import { GameState } from "../core/game_state"; import { cachebust } from "../core/cachebust"; import { THIRDPARTY_URLS } from "../core/config"; export class MobileWarningState extends GameState { constructor() { super("MobileWarningState"); } getInnerHTML() { return `

I'm sorry, but is not yet available on mobile devices! (There is also no estimate when this will change, but feel to make a contribution! It's  open source!)

If you want to play on your computer, you can also get the standalone on

Get the standalone!
`; } getThemeMusic() { return null; } getHasFadeIn() { return false; } onEnter() { try { if (window.gtag) { window.gtag("event", "click", { event_category: "ui", event_label: "mobile_warning", }); } } catch (ex) { console.warn("Failed to track mobile click:", ex); } } onLeave() { // this.dialogs.cleanup(); } }