import { TextualGameState } from "../core/textual_game_state"; import { SOUNDS } from "../platform/sound"; import { T } from "../translations"; import { KEYMAPPINGS, getStringForKeyCode } from "../game/key_action_mapper"; import { Dialog } from "../core/modal_dialog_elements"; import { THIRDPARTY_URLS } from "../core/config"; export class AboutState extends TextualGameState { constructor() { super("AboutState"); } getStateHeaderTitle() { return T.about.title; } getMainContentHTML() { return ` This game is open source and developed by Tobias Springer (this is me).

If you want to contribute, check out on github.

This game wouldn't have been possible without the great discord community arround my games - You should really join the discord server!

The soundtrack was made by Peppsen - He's awesome.

Finally, huge thanks to my best friend Niklas - Without our factorio sessions this game would never have existed. `; } onEnter() {} getDefaultPreviousState() { return "SettingsState"; } }