/* eslint-disable quotes,no-undef */ const { app, BrowserWindow, Menu, MenuItem, session } = require("electron"); const path = require("path"); const url = require("url"); const { ipcMain, shell } = require("electron"); const fs = require("fs"); const steam = require("./steam"); const asyncLock = require("async-lock"); const isDev = process.argv.indexOf("--dev") >= 0; const isLocal = process.argv.indexOf("--local") >= 0; const roamingFolder = process.env.APPDATA || (process.platform == "darwin" ? process.env.HOME + "/Library/Preferences" : process.env.HOME + "/.local/share"); let storePath = path.join(roamingFolder, "shapez.io", "saves"); if (!fs.existsSync(storePath)) { // No try-catch by design fs.mkdirSync(storePath, { recursive: true }); } /** @type {BrowserWindow} */ let win = null; let menu = null; function createWindow() { let faviconExtension = ".png"; if (process.platform === "win32") { faviconExtension = ".ico"; } win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 1280, height: 800, show: false, backgroundColor: "#222428", useContentSize: true, minWidth: 800, minHeight: 600, title: "shapez.io Standalone", transparent: false, icon: path.join(__dirname, "favicon" + faviconExtension), // fullscreen: true, autoHideMenuBar: true, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, webSecurity: false, }, allowRunningInsecureContent: false, }); if (isLocal) { win.loadURL("http://localhost:3005"); } else { win.loadURL( url.format({ pathname: path.join(__dirname, "index.html"), protocol: "file:", slashes: true, }) ); } win.webContents.session.clearCache(); win.webContents.session.clearStorageData(); win.webContents.on("new-window", (event, pth) => { event.preventDefault(); shell.openExternal(pth); }); win.on("closed", () => { console.log("Window closed"); win = null; app.quit(); }); function handleWindowBeforeunload(event) { const confirmed = dialog.showMessageBox(remote.getCurrentWindow(), options) === 1; if (confirmed) { remote.getCurrentWindow().close(); } else { event.returnValue = false; } } win.on("", handleWindowBeforeunload); if (isDev) { menu = new Menu(); const mainItem = new MenuItem({ label: "Toggle Dev Tools", click: () => win.toggleDevTools(), accelerator: "F12", }); menu.append(mainItem); const reloadItem = new MenuItem({ label: "Restart", click: () => win.reload(), accelerator: "F5", }); menu.append(reloadItem); const fullscreenItem = new MenuItem({ label: "Fullscreen", click: () => win.setFullScreen(!win.isFullScreen()), accelerator: "F11", }); menu.append(fullscreenItem); Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu); } else { Menu.setApplicationMenu(null); } win.once("ready-to-show", () => { win.show(); win.focus(); }); } if (!app.requestSingleInstanceLock()) { app.exit(0); } else { app.on("second-instance", (event, commandLine, workingDirectory) => { // Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus if (win) { if (win.isMinimized()) { win.restore(); } win.focus(); } }); } app.on("ready", createWindow); app.on("window-all-closed", () => { console.log("All windows closed"); app.quit(); }); ipcMain.on("set-fullscreen", (event, flag) => { win.setFullScreen(flag); }); ipcMain.on("exit-app", (event, flag) => { win.close(); app.quit(); }); let renameCounter = 1; const fileLock = new asyncLock({ timeout: 30000, maxPending: 1000, }); function niceFileName(filename) { return filename.replace(storePath, "@"); } async function writeFileSafe(filename, contents) { ++renameCounter; const prefix = "[ " + renameCounter + ":" + niceFileName(filename) + " ] "; const transactionId = String(new Date().getTime()) + "." + renameCounter; if (fileLock.isBusy()) { console.warn(prefix, "Concurrent write process on", filename); } fileLock.acquire(filename, async () => { console.log(prefix, "Starting write on", niceFileName(filename), "in transaction", transactionId); if (!fs.existsSync(filename)) { // this one is easy console.log(prefix, "Writing file instantly because it does not exist:", niceFileName(filename)); await fs.promises.writeFile(filename, contents, { encoding: "utf8" }); return; } // first, write a temporary file (.tmp-XXX) const tempName = filename + ".tmp-" + transactionId; console.log(prefix, "Writing temporary file", niceFileName(tempName)); await fs.promises.writeFile(tempName, contents, { encoding: "utf8" }); // now, rename the original file to (.backup-XXX) const oldTemporaryName = filename + ".backup-" + transactionId; console.log( prefix, "Renaming old file", niceFileName(filename), "to", niceFileName(oldTemporaryName) ); await fs.promises.rename(filename, oldTemporaryName); // now, rename the temporary file (.tmp-XXX) to the target console.log( prefix, "Renaming the temporary file", niceFileName(tempName), "to the original", niceFileName(filename) ); await fs.promises.rename(tempName, filename); // we are done now, try to create a backup, but don't fail if the backup fails try { // check if there is an old backup file const backupFileName = filename + ".backup"; if (fs.existsSync(backupFileName)) { console.log(prefix, "Deleting old backup file", niceFileName(backupFileName)); // delete the old backup await fs.promises.unlink(backupFileName); } // rename the old file to the new backup file console.log(prefix, "Moving", niceFileName(oldTemporaryName), "to the backup file location"); await fs.promises.rename(oldTemporaryName, backupFileName); } catch (ex) { console.error(prefix, "Failed to switch backup files:", ex); } }); } async function performFsJob(job) { const fname = path.join(storePath, job.filename); switch (job.type) { case "read": { if (!fs.existsSync(fname)) { return { // Special FILE_NOT_FOUND error code error: "file_not_found", }; } try { const data = await fs.promises.readFile(fname, { encoding: "utf8" }); return { success: true, data, }; } catch (ex) { return { error: ex, }; } } case "write": { try { await writeFileSafe(fname, job.contents); return { success: true, data: job.contents, }; } catch (ex) { return { error: ex, }; } } case "delete": { try { await fs.promises.unlink(fname); } catch (ex) { return { error: ex, }; } return { success: true, data: null, }; } default: throw new Error("Unkown fs job: " + job.type); } } ipcMain.on("fs-job", async (event, arg) => { const result = await performFsJob(arg); event.reply("fs-response", { id: arg.id, result }); }); steam.init(isDev); steam.listen();