touch1 = event.touches[0]; const touch2 = event.touches[1]; this.currentlyMoving = false; this.currentlyPinching = true; this.lastPinchPositions = [ new Vector(touch1.clientX, touch1.clientY), new Vector(touch2.clientX, touch2.clientY), ]; } return false; } /** * Touch move handler * @param {TouchEvent} event */ onTouchMove(event) { if (event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); // event.stopPropagation(); } clickDetectorGlobals.lastTouchTime =; if (event.touches.length === 1) { const touch = event.touches[0]; this.combinedSingleTouchMoveHandler(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); } else if (event.touches.length === 2) { if (this.currentlyPinching) { const touch1 = event.touches[0]; const touch2 = event.touches[1]; const newPinchPositions = [ new Vector(touch1.clientX, touch1.clientY), new Vector(touch2.clientX, touch2.clientY), ]; // Get distance of taps last time and now const lastDistance = this.lastPinchPositions[0].distance(this.lastPinchPositions[1]); const thisDistance = newPinchPositions[0].distance(newPinchPositions[1]); // IMPORTANT to do math max here to avoid NaN and causing an invalid zoom level const difference = thisDistance / Math.max(0.001, lastDistance); // Find old center of zoom let oldCenter = this.lastPinchPositions[0].centerPoint(this.lastPinchPositions[1]); // Find new center of zoom let center = newPinchPositions[0].centerPoint(newPinchPositions[1]); // Compute movement let movement = oldCenter.sub(center); += movement.x / this.zoomLevel; += movement.y / this.zoomLevel; // Compute zoom center = center.sub(new Vector(this.root.gameWidth / 2, this.root.gameHeight / 2)); // Apply zoom assert( Number.isFinite(difference), "Invalid pinch difference: " + difference + "(last=" + lastDistance + ", new = " + thisDistance + ")" ); this.zoomLevel *= difference; // Stick to pivot point const correcture = center.multiplyScalar(difference - 1).divideScalar(this.zoomLevel); =; this.lastPinchPositions = newPinchPositions; this.userInteraction.dispatch(USER_INTERACT_MOVE); // Since we zoomed, abort any programmed zooming if (this.desiredZoom) { this.desiredZoom = null; } } } // Clamp everything afterwards this.clampZoomLevel(); return false; } /** * Touch end and cancel handler * @param {TouchEvent=} event */ onTouchEnd(event) { if (event) { if (event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); // event.stopPropagation(); } } clickDetectorGlobals.lastTouchTime =; if (event.changedTouches.length === 0) { logger.warn("Touch end without changed touches"); } const touch = event.changedTouches[0]; this.combinedSingleTouchStopHandler(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); return false; } /** * Internal touch start handler * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ combinedSingleTouchStartHandler(x, y) { const pos = new Vector(x, y); if (this.downPreHandler.dispatch(pos, enumMouseButton.left) === STOP_PROPAGATION) { // Somebody else captured it return; } this.touchPostMoveVelocity = new Vector(0, 0); this.currentlyMoving = true; this.lastMovingPosition = pos; this.lastMovingPositionLastTick = null; this.numTicksStandingStill = 0; this.didMoveSinceTouchStart = false; } /** * Internal touch move handler * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ combinedSingleTouchMoveHandler(x, y) { const pos = new Vector(x, y); if (this.movePreHandler.dispatch(pos) === STOP_PROPAGATION) { // Somebody else captured it return; } if (!this.currentlyMoving) { return false; } let delta = this.lastMovingPosition.sub(pos).divideScalar(this.zoomLevel); if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.testCulling) { // When testing culling, we see everything from the same distance delta = delta.multiplyScalar(this.zoomLevel * -2); } this.didMoveSinceTouchStart = this.didMoveSinceTouchStart || delta.length() > 0; =; this.touchPostMoveVelocity = this.touchPostMoveVelocity .multiplyScalar(velocitySmoothing) .add(delta.multiplyScalar(1 - velocitySmoothing)); this.lastMovingPosition = pos; this.userInteraction.dispatch(USER_INTERACT_MOVE); // Since we moved, abort any programmed moving if (this.desiredCenter) { this.desiredCenter = null; } } /** * Internal touch stop handler */ combinedSingleTouchStopHandler(x, y) { if (this.currentlyMoving || this.currentlyPinching) { this.currentlyMoving = false; this.currentlyPinching = false; this.lastMovingPosition = null; this.lastMovingPositionLastTick = null; this.numTicksStandingStill = 0; this.lastPinchPositions = null; this.userInteraction.dispatch(USER_INTERACT_TOUCHEND); this.didMoveSinceTouchStart = false; } this.upPostHandler.dispatch(new Vector(x, y)); } /** * Clamps the camera zoom level within the allowed range */ clampZoomLevel() { if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.disableZoomLimits) { return; } assert(Number.isFinite(this.zoomLevel), "Invalid zoom level *before* clamp: " + this.zoomLevel); this.zoomLevel = clamp(this.zoomLevel, this.getMinimumZoom(), this.getMaximumZoom()); assert(Number.isFinite(this.zoomLevel), "Invalid zoom level *after* clamp: " + this.zoomLevel); if (this.desiredZoom) { this.desiredZoom = clamp(this.desiredZoom, this.getMinimumZoom(), this.getMaximumZoom()); } } /** * Clamps the center within set boundaries */ clampToBounds() { const bounds = this.root.gameMode.getCameraBounds(); if (!bounds) { return; } const tileScaleBounds = this.root.gameMode.getCameraBounds().allScaled(globalConfig.tileSize); = clamp(, tileScaleBounds.x, tileScaleBounds.x + tileScaleBounds.w); = clamp(, tileScaleBounds.y, tileScaleBounds.y + tileScaleBounds.h); } /** * Updates the camera * @param {number} dt Delta time in milliseconds */ update(dt) { dt = Math.min(dt, 33); this.cameraUpdateTimeBucket += dt; // Simulate movement of N FPS const updatesPerFrame = 4; const physicsStepSizeMs = 1000.0 / (60.0 * updatesPerFrame); let now = this.root.time.systemNow() - 3 * physicsStepSizeMs; while (this.cameraUpdateTimeBucket > physicsStepSizeMs) { now += physicsStepSizeMs; this.cameraUpdateTimeBucket -= physicsStepSizeMs; this.internalUpdatePanning(now, physicsStepSizeMs); this.internalUpdateMousePanning(now, physicsStepSizeMs); this.internalUpdateZooming(now, physicsStepSizeMs); this.internalUpdateCentering(now, physicsStepSizeMs); this.internalUpdateShake(now, physicsStepSizeMs); this.internalUpdateKeyboardForce(now, physicsStepSizeMs); } this.clampZoomLevel(); } /** * Prepares a context to transform it * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context */ transform(context) { if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.testCulling) { context.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100); return; } this.clampZoomLevel(); const zoom = this.zoomLevel; context.transform( // Scale, skew, rotate zoom, 0, 0, zoom, // Translate -zoom * this.getViewportLeft(), -zoom * this.getViewportTop() ); } /** * Internal shake handler * @param {number} now Time now in seconds * @param {number} dt Delta time */ internalUpdateShake(now, dt) { this.currentShake = this.currentShake.multiplyScalar(0.92); } /** * Internal pan handler * @param {number} now Time now in seconds * @param {number} dt Delta time */ internalUpdatePanning(now, dt) { const baseStrength = velocityStrength *; this.touchPostMoveVelocity = this.touchPostMoveVelocity.multiplyScalar(velocityFade); // Check if the camera is being dragged but standing still: if not, zero out `touchPostMoveVelocity`. if (this.currentlyMoving && this.desiredCenter === null) { if ( this.lastMovingPositionLastTick !== null && this.lastMovingPositionLastTick.equalsEpsilon(this.lastMovingPosition) ) { this.numTicksStandingStill++; } else { this.numTicksStandingStill = 0; } this.lastMovingPositionLastTick = this.lastMovingPosition.copy(); if (this.numTicksStandingStill >= ticksBeforeErasingVelocity) { this.touchPostMoveVelocity.x = 0; this.touchPostMoveVelocity.y = 0; } } // Check influence of past points if (!this.currentlyMoving && !this.currentlyPinching) { const len = this.touchPostMoveVelocity.length(); if (len >= velocityMax) { this.touchPostMoveVelocity.x = (this.touchPostMoveVelocity.x * velocityMax) / len; this.touchPostMoveVelocity.y = (this.touchPostMoveVelocity.y * velocityMax) / len; } =; // Panning this.currentPan = mixVector(this.currentPan, this.desiredPan, 0.06); = * dt) / this.zoomLevel)); this.clampToBounds(); } } /** * Internal screen panning handler * @param {number} now * @param {number} dt */ internalUpdateMousePanning(now, dt) { if (! { return; } if (! { // Not enabled return; } const mousePos =; if (!mousePos) { return; } if (this.root.hud.shouldPauseGame() || this.root.hud.hasBlockingOverlayOpen()) { return; } if (this.desiredCenter || this.desiredZoom || this.currentlyMoving || this.currentlyPinching) { // Performing another method of movement right now return; } if ( mousePos.x < 0 || mousePos.y < 0 || mousePos.x > this.root.gameWidth || mousePos.y > this.root.gameHeight ) { // Out of screen return; } const panAreaPixels = 2; const panVelocity = new Vector(); if (mousePos.x < panAreaPixels) { panVelocity.x -= 1; } if (mousePos.x > this.root.gameWidth - panAreaPixels) { panVelocity.x += 1; } if (mousePos.y < panAreaPixels) { panVelocity.y -= 1; } if (mousePos.y > this.root.gameHeight - panAreaPixels) { panVelocity.y += 1; } = panVelocity.multiplyScalar( ((0.5 * dt) / this.zoomLevel) * ) ); this.clampToBounds(); } /** * Updates the non user interaction zooming * @param {number} now Time now in seconds * @param {number} dt Delta time */ internalUpdateZooming(now, dt) { if (!this.currentlyPinching && this.desiredZoom !== null) { const diff = this.zoomLevel - this.desiredZoom; if (Math.abs(diff) > 0.0001) { let fade = 0.94; if (diff > 0) { // Zoom out faster than in fade = 0.9; } assert(Number.isFinite(this.desiredZoom), "Desired zoom is NaN: " + this.desiredZoom); assert(Number.isFinite(fade), "Zoom fade is NaN: " + fade); this.zoomLevel = this.zoomLevel * fade + this.desiredZoom * (1 - fade); assert(Number.isFinite(this.zoomLevel), "Zoom level is NaN after fade: " + this.zoomLevel); } else { this.zoomLevel = this.desiredZoom; this.desiredZoom = null; } } } /** * Updates the non user interaction centering * @param {number} now Time now in seconds * @param {number} dt Delta time */ internalUpdateCentering(now, dt) { if (!this.currentlyMoving && this.desiredCenter !== null) { const diff =; const length = diff.length(); const tolerance = 1 / this.zoomLevel; if (length > tolerance) { const movement = diff.multiplyScalar(Math.min(1, dt * 0.008)); += movement.x; += movement.y; } else { this.desiredCenter = null; } } } /** * Updates the keyboard forces * @param {number} now * @param {number} dt Delta time */ internalUpdateKeyboardForce(now, dt) { if (!this.currentlyMoving && this.desiredCenter == null) { const limitingDimension = Math.min(this.root.gameWidth, this.root.gameHeight); const moveAmount = ((limitingDimension / 2048) * dt) / this.zoomLevel; let forceX = 0; let forceY = 0; const actionMapper = this.root.keyMapper; if (actionMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.mapMoveUp).pressed) { forceY -= 1; } if (actionMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.mapMoveDown).pressed) { forceY += 1; } if (actionMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.mapMoveLeft).pressed) { forceX -= 1; } if (actionMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.mapMoveRight).pressed) { forceX += 1; } let movementSpeed = * (actionMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.mapMoveFaster).pressed ? 4 : 1); += moveAmount * forceX * movementSpeed; += moveAmount * forceY * movementSpeed; this.clampToBounds(); } } }