import { globalConfig } from "../../core/config"; import { Loader } from "../../core/loader"; import { createLogger } from "../../core/logging"; import { Rectangle } from "../../core/rectangle"; import { StaleAreaDetector } from "../../core/stale_area_detector"; import { fastArrayDelete } from "../../core/utils"; import { enumAngleToDirection, enumDirection, enumDirectionToAngle, enumDirectionToVector, enumInvertedDirections, } from "../../core/vector"; import { enumUndergroundBeltMode, UndergroundBeltComponent } from "../components/underground_belt"; import { Entity } from "../entity"; import { GameSystemWithFilter } from "../game_system_with_filter"; const logger = createLogger("tunnels"); export class UndergroundBeltSystem extends GameSystemWithFilter { constructor(root) { super(root, [UndergroundBeltComponent]); this.beltSprites = { [enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender]: Loader.getSprite( "sprites/buildings/underground_belt_entry.png" ), [enumUndergroundBeltMode.receiver]: Loader.getSprite( "sprites/buildings/underground_belt_exit.png" ), }; this.staleAreaWatcher = new StaleAreaDetector({ root: this.root, name: "underground-belt", recomputeMethod: this.recomputeArea.bind(this), }); this.root.signals.entityManuallyPlaced.add(this.onEntityManuallyPlaced, this); // NOTICE: Once we remove a tunnel, we need to update the whole area to // clear outdated handles this.staleAreaWatcher.recomputeOnComponentsChanged( [UndergroundBeltComponent], globalConfig.undergroundBeltMaxTilesByTier[globalConfig.undergroundBeltMaxTilesByTier.length - 1] ); } /** * Callback when an entity got placed, used to remove belts between underground belts * @param {Entity} entity */ onEntityManuallyPlaced(entity) { if (! { // Smart-place disabled return; } const undergroundComp = entity.components.UndergroundBelt; if (undergroundComp && undergroundComp.mode === enumUndergroundBeltMode.receiver) { const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; const tile = staticComp.origin; const direction = enumAngleToDirection[staticComp.rotation]; const inverseDirection = enumInvertedDirections[direction]; const offset = enumDirectionToVector[inverseDirection]; let currentPos = tile.copy(); const tier = undergroundComp.tier; const range = globalConfig.undergroundBeltMaxTilesByTier[tier]; // FIND ENTRANCE // Search for the entrance which is farthest apart (this is why we can't reuse logic here) let matchingEntrance = null; for (let i = 0; i < range; ++i) { currentPos.addInplace(offset); const contents =, entity.layer); if (!contents) { continue; } const contentsUndergroundComp = contents.components.UndergroundBelt; const contentsStaticComp = contents.components.StaticMapEntity; if ( contentsUndergroundComp && contentsUndergroundComp.tier === undergroundComp.tier && contentsUndergroundComp.mode === enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender && enumAngleToDirection[contentsStaticComp.rotation] === direction ) { matchingEntrance = { entity: contents, range: i, }; } } if (!matchingEntrance) { // Nothing found return; } // DETECT OBSOLETE BELTS BETWEEN // Remove any belts between entrance and exit which have the same direction, // but only if they *all* have the right direction currentPos = tile.copy(); let allBeltsMatch = true; for (let i = 0; i < matchingEntrance.range; ++i) { currentPos.addInplace(offset); const contents =, entity.layer); if (!contents) { allBeltsMatch = false; break; } const contentsStaticComp = contents.components.StaticMapEntity; const contentsBeltComp = contents.components.Belt; if (!contentsBeltComp) { allBeltsMatch = false; break; } // It's a belt if ( contentsBeltComp.direction !== || enumAngleToDirection[contentsStaticComp.rotation] !== direction ) { allBeltsMatch = false; break; } } currentPos = tile.copy(); if (allBeltsMatch) { // All belts between this are obsolete, so drop them for (let i = 0; i < matchingEntrance.range; ++i) { currentPos.addInplace(offset); const contents =, entity.layer); assert(contents, "Invalid smart underground belt logic"); this.root.logic.tryDeleteBuilding(contents); } } // REMOVE OBSOLETE TUNNELS // Remove any double tunnels, by checking the tile plus the tile above currentPos = tile.copy().add(offset); for (let i = 0; i < matchingEntrance.range - 1; ++i) { const posBefore = currentPos.copy(); currentPos.addInplace(offset); const entityBefore =, entity.layer); const entityAfter =, entity.layer); if (!entityBefore || !entityAfter) { continue; } const undergroundBefore = entityBefore.components.UndergroundBelt; const undergroundAfter = entityAfter.components.UndergroundBelt; if (!undergroundBefore || !undergroundAfter) { // Not an underground belt continue; } if ( // Both same tier undergroundBefore.tier !== undergroundAfter.tier || // And same tier as our original entity undergroundBefore.tier !== undergroundComp.tier ) { // Mismatching tier continue; } if ( undergroundBefore.mode !== enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender || undergroundAfter.mode !== enumUndergroundBeltMode.receiver ) { // Not the right mode continue; } // Check rotations const staticBefore = entityBefore.components.StaticMapEntity; const staticAfter = entityAfter.components.StaticMapEntity; if ( enumAngleToDirection[staticBefore.rotation] !== direction || enumAngleToDirection[staticAfter.rotation] !== direction ) { // Wrong rotation continue; } // All good, can remove this.root.logic.tryDeleteBuilding(entityBefore); this.root.logic.tryDeleteBuilding(entityAfter); } } } /** * Recomputes the cache in the given area, invalidating all entries there * @param {Rectangle} area */ recomputeArea(area) { for (let x = area.x; x < area.right(); ++x) { for (let y = area.y; y < area.bottom(); ++y) { const entities =, y); for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i) { const entity = entities[i]; const undergroundComp = entity.components.UndergroundBelt; if (!undergroundComp) { continue; } undergroundComp.cachedLinkedEntity = null; } } } } update() { this.staleAreaWatcher.update(); for (let i = 0; i < this.allEntities.length; ++i) { const entity = this.allEntities[i]; const undergroundComp = entity.components.UndergroundBelt; if (undergroundComp.mode === enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender) { this.handleSender(entity); } else { this.handleReceiver(entity); } } } /** * Finds the receiver for a given sender * @param {Entity} entity * @returns {import("../components/underground_belt").LinkedUndergroundBelt} */ findRecieverForSender(entity) { const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; const undergroundComp = entity.components.UndergroundBelt; const searchDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(; const searchVector = enumDirectionToVector[searchDirection]; const targetRotation = enumDirectionToAngle[searchDirection]; let currentTile = staticComp.origin; // Search in the direction of the tunnel for ( let searchOffset = 0; searchOffset < globalConfig.undergroundBeltMaxTilesByTier[undergroundComp.tier]; ++searchOffset ) { currentTile = currentTile.add(searchVector); const potentialReceiver =, "regular"); if (!potentialReceiver) { // Empty tile continue; } const receiverUndergroundComp = potentialReceiver.components.UndergroundBelt; if (!receiverUndergroundComp || receiverUndergroundComp.tier !== undergroundComp.tier) { // Not a tunnel, or not on the same tier continue; } const receiverStaticComp = potentialReceiver.components.StaticMapEntity; if (receiverStaticComp.rotation !== targetRotation) { // Wrong rotation continue; } if (receiverUndergroundComp.mode !== enumUndergroundBeltMode.receiver) { // Not a receiver, but a sender -> Abort to make sure we don't deliver double break; } return { entity: potentialReceiver, distance: searchOffset }; } // None found return { entity: null, distance: 0 }; } /** * * @param {Entity} entity */ handleSender(entity) { const undergroundComp = entity.components.UndergroundBelt; // Find the current receiver let cacheEntry = undergroundComp.cachedLinkedEntity; if (!cacheEntry) { // Need to recompute cache cacheEntry = undergroundComp.cachedLinkedEntity = this.findRecieverForSender(entity); } if (!cacheEntry.entity) { // If there is no connection to a receiver, ignore this one return; } // Check if we have any items to eject const nextItemAndDuration = undergroundComp.pendingItems[0]; if (nextItemAndDuration) { assert(undergroundComp.pendingItems.length === 1, "more than 1 pending"); // Check if the receiver can accept it if ( cacheEntry.entity.components.UndergroundBelt.tryAcceptTunneledItem( nextItemAndDuration[0], cacheEntry.distance, this.root.hubGoals.getUndergroundBeltBaseSpeed(), ) ) { // Drop this item fastArrayDelete(undergroundComp.pendingItems, 0); } } } /** * * @param {Entity} entity */ handleReceiver(entity) { const undergroundComp = entity.components.UndergroundBelt; // Try to eject items, we only check the first one because it is sorted by remaining time const nextItemAndDuration = undergroundComp.pendingItems[0]; if (nextItemAndDuration) { if ( > nextItemAndDuration[1]) { const ejectorComp = entity.components.ItemEjector; const nextSlotIndex = ejectorComp.getFirstFreeSlot(); if (nextSlotIndex !== null) { if (ejectorComp.tryEject(nextSlotIndex, nextItemAndDuration[0])) { undergroundComp.pendingItems.shift(); } } } } } }