import { Loader } from "../../core/loader"; import { enumDirection, Vector, enumAngleToDirection, enumDirectionToVector } from "../../core/vector"; import { ItemAcceptorComponent } from "../components/item_acceptor"; import { ItemEjectorComponent } from "../components/item_ejector"; import { enumUndergroundBeltMode, UndergroundBeltComponent } from "../components/underground_belt"; import { Entity } from "../entity"; import { MetaBuilding, defaultBuildingVariant } from "../meta_building"; import { GameRoot } from "../root"; import { globalConfig } from "../../core/config"; import { enumHubGoalRewards } from "../tutorial_goals"; import { formatItemsPerSecond, generateMatrixRotations } from "../../core/utils"; import { T } from "../../translations"; /** @enum {string} */ export const arrayUndergroundRotationVariantToMode = [ enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender, enumUndergroundBeltMode.receiver, ]; /** @enum {string} */ export const enumUndergroundBeltVariants = { tier2: "tier2" }; export const enumUndergroundBeltVariantToTier = { [defaultBuildingVariant]: 0, [enumUndergroundBeltVariants.tier2]: 1, }; const colorsByRotationVariant = ["#6d9dff", "#71ff9c"]; const overlayMatrices = [ // Sender generateMatrixRotations([1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]), // Receiver generateMatrixRotations([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]), ]; export class MetaUndergroundBeltBuilding extends MetaBuilding { constructor() { super("underground_belt"); } getSilhouetteColor(variant, rotationVariant) { return colorsByRotationVariant[rotationVariant]; } getFlipOrientationAfterPlacement() { return true; } getStayInPlacementMode() { return true; } /** * @param {number} rotation * @param {number} rotationVariant * @param {string} variant * @param {Entity} entity */ getSpecialOverlayRenderMatrix(rotation, rotationVariant, variant, entity) { return overlayMatrices[rotationVariant][rotation]; } /** * @param {GameRoot} root * @param {string} variant * @returns {Array<[string, string]>} */ getAdditionalStatistics(root, variant) { const rangeTiles = globalConfig.undergroundBeltMaxTilesByTier[enumUndergroundBeltVariantToTier[variant]]; const beltSpeed = root.hubGoals.getUndergroundBeltBaseSpeed(); /** @type {Array<[string, string]>} */ const stats = [ [ T.ingame.buildingPlacement.infoTexts.range, T.ingame.buildingPlacement.infoTexts.tiles.replace("", "" + rangeTiles), ], ]; if (root.gameMode.throughputDoesNotMatter()) { return stats; } stats.push([T.ingame.buildingPlacement.infoTexts.speed, formatItemsPerSecond(beltSpeed)]); return stats; } /** * @param {GameRoot} root */ getAvailableVariants(root) { if (root.hubGoals.isRewardUnlocked(enumHubGoalRewards.reward_underground_belt_tier_2)) { return [defaultBuildingVariant, enumUndergroundBeltVariants.tier2]; } return super.getAvailableVariants(root); } /** * @param {number} rotationVariant * @param {string} variant */ getPreviewSprite(rotationVariant, variant) { let suffix = ""; if (variant !== defaultBuildingVariant) { suffix = "-" + variant; } switch (arrayUndergroundRotationVariantToMode[rotationVariant]) { case enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender: return Loader.getSprite("sprites/buildings/underground_belt_entry" + suffix + ".png"); case enumUndergroundBeltMode.receiver: return Loader.getSprite("sprites/buildings/underground_belt_exit" + suffix + ".png"); default: assertAlways(false, "Invalid rotation variant"); } } /** * @param {number} rotationVariant * @param {string} variant */ getBlueprintSprite(rotationVariant, variant) { let suffix = ""; if (variant !== defaultBuildingVariant) { suffix = "-" + variant; } switch (arrayUndergroundRotationVariantToMode[rotationVariant]) { case enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender: return Loader.getSprite("sprites/blueprints/underground_belt_entry" + suffix + ".png"); case enumUndergroundBeltMode.receiver: return Loader.getSprite("sprites/blueprints/underground_belt_exit" + suffix + ".png"); default: assertAlways(false, "Invalid rotation variant"); } } /** * @param {number} rotationVariant * @param {string} variant */ getSprite(rotationVariant, variant) { return this.getPreviewSprite(rotationVariant, variant); } /** * @param {GameRoot} root */ getIsUnlocked(root) { return root.hubGoals.isRewardUnlocked(enumHubGoalRewards.reward_tunnel); } /** * Creates the entity at the given location * @param {Entity} entity */ setupEntityComponents(entity) { // Required, since the item processor needs this. entity.addComponent( new ItemEjectorComponent({ slots: [], }) ); entity.addComponent(new UndergroundBeltComponent({})); entity.addComponent( new ItemAcceptorComponent({ slots: [], }) ); } /** * Should compute the optimal rotation variant on the given tile * @param {object} param0 * @param {GameRoot} param0.root * @param {Vector} param0.tile * @param {number} param0.rotation * @param {string} param0.variant * @param {Layer} param0.layer * @return {{ rotation: number, rotationVariant: number, connectedEntities?: Array }} */ computeOptimalDirectionAndRotationVariantAtTile({ root, tile, rotation, variant, layer }) { const searchDirection = enumAngleToDirection[rotation]; const searchVector = enumDirectionToVector[searchDirection]; const tier = enumUndergroundBeltVariantToTier[variant]; const targetRotation = (rotation + 180) % 360; const targetSenderRotation = rotation; for ( let searchOffset = 1; searchOffset <= globalConfig.undergroundBeltMaxTilesByTier[tier]; ++searchOffset ) { tile = tile.addScalars(searchVector.x, searchVector.y); const contents =, "regular"); if (contents) { const undergroundComp = contents.components.UndergroundBelt; if (undergroundComp && undergroundComp.tier === tier) { const staticComp = contents.components.StaticMapEntity; if (staticComp.rotation === targetRotation) { if (undergroundComp.mode !== enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender) { // If we encounter an underground receiver on our way which is also faced in our direction, we don't accept that break; } return { rotation: targetRotation, rotationVariant: 1, connectedEntities: [contents], }; } else if (staticComp.rotation === targetSenderRotation) { // Draw connections to receivers if (undergroundComp.mode === enumUndergroundBeltMode.receiver) { return { rotation: rotation, rotationVariant: 0, connectedEntities: [contents], }; } else { break; } } } } } return { rotation, rotationVariant: 0, }; } /** * * @param {Entity} entity * @param {number} rotationVariant * @param {string} variant */ updateVariants(entity, rotationVariant, variant) { entity.components.UndergroundBelt.tier = enumUndergroundBeltVariantToTier[variant]; switch (arrayUndergroundRotationVariantToMode[rotationVariant]) { case enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender: { entity.components.UndergroundBelt.mode = enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender; entity.components.ItemEjector.setSlots([]); entity.components.ItemAcceptor.setSlots([ { pos: new Vector(0, 0), directions: [enumDirection.bottom], }, ]); return; } case enumUndergroundBeltMode.receiver: { entity.components.UndergroundBelt.mode = enumUndergroundBeltMode.receiver; entity.components.ItemAcceptor.setSlots([]); entity.components.ItemEjector.setSlots([ { pos: new Vector(0, 0), direction:, }, ]); return; } default: assertAlways(false, "Invalid rotation variant"); } } }