import { globalConfig } from "../core/config"; import { createLogger } from "../core/logging"; import { STOP_PROPAGATION } from "../core/signal"; import { round2Digits } from "../core/utils"; import { enumDirection, enumDirectionToVector, enumInvertedDirections, Vector } from "../core/vector"; import { getBuildingDataFromCode } from "./building_codes"; import { enumWireVariant } from "./components/wire"; import { Entity } from "./entity"; import { CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES } from "./map_chunk_view"; import { MetaBuilding } from "./meta_building"; import { GameRoot } from "./root"; import { WireNetwork } from "./systems/wire"; const logger = createLogger("ingame/logic"); /** * Typing helper * @typedef {Array<{ * entity: Entity, * slot: import("./components/item_ejector").ItemEjectorSlot, * fromTile: Vector, * toDirection: enumDirection * }>} EjectorsAffectingTile */ /** * Typing helper * @typedef {Array<{ * entity: Entity, * slot: import("./components/item_acceptor").ItemAcceptorSlot, * toTile: Vector, * fromDirection: enumDirection * }>} AcceptorsAffectingTile */ /** * @typedef {{ * acceptors: AcceptorsAffectingTile, * ejectors: EjectorsAffectingTile * }} AcceptorsAndEjectorsAffectingTile */ export class GameLogic { /** * * @param {GameRoot} root */ constructor(root) { this.root = root; } /** * Checks if the given entity can be placed * @param {Entity} entity * @param {Vector=} offset Optional, move the entity by the given offset first * @returns {boolean} true if the entity could be placed there */ checkCanPlaceEntity(entity, offset = null) { // Compute area of the building const rect = entity.components.StaticMapEntity.getTileSpaceBounds(); if (offset) { rect.x += offset.x; rect.y += offset.y; } // Check the whole area of the building for (let x = rect.x; x < rect.x + rect.w; ++x) { for (let y = rect.y; y < rect.y + rect.h; ++y) { // Check if there is any direct collision const otherEntity =, y, entity.layer); if (otherEntity) { const metaClass = otherEntity.components.StaticMapEntity.getMetaBuilding(); if (!metaClass.getIsReplaceable()) { // This one is a direct blocker return false; } } } } // Perform additional placement checks if (this.root.signals.prePlacementCheck.dispatch(entity, offset) === STOP_PROPAGATION) { return false; } return true; } /** * Attempts to place the given building * @param {object} param0 * @param {Vector} param0.origin * @param {number} param0.rotation * @param {number} param0.originalRotation * @param {number} param0.rotationVariant * @param {string} param0.variant * @param {MetaBuilding} param0.building * @returns {Entity} */ tryPlaceBuilding({ origin, rotation, rotationVariant, originalRotation, variant, building }) { const entity = building.createEntity({ root: this.root, origin, rotation, originalRotation, rotationVariant, variant, }); if (this.checkCanPlaceEntity(entity)) { this.freeEntityAreaBeforeBuild(entity);; this.root.entityMgr.registerEntity(entity); return entity; } return null; } /** * Removes all entities with a RemovableMapEntityComponent which need to get * removed before placing this entity * @param {Entity} entity */ freeEntityAreaBeforeBuild(entity) { const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; const rect = staticComp.getTileSpaceBounds(); // Remove any removeable colliding entities on the same layer for (let x = rect.x; x < rect.x + rect.w; ++x) { for (let y = rect.y; y < rect.y + rect.h; ++y) { const contents =, y, entity.layer); if (contents) { assertAlways( contents.components.StaticMapEntity.getMetaBuilding().getIsReplaceable(), "Tried to replace non-repleaceable entity" ); if (!this.tryDeleteBuilding(contents)) { assertAlways(false, "Tried to replace non-repleaceable entity #2"); } } } } // Perform other callbacks this.root.signals.freeEntityAreaBeforeBuild.dispatch(entity); } /** * Performs a bulk operation, not updating caches in the meantime * @param {function} operation */ performBulkOperation(operation) { logger.warn("Running bulk operation ..."); assert(!this.root.bulkOperationRunning, "Can not run two bulk operations twice"); this.root.bulkOperationRunning = true; const now =; const returnValue = operation(); const duration = - now; logger.log("Done in", round2Digits(duration), "ms"); assert(this.root.bulkOperationRunning, "Bulk operation = false while bulk operation was running"); this.root.bulkOperationRunning = false; this.root.signals.bulkOperationFinished.dispatch(); return returnValue; } /** * Returns whether the given building can get removed * @param {Entity} building */ canDeleteBuilding(building) { const staticComp = building.components.StaticMapEntity; return staticComp.getMetaBuilding().getIsRemovable(); } /** * Tries to delete the given building * @param {Entity} building */ tryDeleteBuilding(building) { if (!this.canDeleteBuilding(building)) { return false; }; this.root.entityMgr.destroyEntity(building); this.root.entityMgr.processDestroyList(); return true; } /** * * Computes the flag for a given tile * @param {object} param0 * @param {enumWireVariant} param0.wireVariant * @param {Vector} param0.tile The tile to check at * @param {enumDirection} param0.edge The edge to check for */ computeWireEdgeStatus({ wireVariant, tile, edge }) { const offset = enumDirectionToVector[edge]; const targetTile = tile.add(offset); // Search for relevant pins const pinEntities =, targetTile.y); // Go over all entities which could have a pin for (let i = 0; i < pinEntities.length; ++i) { const pinEntity = pinEntities[i]; const pinComp = pinEntity.components.WiredPins; const staticComp = pinEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; // Skip those who don't have pins if (!pinComp) { continue; } // Go over all pins const pins = pinComp.slots; for (let k = 0; k < pinComp.slots.length; ++k) { const pinSlot = pins[k]; const pinLocation = staticComp.localTileToWorld(pinSlot.pos); const pinDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(pinSlot.direction); // Check if the pin has the right location if (!pinLocation.equals(targetTile)) { continue; } // Check if the pin has the right direction if (pinDirection !== enumInvertedDirections[edge]) { continue; } // Found a pin! return true; } } // Now check if there's a connectable entity on the wires layer const targetEntity =, "wires"); if (!targetEntity) { return false; } const targetStaticComp = targetEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; // Check if its a crossing const wireTunnelComp = targetEntity.components.WireTunnel; if (wireTunnelComp) { return true; } // Check if its a wire const wiresComp = targetEntity.components.Wire; if (!wiresComp) { return false; } // It's connected if its the same variant return wiresComp.variant === wireVariant; } /** * Returns all wire networks this entity participates in on the given tile * @param {Entity} entity * @param {Vector} tile * @returns {Array|null} Null if the entity is never able to be connected at the given tile */ getEntityWireNetworks(entity, tile) { let canConnectAtAll = false; /** @type {Set} */ const networks = new Set(); const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; const wireComp = entity.components.Wire; if (wireComp) { canConnectAtAll = true; if (wireComp.linkedNetwork) { networks.add(wireComp.linkedNetwork); } } const tunnelComp = entity.components.WireTunnel; if (tunnelComp) { canConnectAtAll = true; for (let i = 0; i < tunnelComp.linkedNetworks.length; ++i) { networks.add(tunnelComp.linkedNetworks[i]); } } const pinsComp = entity.components.WiredPins; if (pinsComp) { const slots = pinsComp.slots; for (let i = 0; i < slots.length; ++i) { const slot = slots[i]; const slotLocalPos = staticComp.localTileToWorld(slot.pos); if (slotLocalPos.equals(tile)) { canConnectAtAll = true; if (slot.linkedNetwork) { networks.add(slot.linkedNetwork); } } } } if (!canConnectAtAll) { return null; } return Array.from(networks); } /** * Returns if the entities tile *and* his overlay matrix is intersected * @param {Entity} entity * @param {Vector} worldPos */ getIsEntityIntersectedWithMatrix(entity, worldPos) { const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; const tile = worldPos.toTileSpace(); if (!staticComp.getTileSpaceBounds().containsPoint(tile.x, tile.y)) { // No intersection at all return; } const data = getBuildingDataFromCode(staticComp.code); const overlayMatrix = data.metaInstance.getSpecialOverlayRenderMatrix( staticComp.rotation, data.rotationVariant, data.variant, entity ); // Always the same if (!overlayMatrix) { return true; } const localPosition = worldPos .divideScalar(globalConfig.tileSize) .modScalar(1) .multiplyScalar(CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES) .floor(); return !!overlayMatrix[localPosition.x + localPosition.y * 3]; } g(tile, edge) {} /** * Returns the acceptors and ejectors which affect the current tile * @param {Vector} tile * @returns {AcceptorsAndEjectorsAffectingTile} */ getEjectorsAndAcceptorsAtTile(tile) { /** @type {EjectorsAffectingTile} */ let ejectors = []; /** @type {AcceptorsAffectingTile} */ let acceptors = []; // Well .. please ignore this code! :D for (let dx = -1; dx <= 1; ++dx) { for (let dy = -1; dy <= 1; ++dy) { if (Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy) !== 1) { continue; } const entity = + dx, tile.y + dy, "regular"); if (entity) { let ejectorSlots = []; let acceptorSlots = []; const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; const itemEjector = entity.components.ItemEjector; const itemAcceptor = entity.components.ItemAcceptor; const beltComp = entity.components.Belt; if (itemEjector) { ejectorSlots = itemEjector.slots.slice(); } if (itemAcceptor) { acceptorSlots = itemAcceptor.slots.slice(); } if (beltComp) { const fakeEjectorSlot = beltComp.getFakeEjectorSlot(); const fakeAcceptorSlot = beltComp.getFakeAcceptorSlot(); ejectorSlots.push(fakeEjectorSlot); acceptorSlots.push(fakeAcceptorSlot); } for (let ejectorSlot = 0; ejectorSlot < ejectorSlots.length; ++ejectorSlot) { const slot = ejectorSlots[ejectorSlot]; const wsTile = staticComp.localTileToWorld(slot.pos); const wsDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(slot.direction); const targetTile = wsTile.add(enumDirectionToVector[wsDirection]); if (targetTile.equals(tile)) { ejectors.push({ entity, slot, fromTile: wsTile, toDirection: wsDirection, }); } } for (let acceptorSlot = 0; acceptorSlot < acceptorSlots.length; ++acceptorSlot) { const slot = acceptorSlots[acceptorSlot]; const wsTile = staticComp.localTileToWorld(slot.pos); for (let k = 0; k < slot.directions.length; ++k) { const direction = slot.directions[k]; const wsDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(direction); const sourceTile = wsTile.add(enumDirectionToVector[wsDirection]); if (sourceTile.equals(tile)) { acceptors.push({ entity, slot, toTile: wsTile, fromDirection: wsDirection, }); } } } } } } return { ejectors, acceptors }; } }