import { globalConfig } from "../core/config"; import { DrawParameters } from "../core/draw_parameters"; import { createLogger } from "../core/logging"; import { Rectangle } from "../core/rectangle"; import { clamp, epsilonCompare, round4Digits } from "../core/utils"; import { enumDirection, enumDirectionToVector, enumInvertedDirections, Vector } from "../core/vector"; import { BasicSerializableObject, types } from "../savegame/serialization"; import { BaseItem } from "./base_item"; import { Entity } from "./entity"; import { typeItemSingleton } from "./item_resolver"; import { GameRoot } from "./root"; const logger = createLogger("belt_path"); // Helpers for more semantic access into interleaved arrays const _nextDistance = 0; const _item = 1; const DEBUG = G_IS_DEV && false; /** * Stores a path of belts, used for optimizing performance */ export class BeltPath extends BasicSerializableObject { static getId() { return "BeltPath"; } static getSchema() { return { entityPath: types.array(types.entity), items: types.array(types.pair(types.ufloat, typeItemSingleton)), spacingToFirstItem: types.ufloat, }; } /** * Creates a path from a serialized object * @param {GameRoot} root * @param {Object} data * @returns {BeltPath|string} */ static fromSerialized(root, data) { // Create fake object which looks like a belt path but skips the constructor const fakeObject = /** @type {BeltPath} */ (Object.create(BeltPath.prototype)); fakeObject.root = root; // Deserialize the data const errorCodeDeserialize = fakeObject.deserialize(data); if (errorCodeDeserialize) { return errorCodeDeserialize; } // Compute other properties fakeObject.init(false); return fakeObject; } /** * @param {GameRoot} root * @param {Array} entityPath */ constructor(root, entityPath) { super(); this.root = root; assert(entityPath.length > 0, "invalid entity path"); this.entityPath = entityPath; /** * Stores the items sorted, and their distance to the previous item (or start) * Layout: [distanceToNext, item] * @type {Array<[number, BaseItem]>} */ this.items = []; /** * Stores the spacing to the first item */ this.init(); if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.checkBeltPaths) { this.debug_checkIntegrity("constructor"); } } /** * Initializes the path by computing the properties which are not saved * @param {boolean} computeSpacing Whether to also compute the spacing */ init(computeSpacing = true) { this.onPathChanged(); this.totalLength = this.computeTotalLength(); if (computeSpacing) { this.spacingToFirstItem = this.totalLength; } /** * Current bounds of this path * @type {Rectangle} */ this.worldBounds = this.computeBounds(); // Connect the belts for (let i = 0; i < this.entityPath.length; ++i) { this.entityPath[i].components.Belt.assignedPath = this; } } /** * Returns whether this path can accept a new item * @returns {boolean} */ canAcceptItem() { return this.spacingToFirstItem >= globalConfig.itemSpacingOnBelts; } /** * Tries to accept the item * @param {BaseItem} item */ tryAcceptItem(item) { if (this.spacingToFirstItem >= globalConfig.itemSpacingOnBelts) { // So, since we already need one tick to accept this item we will add this directly. const beltProgressPerTick = this.root.hubGoals.getBeltBaseSpeed() * this.root.dynamicTickrate.deltaSeconds * globalConfig.itemSpacingOnBelts; // First, compute how much progress we can make *at max* const maxProgress = Math.max(0, this.spacingToFirstItem - globalConfig.itemSpacingOnBelts); const initialProgress = Math.min(maxProgress, beltProgressPerTick); this.items.unshift([this.spacingToFirstItem - initialProgress, item]); this.spacingToFirstItem = initialProgress; if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.checkBeltPaths) { this.debug_checkIntegrity("accept-item"); } return true; } return false; } /** * SLOW / Tries to find the item closest to the given tile * @param {Vector} tile * @returns {BaseItem|null} */ findItemAtTile(tile) { // @TODO: This breaks color blind mode otherwise return null; } /** * Computes the tile bounds of the path * @returns {Rectangle} */ computeBounds() { let bounds = this.entityPath[0].components.StaticMapEntity.getTileSpaceBounds(); for (let i = 1; i < this.entityPath.length; ++i) { const staticComp = this.entityPath[i].components.StaticMapEntity; const otherBounds = staticComp.getTileSpaceBounds(); bounds = bounds.getUnion(otherBounds); } return bounds.allScaled(globalConfig.tileSize); } /** * Recomputes cache variables once the path was changed */ onPathChanged() { this.acceptorTarget = this.computeAcceptingEntityAndSlot(); /** * How many items past the first item are compressed */ this.numCompressedItemsAfterFirstItem = 0; } /** * Called by the belt system when the surroundings changed */ onSurroundingsChanged() { this.onPathChanged(); } /** * Finds the entity which accepts our items * @param {boolean=} debug_Silent Whether debug output should be silent * @return {{ entity: Entity, slot: number, direction?: enumDirection }} */ computeAcceptingEntityAndSlot(debug_Silent = false) { DEBUG && !debug_Silent && logger.log("Recomputing acceptor target"); const lastEntity = this.entityPath[this.entityPath.length - 1]; const lastStatic = lastEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; const lastBeltComp = lastEntity.components.Belt; // Figure out where and into which direction we eject items const ejectSlotWsTile = lastStatic.localTileToWorld(new Vector(0, 0)); const ejectSlotWsDirection = lastStatic.localDirectionToWorld(lastBeltComp.direction); const ejectSlotWsDirectionVector = enumDirectionToVector[ejectSlotWsDirection]; const ejectSlotTargetWsTile = ejectSlotWsTile.add(ejectSlotWsDirectionVector); // Try to find the given acceptor component to take the item const targetEntity = ejectSlotTargetWsTile.x, ejectSlotTargetWsTile.y, "regular" ); if (targetEntity) { DEBUG && !debug_Silent && logger.log(" Found target entity", targetEntity.uid); const targetStaticComp = targetEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; const targetBeltComp = targetEntity.components.Belt; // Check for belts (special case) if (targetBeltComp) { const beltAcceptingDirection = targetStaticComp.localDirectionToWorld(; DEBUG && !debug_Silent && logger.log( " Entity is accepting items from", ejectSlotWsDirection, "vs", beltAcceptingDirection, "Rotation:", targetStaticComp.rotation ); if (ejectSlotWsDirection === beltAcceptingDirection) { return { entity: targetEntity, direction: null, slot: 0, }; } } // Check for item acceptors const targetAcceptorComp = targetEntity.components.ItemAcceptor; if (!targetAcceptorComp) { // Entity doesn't accept items return; } const ejectingDirection = targetStaticComp.worldDirectionToLocal(ejectSlotWsDirection); const matchingSlot = targetAcceptorComp.findMatchingSlot( targetStaticComp.worldToLocalTile(ejectSlotTargetWsTile), ejectingDirection ); if (!matchingSlot) { // No matching slot found return; } return { entity: targetEntity, slot: matchingSlot.index, direction: enumInvertedDirections[ejectingDirection], }; } } // Following code will be compiled out outside of dev versions /* dev:start */ /** * Helper to throw an error on mismatch * @param {string} change * @param {Array} reason */ debug_failIntegrity(change, ...reason) { throw new Error("belt path invalid (" + change + "): " + => "" + i).join(" ")); } /** * Checks if this path is valid */ debug_checkIntegrity(currentChange = "change") { const fail = (...args) => this.debug_failIntegrity(currentChange, ...args); // Check for empty path if (this.entityPath.length === 0) { return fail("Belt path is empty"); } // Check for mismatching length const totalLength = this.computeTotalLength(); if (!epsilonCompare(this.totalLength, totalLength, 0.01)) { return this.debug_failIntegrity( currentChange, "Total length mismatch, stored =", this.totalLength, "but correct is", totalLength ); } // Check for misconnected entities for (let i = 0; i < this.entityPath.length - 1; ++i) { const entity = this.entityPath[i]; if (entity.destroyed) { return fail("Reference to destroyed entity " + entity.uid); } const followUp =; if (!followUp) { return fail( "Follow up entity for the", i, "-th entity (total length", this.entityPath.length, ") was null!" ); } if (followUp !== this.entityPath[i + 1]) { return fail( "Follow up entity mismatch, stored is", this.entityPath[i + 1].uid, "but real one is", followUp.uid ); } if (entity.components.Belt.assignedPath !== this) { return fail( "Entity with uid", entity.uid, "doesn't have this path assigned, but this path contains the entity." ); } } // Check spacing if (this.spacingToFirstItem > this.totalLength + 0.005) { return fail( currentChange, "spacing to first item (", this.spacingToFirstItem, ") is greater than total length (", this.totalLength, ")" ); } // Check distance if empty if (this.items.length === 0 && !epsilonCompare(this.spacingToFirstItem, this.totalLength, 0.01)) { return fail( currentChange, "Path is empty but spacing to first item (", this.spacingToFirstItem, ") does not equal total length (", this.totalLength, ")" ); } // Check items etc let currentPos = this.spacingToFirstItem; for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i) { const item = this.items[i]; if (item[_nextDistance] < 0 || item[_nextDistance] > this.totalLength + 0.02) { return fail( "Item has invalid offset to next item: ", item[_nextDistance], "(total length:", this.totalLength, ")" ); } currentPos += item[_nextDistance]; } // Check the total sum matches if (!epsilonCompare(currentPos, this.totalLength, 0.01)) { return fail( "total sum (", currentPos, ") of first item spacing (", this.spacingToFirstItem, ") and items does not match total length (", this.totalLength, ") -> items: " + => i[_nextDistance]).join("|") ); } // Check bounds const actualBounds = this.computeBounds(); if (!actualBounds.equalsEpsilon(this.worldBounds, 0.01)) { return fail("Bounds are stale"); } // Check acceptor const acceptor = this.computeAcceptingEntityAndSlot(true); if (!!acceptor !== !!this.acceptorTarget) { return fail("Acceptor target mismatch, acceptor", !!acceptor, "vs stored", !!this.acceptorTarget); } if (acceptor) { if (this.acceptorTarget.entity !== acceptor.entity) { return fail( "Mismatching entity on acceptor target:", acceptor.entity.uid, "vs", this.acceptorTarget.entity.uid ); } if (this.acceptorTarget.slot !== acceptor.slot) { return fail( "Mismatching entity on acceptor target:", acceptor.slot, "vs stored", this.acceptorTarget.slot ); } if (this.acceptorTarget.direction !== acceptor.direction) { return fail( "Mismatching direction on acceptor target:", acceptor.direction, "vs stored", this.acceptorTarget.direction ); } } // Check first nonzero offset let firstNonzero = 0; for (let i = this.items.length - 2; i >= 0; --i) { if (this.items[i][_nextDistance] < globalConfig.itemSpacingOnBelts + 1e-5) { ++firstNonzero; } else { break; } } // Should warn, but this check isn't actually accurate // if (firstNonzero !== this.numCompressedItemsAfterFirstItem) { // console.warn( // "First nonzero index is " + // firstNonzero + // " but stored is " + // this.numCompressedItemsAfterFirstItem // ); // } } /* dev:end */ /** * Extends the belt path by the given belt * @param {Entity} entity */ extendOnEnd(entity) { DEBUG && logger.log("Extending belt path by entity at", entity.components.StaticMapEntity.origin); const beltComp = entity.components.Belt; // Append the entity this.entityPath.push(entity); this.onPathChanged(); // Extend the path length const additionalLength = beltComp.getEffectiveLengthTiles(); this.totalLength += additionalLength; DEBUG && logger.log(" Extended total length by", additionalLength, "to", this.totalLength); // If we have no item, just update the distance to the first item if (this.items.length === 0) { this.spacingToFirstItem = this.totalLength; DEBUG && logger.log(" Extended spacing to first to", this.totalLength, "(= total length)"); } else { // Otherwise, update the next-distance of the last item const lastItem = this.items[this.items.length - 1]; DEBUG && logger.log( " Extended spacing of last item from", lastItem[_nextDistance], "to", lastItem[_nextDistance] + additionalLength ); lastItem[_nextDistance] += additionalLength; } // Assign reference beltComp.assignedPath = this; // Update bounds this.worldBounds = this.computeBounds(); if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.checkBeltPaths) { this.debug_checkIntegrity("extend-on-end"); } } /** * Extends the path with the given entity on the beginning * @param {Entity} entity */ extendOnBeginning(entity) { const beltComp = entity.components.Belt; DEBUG && logger.log("Extending the path on the beginning"); // All items on that belt are simply lost (for now) const length = beltComp.getEffectiveLengthTiles(); // Extend the length of this path this.totalLength += length; // Simply adjust the first item spacing cuz we have no items contained this.spacingToFirstItem += length; // Set handles and append entity beltComp.assignedPath = this; this.entityPath.unshift(entity); this.onPathChanged(); // Update bounds this.worldBounds = this.computeBounds(); if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.checkBeltPaths) { this.debug_checkIntegrity("extend-on-begin"); } } /** * Returns if the given entity is the end entity of the path * @param {Entity} entity * @returns {boolean} */ isEndEntity(entity) { return this.entityPath[this.entityPath.length - 1] === entity; } /** * Returns if the given entity is the start entity of the path * @param {Entity} entity * @returns {boolean} */ isStartEntity(entity) { return this.entityPath[0] === entity; } /** * Splits this path at the given entity by removing it, and * returning the new secondary paht * @param {Entity} entity * @returns {BeltPath} */ deleteEntityOnPathSplitIntoTwo(entity) { DEBUG && logger.log("Splitting path at entity", entity.components.StaticMapEntity.origin); // First, find where the current path ends const beltComp = entity.components.Belt; beltComp.assignedPath = null; const entityLength = beltComp.getEffectiveLengthTiles(); assert(this.entityPath.indexOf(entity) >= 0, "Entity not contained for split"); assert(this.entityPath.indexOf(entity) !== 0, "Entity is first"); assert(this.entityPath.indexOf(entity) !== this.entityPath.length - 1, "Entity is last"); let firstPathEntityCount = 0; let firstPathLength = 0; let firstPathEndEntity = null; for (let i = 0; i < this.entityPath.length; ++i) { const otherEntity = this.entityPath[i]; if (otherEntity === entity) { DEBUG && logger.log("Found entity at", i, "of length", firstPathLength); break; } ++firstPathEntityCount; firstPathEndEntity = otherEntity; firstPathLength += otherEntity.components.Belt.getEffectiveLengthTiles(); } DEBUG && logger.log( "First path ends at", firstPathLength, "and entity", firstPathEndEntity.components.StaticMapEntity.origin, "and has", firstPathEntityCount, "entities" ); // Compute length of second path const secondPathLength = this.totalLength - firstPathLength - entityLength; const secondPathStart = firstPathLength + entityLength; const secondEntities = this.entityPath.splice(firstPathEntityCount + 1); DEBUG && logger.log( "Second path starts at", secondPathStart, "and has a length of ", secondPathLength, "with", secondEntities.length, "entities" ); // Remove the last item this.entityPath.pop(); DEBUG && logger.log("Splitting", this.items.length, "items"); DEBUG && logger.log( "Old items are", => i[_nextDistance]) ); // Create second path const secondPath = new BeltPath(this.root, secondEntities); // Remove all items which are no longer relevant and transfer them to the second path let itemPos = this.spacingToFirstItem; for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i) { const item = this.items[i]; const distanceToNext = item[_nextDistance]; DEBUG && logger.log(" Checking item at", itemPos, "with distance of", distanceToNext, "to next"); // Check if this item is past the first path if (itemPos >= firstPathLength) { // Remove it from the first path this.items.splice(i, 1); i -= 1; DEBUG && logger.log(" Removed item from first path since its no longer contained @", itemPos); // Check if its on the second path (otherwise its on the removed belt and simply lost) if (itemPos >= secondPathStart) { // Put item on second path secondPath.items.push([distanceToNext, item[_item]]); DEBUG && logger.log( " Put item to second path @", itemPos, "with distance to next =", distanceToNext ); // If it was the first item, adjust the distance to the first item if (secondPath.items.length === 1) { DEBUG && logger.log(" Sinc it was the first, set sapcing of first to", itemPos); secondPath.spacingToFirstItem = itemPos - secondPathStart; } } else { DEBUG && logger.log(" Item was on the removed belt, so its gone - forever!"); } } else { // Seems this item is on the first path (so all good), so just make sure it doesn't // have a nextDistance which is bigger than the total path length const clampedDistanceToNext = Math.min(itemPos + distanceToNext, firstPathLength) - itemPos; if (clampedDistanceToNext < distanceToNext) { DEBUG && logger.log( "Correcting next distance (first path) from", distanceToNext, "to", clampedDistanceToNext ); item[_nextDistance] = clampedDistanceToNext; } } // Advance items itemPos += distanceToNext; } DEBUG && logger.log( "New items are", => i[_nextDistance]) ); DEBUG && logger.log( "And second path items are", => i[_nextDistance]) ); // Adjust our total length this.totalLength = firstPathLength; // Make sure that if we are empty, we set our first distance properly if (this.items.length === 0) { this.spacingToFirstItem = this.totalLength; } this.onPathChanged(); secondPath.onPathChanged(); // Update bounds this.worldBounds = this.computeBounds(); if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.checkBeltPaths) { this.debug_checkIntegrity("split-two-first"); secondPath.debug_checkIntegrity("split-two-second"); } return secondPath; } /** * Deletes the last entity * @param {Entity} entity */ deleteEntityOnEnd(entity) { assert( this.entityPath[this.entityPath.length - 1] === entity, "Not actually the last entity (instead " + this.entityPath.indexOf(entity) + ")" ); // Ok, first remove the entity const beltComp = entity.components.Belt; const beltLength = beltComp.getEffectiveLengthTiles(); DEBUG && logger.log( "Deleting last entity on path with length", this.entityPath.length, "(reducing", this.totalLength, " by", beltLength, ")" ); this.totalLength -= beltLength; this.entityPath.pop(); this.onPathChanged(); DEBUG && logger.log( " New path has length of", this.totalLength, "with", this.entityPath.length, "entities" ); // This is just for sanity beltComp.assignedPath = null; // Clean up items if (this.items.length === 0) { // Simple case with no items, just update the first item spacing this.spacingToFirstItem = this.totalLength; } else { // Ok, make sure we simply drop all items which are no longer contained let itemOffset = this.spacingToFirstItem; let lastItemOffset = itemOffset; DEBUG && logger.log(" Adjusting", this.items.length, "items"); for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i) { const item = this.items[i]; // Get rid of items past this path if (itemOffset >= this.totalLength) { DEBUG && logger.log("Dropping item (current index=", i, ")"); this.items.splice(i, 1); i -= 1; continue; } DEBUG && logger.log("Item", i, "is at", itemOffset, "with next offset", item[_nextDistance]); lastItemOffset = itemOffset; itemOffset += item[_nextDistance]; } // If we still have an item, make sure the last item matches if (this.items.length > 0) { // We can easily compute the next distance since we know where the last item is now const lastDistance = this.totalLength - lastItemOffset; assert( lastDistance >= 0.0, "Last item distance mismatch: " + lastDistance + " -> Total length was " + this.totalLength + " and lastItemOffset was " + lastItemOffset ); DEBUG && logger.log( "Adjusted distance of last item: it is at", lastItemOffset, "so it has a distance of", lastDistance, "to the end (", this.totalLength, ")" ); this.items[this.items.length - 1][_nextDistance] = lastDistance; } else { DEBUG && logger.log(" Removed all items so we'll update spacing to total length"); // We removed all items so update our spacing this.spacingToFirstItem = this.totalLength; } } // Update bounds this.worldBounds = this.computeBounds(); if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.checkBeltPaths) { this.debug_checkIntegrity("delete-on-end"); } } /** * Deletes the entity of the start of the path * @see deleteEntityOnEnd * @param {Entity} entity */ deleteEntityOnStart(entity) { assert( entity === this.entityPath[0], "Not actually the start entity (instead " + this.entityPath.indexOf(entity) + ")" ); // Ok, first remove the entity const beltComp = entity.components.Belt; const beltLength = beltComp.getEffectiveLengthTiles(); DEBUG && logger.log( "Deleting first entity on path with length", this.entityPath.length, "(reducing", this.totalLength, " by", beltLength, ")" ); this.totalLength -= beltLength; this.entityPath.shift(); this.onPathChanged(); DEBUG && logger.log( " New path has length of", this.totalLength, "with", this.entityPath.length, "entities" ); // This is just for sanity beltComp.assignedPath = null; // Clean up items if (this.items.length === 0) { // Simple case with no items, just update the first item spacing this.spacingToFirstItem = this.totalLength; } else { // Simple case, we had no item on the beginning -> all good if (this.spacingToFirstItem >= beltLength) { DEBUG && logger.log( " No item on the first place, so we can just adjust the spacing (spacing=", this.spacingToFirstItem, ") removed =", beltLength ); this.spacingToFirstItem -= beltLength; } else { // Welp, okay we need to drop all items which are < beltLength and adjust // the other item offsets as well DEBUG && logger.log( " We have at least one item in the beginning, drop those and adjust spacing (first item @", this.spacingToFirstItem, ") since we removed", beltLength, "length from path" ); DEBUG && logger.log( " Items:", => i[_nextDistance]) ); // Find offset to first item let itemOffset = this.spacingToFirstItem; for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i) { const item = this.items[i]; if (itemOffset <= beltLength) { DEBUG && logger.log( " -> Dropping item with index", i, "at", itemOffset, "since it was on the removed belt" ); // This item must be dropped this.items.splice(i, 1); i -= 1; itemOffset += item[_nextDistance]; continue; } else { // This item can be kept, thus its the first we know break; } } if (this.items.length > 0) { DEBUG && logger.log( " Offset of first non-dropped item was at:", itemOffset, "-> setting spacing to it (total length=", this.totalLength, ")" ); this.spacingToFirstItem = itemOffset - beltLength; assert( this.spacingToFirstItem >= 0.0, "Invalid spacing after delete on start: " + this.spacingToFirstItem ); } else { DEBUG && logger.log(" We dropped all items, simply set spacing to total length"); // We dropped all items, simple one this.spacingToFirstItem = this.totalLength; } } } // Update bounds this.worldBounds = this.computeBounds(); if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.checkBeltPaths) { this.debug_checkIntegrity("delete-on-start"); } } /** * Extends the path by the given other path * @param {BeltPath} otherPath */ extendByPath(otherPath) { assert(otherPath !== this, "Circular path dependency"); const entities = otherPath.entityPath; DEBUG && logger.log("Extending path by other path, starting to add entities"); const oldLength = this.totalLength; DEBUG && logger.log(" Adding", entities.length, "new entities, current length =", this.totalLength); // First, append entities for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i) { const entity = entities[i]; const beltComp = entity.components.Belt; // Add to path and update references this.entityPath.push(entity); beltComp.assignedPath = this; // Update our length const additionalLength = beltComp.getEffectiveLengthTiles(); this.totalLength += additionalLength; } DEBUG && logger.log( " Path is now", this.entityPath.length, "entities and has a length of", this.totalLength ); // Now, update the distance of our last item if (this.items.length !== 0) { const lastItem = this.items[this.items.length - 1]; lastItem[_nextDistance] += otherPath.spacingToFirstItem; DEBUG && logger.log(" Add distance to last item, effectively being", lastItem[_nextDistance], "now"); } else { // Seems we have no items, update our first item distance this.spacingToFirstItem = oldLength + otherPath.spacingToFirstItem; DEBUG && logger.log( " We had no items, so our new spacing to first is old length (", oldLength, ") plus others spacing to first (", otherPath.spacingToFirstItem, ") =", this.spacingToFirstItem ); } DEBUG && logger.log(" Pushing", otherPath.items.length, "items from other path"); // Aaand push the other paths items for (let i = 0; i < otherPath.items.length; ++i) { const item = otherPath.items[i]; this.items.push([item[_nextDistance], item[_item]]); } // Update bounds this.worldBounds = this.computeBounds(); this.onPathChanged(); if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.checkBeltPaths) { this.debug_checkIntegrity("extend-by-path"); } } /** * Computes the total length of the path * @returns {number} */ computeTotalLength() { let length = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.entityPath.length; ++i) { const entity = this.entityPath[i]; length += entity.components.Belt.getEffectiveLengthTiles(); } return length; } /** * Performs one tick */ update() { if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.checkBeltPaths) { this.debug_checkIntegrity("pre-update"); } // Divide by item spacing on belts since we use throughput and not speed let beltSpeed = this.root.hubGoals.getBeltBaseSpeed() * this.root.dynamicTickrate.deltaSeconds * globalConfig.itemSpacingOnBelts; if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.instantBelts) { beltSpeed *= 100; } // Store whether this is the first item we processed, so premature // item ejection is available let isFirstItemProcessed = true; // Store how much velocity (strictly its distance, not velocity) we have to distribute over all items let remainingVelocity = beltSpeed; // Store the last item we processed, so we can skip clashed ones let lastItemProcessed; for (lastItemProcessed = this.items.length - 1; lastItemProcessed >= 0; --lastItemProcessed) { const nextDistanceAndItem = this.items[lastItemProcessed]; // Compute how much spacing we need at least const minimumSpacing = lastItemProcessed === this.items.length - 1 ? 0 : globalConfig.itemSpacingOnBelts; // Compute how much we can advance const clampedProgress = Math.max( 0, Math.min(remainingVelocity, nextDistanceAndItem[_nextDistance] - minimumSpacing) ); // Reduce our velocity by the amount we consumed remainingVelocity -= clampedProgress; // Reduce the spacing nextDistanceAndItem[_nextDistance] -= clampedProgress; // If the last item can be ejected, eject it and reduce the spacing, because otherwise // we lose velocity if (isFirstItemProcessed && nextDistanceAndItem[_nextDistance] < 1e-7) { // Store how much velocity we "lost" because we bumped the item to the end of the // belt but couldn't move it any farther. We need this to tell the item acceptor // animation to start a tad later, so everything matches up. Yes I'm a perfectionist. const excessVelocity = beltSpeed - clampedProgress; // Try to directly get rid of the item if (this.tryHandOverItem(nextDistanceAndItem[_item], excessVelocity)) { this.items.pop(); this.numCompressedItemsAfterFirstItem = Math.max( 0, this.numCompressedItemsAfterFirstItem - 1 ); } } if (isFirstItemProcessed) { // Skip N null items after first items lastItemProcessed -= this.numCompressedItemsAfterFirstItem; } isFirstItemProcessed = false; this.spacingToFirstItem += clampedProgress; if (remainingVelocity < 0.01) { break; } } // Compute compressed item count this.numCompressedItemsAfterFirstItem = Math.max( 0, this.numCompressedItemsAfterFirstItem, this.items.length - 2 - lastItemProcessed ); // Check if we have an item which is ready to be emitted const lastItem = this.items[this.items.length - 1]; if (lastItem && lastItem[_nextDistance] === 0 && this.acceptorTarget) { if (this.tryHandOverItem(lastItem[_item])) { this.items.pop(); this.numCompressedItemsAfterFirstItem = Math.max( 0, this.numCompressedItemsAfterFirstItem - 1 ); } } if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.checkBeltPaths) { this.debug_checkIntegrity("post-update"); } } /** * Tries to hand over the item to the end entity * @param {BaseItem} item */ tryHandOverItem(item, remainingProgress = 0.0) { if (!this.acceptorTarget) { return; } const targetAcceptorComp = this.acceptorTarget.entity.components.ItemAcceptor; // Check if the acceptor has a filter for example if (targetAcceptorComp && !targetAcceptorComp.canAcceptItem(this.acceptorTarget.slot, item)) { // Well, this item is not accepted return false; } // Try to pass over if ( item, this.acceptorTarget.entity, this.acceptorTarget.slot ) ) { // Trigger animation on the acceptor comp const targetAcceptorComp = this.acceptorTarget.entity.components.ItemAcceptor; if (targetAcceptorComp) { if (! { targetAcceptorComp.onItemAccepted( this.acceptorTarget.slot, this.acceptorTarget.direction, item, remainingProgress ); } } return true; } return false; } /** * Computes a world space position from the given progress * @param {number} progress * @returns {Vector} */ computePositionFromProgress(progress) { let currentLength = 0; // floating point issues .. assert(progress <= this.totalLength + 0.02, "Progress too big: " + progress); for (let i = 0; i < this.entityPath.length; ++i) { const beltComp = this.entityPath[i].components.Belt; const localLength = beltComp.getEffectiveLengthTiles(); if (currentLength + localLength >= progress || i === this.entityPath.length - 1) { // Min required here due to floating point issues const localProgress = Math.min(1.0, progress - currentLength); assert(localProgress >= 0.0, "Invalid local progress: " + localProgress); const localSpace = beltComp.transformBeltToLocalSpace(localProgress); return this.entityPath[i].components.StaticMapEntity.localTileToWorld(localSpace); } currentLength += localLength; } assert(false, "invalid progress: " + progress + " (max: " + this.totalLength + ")"); } /** * * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ drawDebug(parameters) { if (!parameters.visibleRect.containsRect(this.worldBounds)) { return; } parameters.context.fillStyle = "#d79a25"; parameters.context.strokeStyle = "#d79a25"; parameters.context.beginPath(); for (let i = 0; i < this.entityPath.length; ++i) { const entity = this.entityPath[i]; const pos = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; const worldPos = pos.origin.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); if (i === 0) { parameters.context.moveTo(worldPos.x, worldPos.y); } else { parameters.context.lineTo(worldPos.x, worldPos.y); } } parameters.context.stroke(); // Items let progress = this.spacingToFirstItem; for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i) { const nextDistanceAndItem = this.items[i]; const worldPos = this.computePositionFromProgress(progress).toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); parameters.context.fillStyle = "#268e4d"; parameters.context.beginRoundedRect(worldPos.x - 5, worldPos.y - 5, 10, 10, 3); parameters.context.fill(); parameters.context.font = "6px GameFont"; parameters.context.fillStyle = "#111"; parameters.context.fillText( "" + round4Digits(nextDistanceAndItem[_nextDistance]), worldPos.x + 5, worldPos.y + 2 ); progress += nextDistanceAndItem[_nextDistance]; if (this.items.length - 1 - this.numCompressedItemsAfterFirstItem === i) { parameters.context.fillStyle = "red"; parameters.context.fillRect(worldPos.x + 5, worldPos.y, 20, 3); } } for (let i = 0; i < this.entityPath.length; ++i) { const entity = this.entityPath[i]; parameters.context.fillStyle = "#d79a25"; const pos = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; const worldPos = pos.origin.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); parameters.context.beginCircle(worldPos.x, worldPos.y, i === 0 ? 5 : 3); parameters.context.fill(); } for (let progress = 0; progress <= this.totalLength + 0.01; progress += 0.2) { const worldPos = this.computePositionFromProgress(progress).toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); parameters.context.fillStyle = "red"; parameters.context.beginCircle(worldPos.x, worldPos.y, 1); parameters.context.fill(); } const firstItemIndicator = this.computePositionFromProgress( this.spacingToFirstItem ).toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); parameters.context.fillStyle = "purple"; parameters.context.fillRect(firstItemIndicator.x - 3, firstItemIndicator.y - 1, 6, 2); } /** * Checks if this belt path should render simplified */ checkIsPotatoMode() { // POTATO Mode: Only show items when belt is hovered if (! { return false; } if (this.root.currentLayer !== "regular") { // Not in regular layer return true; } const mousePos =; if (!mousePos) { // Mouse not registered return true; } const tile =; const contents =, tile.y, "regular"); if (!contents || !contents.components.Belt) { // Nothing below return true; } if (contents.components.Belt.assignedPath !== this) { // Not this path return true; } return false; } /** * Draws the path * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ draw(parameters) { if (!parameters.visibleRect.containsRect(this.worldBounds)) { return; } if (this.items.length === 0) { // Early out return; } if (this.checkIsPotatoMode()) { const firstItem = this.items[0]; if (this.entityPath.length > 1 && firstItem) { const medianBeltIndex = clamp( Math.round(this.entityPath.length / 2 - 1), 0, this.entityPath.length - 1 ); const medianBelt = this.entityPath[medianBeltIndex]; const beltComp = medianBelt.components.Belt; const staticComp = medianBelt.components.StaticMapEntity; const centerPosLocal = beltComp.transformBeltToLocalSpace( this.entityPath.length % 2 === 0 ? beltComp.getEffectiveLengthTiles() : 0.5 ); const centerPos = staticComp.localTileToWorld(centerPosLocal).toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 0.5; firstItem[_item].drawItemCenteredClipped(centerPos.x, centerPos.y, parameters); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; } return; } let currentItemPos = this.spacingToFirstItem; let currentItemIndex = 0; let trackPos = 0.0; // Iterate whole track and check items for (let i = 0; i < this.entityPath.length; ++i) { const entity = this.entityPath[i]; const beltComp = entity.components.Belt; const beltLength = beltComp.getEffectiveLengthTiles(); // Check if the current items are on the belt while (trackPos + beltLength >= currentItemPos - 1e-5) { // It's on the belt, render it now const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; assert( currentItemPos - trackPos >= 0, "invalid track pos: " + currentItemPos + " vs " + trackPos + " (l =" + beltLength + ")" ); const localPos = beltComp.transformBeltToLocalSpace(currentItemPos - trackPos); const worldPos = staticComp.localTileToWorld(localPos).toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); const distanceAndItem = this.items[currentItemIndex]; distanceAndItem[_item].drawItemCenteredClipped( worldPos.x, worldPos.y, parameters, globalConfig.defaultItemDiameter ); // Check for the next item currentItemPos += distanceAndItem[_nextDistance]; ++currentItemIndex; if (currentItemIndex >= this.items.length) { // We rendered all items return; } } trackPos += beltLength; } } }