import { GameState } from "../core/game_state"; import { getRandomHint } from "../game/hints"; import { HUDModalDialogs } from "../game/hud/parts/modal_dialogs"; import { T } from "../translations"; export class LoginState extends GameState { constructor() { super("LoginState"); } getInnerHTML() { return `
`; } /** * * @param {object} payload * @param {string} payload.nextStateId */ onEnter(payload) { this.payload = payload; if (!this.payload.nextStateId) { throw new Error("No next state id"); } this.dialogs = new HUDModalDialogs(null,; const dialogsElement = document.body.querySelector(".modalDialogParent"); this.dialogs.initializeToElement(dialogsElement); this.htmlElement.classList.add("prefab_LoadingState"); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.hintsText = this.htmlElement.querySelector(".prefab_GameHint"); this.lastHintShown = -1000; this.nextHintDuration = 0; this.tryLogin(); } tryLogin() { => { console.log("Logged in:", success); if (!success) { const signals = this.dialogs.showWarning( T.dialogs.offlineMode.title, T.dialogs.offlineMode.desc, ["retry", "playOffline:bad"] ); signals.retry.add(() => setTimeout(() => this.tryLogin(), 2000), this); signals.playOffline.add(this.finishLoading, this); } else { this.finishLoading(); } }); } finishLoading() { this.moveToState(this.payload.nextStateId); } getDefaultPreviousState() { return "MainMenuState"; } update() { const now =; if (now - this.lastHintShown > this.nextHintDuration) { this.lastHintShown = now; const hintText = getRandomHint(); this.hintsText.innerHTML = hintText; /** * Compute how long the user will need to read the hint. * We calculate with 130 words per minute, with an average of 5 chars * that is 650 characters / minute */ this.nextHintDuration = Math.max(2500, (hintText.length / 650) * 60 * 1000); } } onRender() { this.update(); } onBackgroundTick() { this.update(); } }