import { BaseHUDPart } from "../base_hud_part"; import { makeDiv, makeButton, formatBigNumber, clamp, removeAllChildren, waitNextFrame, } from "../../../core/utils"; import { DynamicDomAttach } from "../dynamic_dom_attach"; import { InputReceiver } from "../../../core/input_receiver"; import { KeyActionMapper } from "../../key_action_mapper"; import { ShapeDefinition } from "../../shape_definition"; import { GameRoot } from "../../root"; import { freeCanvas, makeOffscreenBuffer } from "../../../core/buffer_utils"; import { enumAnalyticsDataSource } from "../../production_analytics"; import { globalConfig } from "../../../core/config"; import { Math_floor, Math_min } from "../../../core/builtins"; /** @enum {string} */ const enumDisplayMode = { icons: "icons", detailed: "detailed", }; /** * Simple wrapper for a shape definition */ class ShapeStatisticsHandle { /** * @param {GameRoot} root * @param {ShapeDefinition} definition * @param {IntersectionObserver} intersectionObserver */ constructor(root, definition, intersectionObserver) { this.definition = definition; this.root = root; this.intersectionObserver = intersectionObserver; this.visible = false; } initElement() { this.element = document.createElement("div"); this.element.setAttribute("data-shape-key", this.definition.getHash()); this.counter = document.createElement("span"); this.counter.classList.add("counter"); this.element.appendChild(this.counter); } /** * Sets whether the shape handle is visible currently * @param {boolean} visibility */ setVisible(visibility) { if (visibility === this.visible) { return; } this.visible = visibility; if (visibility) { if (!this.shapeCanvas) { // Create elements this.shapeCanvas = this.definition.generateAsCanvas(100); this.shapeCanvas.classList.add("icon"); this.element.appendChild(this.shapeCanvas); } } else { // Drop elements if (this.shapeCanvas) { this.shapeCanvas.remove(); delete this.shapeCanvas; } if (this.graphCanvas) { this.graphCanvas.remove(); delete this.graphCanvas; delete this.graphContext; } } } /** * * @param {enumDisplayMode} displayMode * @param {enumAnalyticsDataSource} dataSource * @param {boolean=} forced */ update(displayMode, dataSource, forced = false) { if (!this.element) { return; } if (!this.visible && !forced) { return; } switch (dataSource) { case enumAnalyticsDataSource.stored: { this.counter.innerText = formatBigNumber( this.root.hubGoals.storedShapes[this.definition.getHash()] || 0 ); break; } case enumAnalyticsDataSource.delivered: case enumAnalyticsDataSource.produced: { let rate = (this.root.productionAnalytics.getCurrentShapeRate(dataSource, this.definition) / globalConfig.analyticsSliceDurationSeconds) * 60; this.counter.innerText = formatBigNumber(rate) + " / m"; break; } } if (displayMode === enumDisplayMode.detailed) { const graphDpi = globalConfig.statisticsGraphDpi; const w = 300; const h = 40; if (!this.graphCanvas) { const [canvas, context] = makeOffscreenBuffer(w * graphDpi, h * graphDpi, { smooth: true, reusable: false, label: "statgraph-" + this.definition.getHash(), }); context.scale(graphDpi, graphDpi); canvas.classList.add("graph"); this.graphCanvas = canvas; this.graphContext = context; this.element.appendChild(this.graphCanvas); } this.graphContext.clearRect(0, 0, w, h); this.graphContext.fillStyle = "#bee0db"; this.graphContext.strokeStyle = "#66ccbc"; this.graphContext.lineWidth = 1.5; const sliceWidth = w / globalConfig.statisticsGraphSlices; let values = []; let maxValue = 1; for (let i = 0; i < globalConfig.statisticsGraphSlices - 1; ++i) { const value = this.root.productionAnalytics.getPastShapeRate( dataSource, this.definition, globalConfig.statisticsGraphSlices - i - 1 ); if (value > maxValue) { maxValue = value; } values.push(value); } this.graphContext.beginPath(); this.graphContext.moveTo(0.75, h + 5); for (let i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { const yValue = clamp((1 - values[i] / maxValue) * h, 0.75, h - 0.75); const x = i * sliceWidth; if (i === 0) { this.graphContext.lineTo(0.75, yValue); } this.graphContext.lineTo(x, yValue); if (i === values.length - 1) { this.graphContext.lineTo(w + 100, yValue); this.graphContext.lineTo(w + 100, h + 5); } } this.graphContext.closePath(); this.graphContext.stroke(); this.graphContext.fill(); } else { if (this.graphCanvas) { this.graphCanvas.remove(); delete this.graphCanvas; delete this.graphContext; } } } /** * Attaches the handle * @param {HTMLElement} parent */ attach(parent) { if (!this.element) { this.initElement(); } if (this.element.parentElement !== parent) { parent.appendChild(this.element); this.intersectionObserver.observe(this.element); } } /** * Detaches the handle */ detach() { if (this.element && this.element.parentElement) { this.element.parentElement.removeChild(this.element); this.intersectionObserver.unobserve(this.element); } } /** * Destroys the handle */ destroy() { if (this.element) { this.intersectionObserver.unobserve(this.element); this.shapeCanvas.remove(); this.element.remove(); delete this.element; delete this.counter; delete this.shapeCanvas; } } } export class HUDStatistics extends BaseHUDPart { createElements(parent) { this.background = makeDiv(parent, "ingame_HUD_Statistics", ["ingameDialog"]); // DIALOG Inner / Wrapper this.dialogInner = makeDiv(this.background, null, ["dialogInner"]); this.title = makeDiv(this.dialogInner, null, ["title"], `statistics`); this.closeButton = makeDiv(this.title, null, ["closeButton"]); this.trackClicks(this.closeButton, this.close); this.filterHeader = makeDiv(this.dialogInner, null, ["filterHeader"]); this.filtersDataSource = makeDiv(this.filterHeader, null, ["filtersDataSource"]); this.filtersDisplayMode = makeDiv(this.filterHeader, null, ["filtersDisplayMode"]); const buttonModeProduced = makeButton(this.filtersDataSource, ["modeProduced"], "Produced"); const buttonModeDelivered = makeButton(this.filtersDataSource, ["modeDelivered"], "Delivered"); const buttonModeStored = makeButton(this.filtersDataSource, ["modeStored"], "Stored"); this.trackClicks(buttonModeProduced, () => this.setDataSource(enumAnalyticsDataSource.produced)); this.trackClicks(buttonModeStored, () => this.setDataSource(enumAnalyticsDataSource.stored)); this.trackClicks(buttonModeDelivered, () => this.setDataSource(enumAnalyticsDataSource.delivered)); const buttonDisplayDetailed = makeButton(this.filtersDisplayMode, ["displayDetailed"]); const buttonDisplayIcons = makeButton(this.filtersDisplayMode, ["displayIcons"]); this.trackClicks(buttonDisplayIcons, () => this.setDisplayMode(enumDisplayMode.icons)); this.trackClicks(buttonDisplayDetailed, () => this.setDisplayMode(enumDisplayMode.detailed)); this.contentDiv = makeDiv(this.dialogInner, null, ["content"]); } /** * @param {enumAnalyticsDataSource} source */ setDataSource(source) { this.dataSource = source; this.dialogInner.setAttribute("data-datasource", source); if (this.visible) { this.rerenderFull(); } } /** * @param {enumDisplayMode} mode */ setDisplayMode(mode) { this.displayMode = mode; this.dialogInner.setAttribute("data-displaymode", mode); if (this.visible) { this.rerenderFull(); } } initialize() { this.domAttach = new DynamicDomAttach(this.root, this.background, { attachClass: "visible", }); this.inputReciever = new InputReceiver("statistics"); this.keyActionMapper = new KeyActionMapper(this.root, this.inputReciever); this.keyActionMapper.getBinding("back").add(this.close, this); this.keyActionMapper.getBinding("menu_open_stats").add(this.close, this); /** @type {Object.} */ this.activeHandles = {}; this.setDataSource(enumAnalyticsDataSource.produced); this.setDisplayMode(enumDisplayMode.detailed); this.intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(this.intersectionCallback.bind(this), { root: this.contentDiv, }); this.lastFullRerender = 0; this.close(); this.rerenderFull(); } intersectionCallback(entries) { for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) { const entry = entries[i]; const handle = this.activeHandles["data-shape-key")]; if (handle) { handle.setVisible(entry.intersectionRatio > 0); } } } cleanup() { document.body.classList.remove("ingameDialogOpen"); } show() { this.visible = true; document.body.classList.add("ingameDialogOpen");; this.rerenderFull(); this.update(); } close() { this.visible = false; document.body.classList.remove("ingameDialogOpen");; this.update(); } update() { this.domAttach.update(this.visible); if (this.visible) { if ( - this.lastFullRerender > 1) { this.lastFullRerender =; this.lastPartialRerender =; this.rerenderFull(); } this.rerenderPartial(); } } rerenderPartial() { for (const key in this.activeHandles) { const handle = this.activeHandles[key]; handle.update(this.displayMode, this.dataSource); } } rerenderFull() { removeAllChildren(this.contentDiv); // Now, attach new ones const entries = Object.entries(this.root.hubGoals.storedShapes); entries.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]); let rendered = new Set(); for (let i = 0; i < Math_min(entries.length, 200); ++i) { const entry = entries[i]; const shapeKey = entry[0]; const amount = entry[1]; if (amount < 1) { continue; } let handle = this.activeHandles[shapeKey]; if (!handle) { const definition = this.root.shapeDefinitionMgr.getShapeFromShortKey(shapeKey); handle = this.activeHandles[shapeKey] = new ShapeStatisticsHandle( this.root, definition, this.intersectionObserver ); } rendered.add(shapeKey); handle.attach(this.contentDiv); } for (const key in this.activeHandles) { if (!rendered.has(key)) { this.activeHandles[key].destroy(); delete this.activeHandles[key]; } } if (entries.length === 0) { this.contentDiv.innerHTML = ` No shapes have been produced so far.`; } this.contentDiv.classList.toggle("hasEntries", entries.length > 0); } }