const { existsSync } = require("fs"); // @ts-ignore const path = require("path"); const atlasToJson = require("./atlas2json"); const execute = command => require("child_process").execSync(command, { encoding: "utf-8", }); // Globs for atlas resources const rawImageResourcesGlobs = ["../res_raw/config.json", "../res_raw/**/*.png"]; // Globs for non-ui resources const nonImageResourcesGlobs = ["../res/**/*.woff2", "../res/*.ico", "../res/**/*.webm"]; // Globs for ui resources const imageResourcesGlobs = ["../res/**/*.png", "../res/**/*.svg", "../res/**/*.jpg", "../res/**/*.gif"]; // Link to download LibGDX runnable-texturepacker.jar const runnableTPSource = ""; function gulptasksImageResources($, gulp, buildFolder) { // Lossless options const minifyImagesOptsLossless = () => [ $.imageminJpegtran({ progressive: true, }), $.imagemin.svgo({}), $.imagemin.optipng({ optimizationLevel: 3, }), $.imageminGifsicle({ optimizationLevel: 3, colors: 128, }), ]; // Lossy options const minifyImagesOpts = () => [ $.imagemin.mozjpeg({ quality: 80, maxMemory: 1024 * 1024 * 8, }), $.imagemin.svgo({}), $.imageminPngquant({ speed: 1, strip: true, quality: [0.65, 0.9], dithering: false, verbose: false, }), $.imagemin.optipng({ optimizationLevel: 3, }), $.imageminGifsicle({ optimizationLevel: 3, colors: 128, }), ]; // Where the resources folder are const resourcesDestFolder = path.join(buildFolder, "res"); /** * Determines if an atlas must use lossless compression * @param {string} fname */ function fileMustBeLossless(fname) { return fname.indexOf("lossless") >= 0; } /////////////// ATLAS ///////////////////// gulp.task("imgres.buildAtlas", cb => { const config = JSON.stringify("../res_raw/atlas.json"); const source = JSON.stringify("../res_raw"); const dest = JSON.stringify("../res_built/atlas"); try { // First check whether Java is installed execute("java -version"); // Now check and try downloading runnable-texturepacker.jar (22MB) if (!existsSync("./runnable-texturepacker.jar")) { const safeLink = JSON.stringify(runnableTPSource); const commands = [ // linux/macos if installed `wget -O runnable-texturepacker.jar ${safeLink}`, // linux/macos, latest windows 10 `curl -o runnable-texturepacker.jar ${safeLink}`, // windows 10 / updated windows 7+ "powershell.exe -Command (new-object System.Net.WebClient)" + `.DownloadFile(${safeLink.replace(/"/g, "'")}, 'runnable-texturepacker.jar')`, // windows 7+, vulnerability exploit `certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f ${safeLink} runnable-texturepacker.jar`, ]; while (commands.length) { try { execute(commands.shift()); break; } catch { if (!commands.length) { throw new Error("Failed to download runnable-texturepacker.jar!"); } } } } execute(`java -jar runnable-texturepacker.jar ${source} ${dest} atlas0 ${config}`); } catch { console.warn("Building atlas failed. Java not found / unsupported version?"); } cb(); }); // Converts .atlas LibGDX files to JSON gulp.task("imgres.atlasToJson", cb => { atlasToJson.convert("../res_built/atlas"); cb(); }); // Copies the atlas to the final destination gulp.task("imgres.atlas", () => { return gulp.src(["../res_built/atlas/*.png"]).pipe(gulp.dest(resourcesDestFolder)); }); // Copies the atlas to the final destination after optimizing it (lossy compression) gulp.task("imgres.atlasOptimized", () => { return gulp .src(["../res_built/atlas/*.png"]) .pipe( $.if( fname => fileMustBeLossless(fname.history[0]), $.imagemin(minifyImagesOptsLossless()), $.imagemin(minifyImagesOpts()) ) ) .pipe(gulp.dest(resourcesDestFolder)); }); //////////////////// RESOURCES ////////////////////// // Copies all resources which are no ui resources gulp.task("imgres.copyNonImageResources", () => { return gulp.src(nonImageResourcesGlobs).pipe(gulp.dest(resourcesDestFolder)); }); // Copies all ui resources gulp.task("imgres.copyImageResources", () => { return gulp .src(imageResourcesGlobs) .pipe($.cached("imgres.copyImageResources")) .pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(resourcesDestFolder))); }); // Copies all ui resources and optimizes them gulp.task("imgres.copyImageResourcesOptimized", () => { return gulp .src(imageResourcesGlobs) .pipe( $.if( fname => fileMustBeLossless(fname.history[0]), $.imagemin(minifyImagesOptsLossless()), $.imagemin(minifyImagesOpts()) ) ) .pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(resourcesDestFolder))); }); // Copies all resources and optimizes them gulp.task( "imgres.allOptimized", gulp.parallel( "imgres.atlasOptimized", "imgres.copyNonImageResources", "imgres.copyImageResourcesOptimized" ) ); // Cleans up unused images which are instead inline into the css gulp.task("imgres.cleanupUnusedCssInlineImages", () => { return gulp .src( [ path.join(buildFolder, "res", "ui", "**", "*.png"), path.join(buildFolder, "res", "ui", "**", "*.jpg"), path.join(buildFolder, "res", "ui", "**", "*.svg"), path.join(buildFolder, "res", "ui", "**", "*.gif"), ], { read: false } ) .pipe($.if(fname => fname.history[0].indexOf("noinline") < 0, $.clean({ force: true }))); }); } module.exports = { rawImageResourcesGlobs, nonImageResourcesGlobs, imageResourcesGlobs, gulptasksImageResources, };