import { MusicInstanceInterface, SoundInstanceInterface, SoundInterface, MUSIC, SOUNDS } from "../sound"; import { cachebust } from "../../core/cachebust"; import { createLogger } from "../../core/logging"; import { globalConfig } from "../../core/config"; const { Howl, Howler } = require("howler"); const logger = createLogger("sound/browser"); const sprites = require("../../built-temp/sfx.json"); class SoundSpritesContainer { constructor() { this.howl = null; this.loadingPromise = null; } load() { if (this.loadingPromise) { return this.loadingPromise; } return (this.loadingPromise = Promise.race([ new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(reject, G_IS_DEV ? 5000 : 60000); }), new Promise(resolve => { this.howl = new Howl({ src: cachebust("res/sounds/sfx.mp3"), sprite: sprites.sprite, autoplay: false, loop: false, volume: 0, preload: true, pool: 20, onload: () => { resolve(); }, onloaderror: (id, err) => { logger.warn("SFX failed to load:", id, err); this.howl = null; resolve(); }, onplayerror: (id, err) => { logger.warn("SFX failed to play:", id, err); }, }); }), ])); } play(volume, key) { if (this.howl) { const instance =; this.howl.volume(volume, instance); } } deinitialize() { if (this.howl) { this.howl.unload(); this.howl = null; } } } class WrappedSoundInstance extends SoundInstanceInterface { /** * * @param {SoundSpritesContainer} spriteContainer * @param {string} key */ constructor(spriteContainer, key) { super(key, "sfx.mp3"); this.spriteContainer = spriteContainer; } /** @returns {Promise} */ load() { return this.spriteContainer.load(); } play(volume) { logger.error("TDO: PLAY", this.key);, this.key); } deinitialize() { return this.spriteContainer.deinitialize(); } } class MusicInstance extends MusicInstanceInterface { constructor(key, url) { super(key, url); this.howl = null; this.instance = null; this.playing = false; } load() { return Promise.race([ new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(reject, G_IS_DEV ? 5000 : 60000); }), new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.howl = new Howl({ src: cachebust("res/sounds/music/" + this.url), autoplay: false, loop: true, html5: true, volume: 1, preload: true, pool: 2, onunlock: () => { if (this.playing) { logger.log("Playing music after manual unlock");; } }, onload: () => { resolve(); }, onloaderror: (id, err) => { logger.warn(this, "Music", this.url, "failed to load:", id, err); this.howl = null; resolve(); }, onplayerror: (id, err) => { logger.warn(this, "Music", this.url, "failed to play:", id, err); }, }); }), ]); } stop() { if (this.howl && this.instance) { this.playing = false; this.howl.pause(this.instance); } } isPlaying() { return this.playing; } play() { if (this.howl) { this.playing = true; if (this.instance) {; } else { this.instance =; } } } deinitialize() { if (this.howl) { this.howl.unload(); this.howl = null; this.instance = null; } } } export class SoundImplBrowser extends SoundInterface { constructor(app) { Howler.mobileAutoEnable = true; Howler.autoUnlock = true; Howler.autoSuspend = false; Howler.html5PoolSize = 20; Howler.pos(0, 0, 0); super(app, WrappedSoundInstance, MusicInstance); } initialize() { this.sfxHandle = new SoundSpritesContainer(); // @ts-ignore const keys = Object.values(SOUNDS); keys.forEach(key => { this.sounds[key] = new WrappedSoundInstance(this.sfxHandle, key); }); console.log(this.sounds); for (const musicKey in MUSIC) { const musicPath = MUSIC[musicKey]; const music = new this.musicClass(musicKey, musicPath);[musicPath] = music; } this.musicMuted =; this.soundsMuted =; if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.disableMusic) { this.musicMuted = true; } return Promise.resolve(); } deinitialize() { return super.deinitialize().then(() => Howler.unload()); } }