import { globalConfig } from "../core/config"; import { createLogger } from "../core/logging"; import { DialogWithForm } from "../core/modal_dialog_elements"; import { FormElementInput } from "../core/modal_dialog_forms"; import { TextualGameState } from "../core/textual_game_state"; import { formatBigNumberFull } from "../core/utils"; import { enumGameModeIds } from "../game/game_mode"; import { ShapeDefinition } from "../game/shape_definition"; import { MUSIC } from "../platform/sound"; import { Savegame } from "../savegame/savegame"; import { T } from "../translations"; const categories = ["top-rated", "new", "easy", "short", "hard", "completed", "mine"]; /** * @type {import("../savegame/savegame_typedefs").PuzzleMetadata} */ const SAMPLE_PUZZLE = { id: 1, shortKey: "CuCuCuCu", downloads: 0, likes: 0, averageTime: 1, completions: 1, difficulty: null, title: "Level 1", author: "verylongsteamnamewhichbreaks", completed: false, }; /** * @type {import("../savegame/savegame_typedefs").PuzzleMetadata[]} */ const BUILTIN_PUZZLES = G_IS_DEV ? [ // { ...SAMPLE_PUZZLE, completed: true }, // { ...SAMPLE_PUZZLE, completed: true }, // SAMPLE_PUZZLE, // SAMPLE_PUZZLE, // SAMPLE_PUZZLE, // SAMPLE_PUZZLE, // SAMPLE_PUZZLE, // SAMPLE_PUZZLE, // SAMPLE_PUZZLE, // SAMPLE_PUZZLE, // SAMPLE_PUZZLE, // SAMPLE_PUZZLE, // SAMPLE_PUZZLE, ] : []; const logger = createLogger("puzzle-menu"); let lastCategory = categories[0]; export class PuzzleMenuState extends TextualGameState { constructor() { super("PuzzleMenuState"); this.loading = false; this.activeCategory = ""; } getThemeMusic() { return MUSIC.puzzle; } getStateHeaderTitle() { return T.puzzleMenu.title; } /** * Overrides the GameState implementation to provide our own html */ internalGetFullHtml() { let headerHtml = `


`; return ` ${headerHtml}
`; } getMainContentHTML() { let html = `
${categories .map( category => ` ` ) .join("")}
`; return html; } selectCategory(category) { lastCategory = category; if (category === this.activeCategory) { return; } if (this.loading) { return; } this.loading = true; this.activeCategory = category; const activeCategory = this.htmlElement.querySelector(".active[data-category]"); if (activeCategory) { activeCategory.classList.remove("active"); } this.htmlElement.querySelector(`[data-category="${category}"]`).classList.add("active"); const container = this.htmlElement.querySelector("#mainContainer"); while (container.firstChild) { container.removeChild(container.firstChild); } const loadingElement = document.createElement("div"); loadingElement.classList.add("loader"); loadingElement.innerText = + "..."; container.appendChild(loadingElement); this.asyncChannel .watch(this.getPuzzlesForCategory(category)) .then( puzzles => this.renderPuzzles(puzzles), error => { this.dialogs.showWarning( T.dialogs.puzzleLoadFailed.title, T.dialogs.puzzleLoadFailed.desc + " " + error ); this.renderPuzzles([]); } ) .then(() => (this.loading = false)); } /** * * @param {import("../savegame/savegame_typedefs").PuzzleMetadata[]} puzzles */ renderPuzzles(puzzles) { const container = this.htmlElement.querySelector("#mainContainer"); while (container.firstChild) { container.removeChild(container.firstChild); } for (const puzzle of puzzles) { const elem = document.createElement("div"); elem.classList.add("puzzle"); elem.classList.toggle("completed", puzzle.completed); if (puzzle.title) { const title = document.createElement("div"); title.classList.add("title"); title.innerText = puzzle.title; elem.appendChild(title); } if ( { const author = document.createElement("div"); author.classList.add("author"); author.innerText = "by " +; elem.appendChild(author); } const stats = document.createElement("div"); stats.classList.add("stats"); elem.appendChild(stats); if (puzzle.downloads > 0) { const difficulty = document.createElement("div"); difficulty.classList.add("difficulty"); const completionPercentage = Math.max( 0, Math.min(100, Math.round((puzzle.completions / puzzle.downloads) * 100.0)) ); difficulty.innerText = completionPercentage + "%"; stats.appendChild(difficulty); if (completionPercentage < 10) { difficulty.classList.add("stage--hard"); } else if (completionPercentage < 30) { difficulty.classList.add("stage--medium"); } else if (completionPercentage < 60) { difficulty.classList.add("stage--normal"); } else { difficulty.classList.add("stage--easy"); } } if (this.activeCategory === "mine") { const downloads = document.createElement("div"); downloads.classList.add("downloads"); downloads.innerText = String(puzzle.downloads); stats.appendChild(downloads); stats.classList.add("withDownloads"); } const likes = document.createElement("div"); likes.classList.add("likes"); likes.innerText = formatBigNumberFull(puzzle.likes); stats.appendChild(likes); const definition = ShapeDefinition.fromShortKey(puzzle.shortKey); const canvas = definition.generateAsCanvas(100 *; const icon = document.createElement("div"); icon.classList.add("icon"); icon.appendChild(canvas); elem.appendChild(icon); container.appendChild(elem); this.trackClicks(elem, () => this.playPuzzle(puzzle)); } if (puzzles.length === 0) { const elem = document.createElement("div"); elem.classList.add("empty"); elem.innerText = T.puzzleMenu.noPuzzles; container.appendChild(elem); } } /** * * @param {*} category * @returns {Promise} */ getPuzzlesForCategory(category) { if (category === "levels") { return Promise.resolve(BUILTIN_PUZZLES); } const result =; return result.catch(err => { logger.error("Failed to get", category, ":", err); throw err; }); } /** * * @param {import("../savegame/savegame_typedefs").PuzzleMetadata} puzzle */ playPuzzle(puzzle) { const closeLoading = this.dialogs.showLoadingDialog(); puzzleData => { closeLoading(); logger.log("Got puzzle:", puzzleData); this.startLoadedPuzzle(puzzleData); }, err => { closeLoading(); logger.error("Failed to download puzzle",, ":", err); this.dialogs.showWarning( T.dialogs.puzzleDownloadError.title, T.dialogs.puzzleDownloadError.desc + " " + err ); } ); } /** * * @param {import("../savegame/savegame_typedefs").PuzzleFullData} puzzle */ startLoadedPuzzle(puzzle) { const savegame = this.createEmptySavegame(); this.moveToState("InGameState", { gameModeId: enumGameModeIds.puzzlePlay, gameModeParameters: { puzzle, }, savegame, }); } onEnter(payload) { this.selectCategory(lastCategory); if (payload && payload.error) { this.dialogs.showWarning(payload.error.title, payload.error.desc); } for (const category of categories) { const button = this.htmlElement.querySelector(`[data-category="${category}"]`); this.trackClicks(button, () => this.selectCategory(category)); } this.trackClicks(this.htmlElement.querySelector("button.createPuzzle"), () => this.createNewPuzzle()); this.trackClicks(this.htmlElement.querySelector("button.loadPuzzle"), () => this.loadPuzzle()); if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.testPuzzleMode) { // this.createNewPuzzle(); this.playPuzzle(SAMPLE_PUZZLE); } } createEmptySavegame() { return new Savegame(, { internalId: "puzzle", metaDataRef: { internalId: "puzzle", lastUpdate: 0, version: 0, level: 0, name: "puzzle", }, }); } loadPuzzle() { const shortKeyInput = new FormElementInput({ id: "shortKey", label: null, placeholder: "", defaultValue: "", validator: val => ShapeDefinition.isValidShortKey(val), }); const dialog = new DialogWithForm({ app:, title: T.dialogs.puzzleLoadShortKey.title, desc: T.dialogs.puzzleLoadShortKey.desc, formElements: [shortKeyInput], buttons: ["ok:good:enter"], }); this.dialogs.internalShowDialog(dialog); dialog.buttonSignals.ok.add(() => { const closeLoading = this.dialogs.showLoadingDialog(); puzzle => { closeLoading(); this.startLoadedPuzzle(puzzle); }, err => { closeLoading(); this.dialogs.showWarning( T.dialogs.puzzleDownloadError.title, T.dialogs.puzzleDownloadError.desc + " " + err ); } ); }); } createNewPuzzle(force = false) { if (!force && ! { const signals = this.dialogs.showWarning( T.dialogs.puzzleCreateOffline.title, T.dialogs.puzzleCreateOffline.desc, ["cancel:good", "continue:bad"] ); signals.continue.add(() => this.createNewPuzzle(true)); return; } const savegame = this.createEmptySavegame(); this.moveToState("InGameState", { gameModeId: enumGameModeIds.puzzleEdit, savegame, }); } }