import { globalConfig } from "../../../core/config"; import { DrawParameters } from "../../../core/draw_parameters"; import { createLogger } from "../../../core/logging"; import { STOP_PROPAGATION } from "../../../core/signal"; import { formatBigNumberFull } from "../../../core/utils"; import { Vector } from "../../../core/vector"; import { ACHIEVEMENTS } from "../../../platform/achievement_provider"; import { T } from "../../../translations"; import { Blueprint } from "../../blueprint"; import { enumMouseButton } from "../../camera"; import { Entity } from "../../entity"; import { KEYMAPPINGS } from "../../key_action_mapper"; import { THEME } from "../../theme"; import { enumHubGoalRewards } from "../../tutorial_goals"; import { BaseHUDPart } from "../base_hud_part"; const logger = createLogger("hud/mass_selector"); export class HUDMassSelector extends BaseHUDPart { createElements(parent) {} initialize() { this.currentSelectionStartWorld = null; this.currentSelectionEnd = null; this.selectedUids = new Set(); this.root.signals.entityQueuedForDestroy.add(this.onEntityDestroyed, this); this.root.hud.signals.pasteBlueprintRequested.add(this.clearSelection, this);, this);, this);, this); this.root.keyMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.general.back).addToTop(this.onBack, this); this.root.keyMapper .getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.massSelect.confirmMassDelete) .add(this.confirmDelete, this); this.root.keyMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.massSelect.massSelectCut).add(this.confirmCut, this); this.root.keyMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.massSelect.massSelectCopy).add(this.startCopy, this); this.root.keyMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.massSelect.massSelectClear).add(this.clearBelts, this); this.root.hud.signals.selectedPlacementBuildingChanged.add(this.clearSelection, this); this.root.signals.editModeChanged.add(this.clearSelection, this); } /** * Handles the destroy callback and makes sure we clean our list * @param {Entity} entity */ onEntityDestroyed(entity) { if (this.root.bulkOperationRunning) { return; } this.selectedUids.delete(entity.uid); } /** * */ onBack() { // Clear entities on escape if (this.selectedUids.size > 0) { this.selectedUids = new Set(); return STOP_PROPAGATION; } } /** * Clears the entire selection */ clearSelection() { this.selectedUids = new Set(); } confirmDelete() { if ( ! && this.selectedUids.size > 100 ) { const { ok } = T.dialogs.massDeleteConfirm.title, T.dialogs.massDeleteConfirm.desc.replace( "", "" + formatBigNumberFull(this.selectedUids.size) ), ["cancel:good:escape", "ok:bad:enter"] ); ok.add(() => this.doDelete()); } else { this.doDelete(); } } doDelete() { const entityUids = Array.from(this.selectedUids); // Build mapping from uid to entity /** * @type {Map} */ const mapUidToEntity = this.root.entityMgr.getFrozenUidSearchMap(); let count = 0; this.root.logic.performBulkOperation(() => { for (let i = 0; i < entityUids.length; ++i) { const uid = entityUids[i]; const entity = mapUidToEntity.get(uid); if (!entity) { logger.error("Entity not found by uid:", uid); continue; } if (!this.root.logic.tryDeleteBuilding(entity)) { logger.error("Error in mass delete, could not remove building"); } else { count++; } } this.root.signals.achievementCheck.dispatch(ACHIEVEMENTS.destroy1000, count); }); // Clear uids later this.selectedUids = new Set(); } showBlueprintsNotUnlocked() { T.dialogs.blueprintsNotUnlocked.title, T.dialogs.blueprintsNotUnlocked.desc ); } startCopy() { if (this.selectedUids.size > 0) { if (!this.root.hubGoals.isRewardUnlocked(enumHubGoalRewards.reward_blueprints)) { this.showBlueprintsNotUnlocked(); return; } this.root.hud.signals.buildingsSelectedForCopy.dispatch(Array.from(this.selectedUids)); this.selectedUids = new Set(); this.root.soundProxy.playUiClick(); } else { this.root.soundProxy.playUiError(); } } clearBelts() { for (const uid of this.selectedUids) { const entity = this.root.entityMgr.findByUid(uid); for (const component of Object.values(entity.components)) { /** @type {Component} */ (component).clear(); } } this.selectedUids = new Set(); } confirmCut() { if (!this.root.hubGoals.isRewardUnlocked(enumHubGoalRewards.reward_blueprints)) { this.showBlueprintsNotUnlocked(); } else if ( ! && this.selectedUids.size > 100 ) { const { ok } = T.dialogs.massCutConfirm.title, T.dialogs.massCutConfirm.desc.replace( "", "" + formatBigNumberFull(this.selectedUids.size) ), ["cancel:good:escape", "ok:bad:enter"] ); ok.add(() => this.doCut()); } else { this.doCut(); } } doCut() { if (this.selectedUids.size > 0) { const entityUids = Array.from(this.selectedUids); const cutAction = () => { // copy code relies on entities still existing, so must copy before deleting. this.root.hud.signals.buildingsSelectedForCopy.dispatch(entityUids); for (let i = 0; i < entityUids.length; ++i) { const uid = entityUids[i]; const entity = this.root.entityMgr.findByUid(uid); if (!this.root.logic.tryDeleteBuilding(entity)) { logger.error("Error in mass cut, could not remove building"); this.selectedUids.delete(uid); } } }; const blueprint = Blueprint.fromUids(this.root, entityUids); if (blueprint.canAfford(this.root)) { cutAction(); } else { const { cancel, ok } = T.dialogs.massCutInsufficientConfirm.title, T.dialogs.massCutInsufficientConfirm.desc, ["cancel:good:escape", "ok:bad:enter"] ); ok.add(cutAction); } this.root.soundProxy.playUiClick(); } else { this.root.soundProxy.playUiError(); } } /** * mouse down pre handler * @param {Vector} pos * @param {enumMouseButton} mouseButton */ onMouseDown(pos, mouseButton) { if (!this.root.keyMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.massSelect.massSelectStart).pressed) { return; } if (mouseButton !== enumMouseButton.left) { return; } if (!this.root.keyMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.massSelect.massSelectSelectMultiple).pressed) { // Start new selection this.selectedUids = new Set(); } this.currentSelectionStartWorld =; this.currentSelectionEnd = pos.copy(); return STOP_PROPAGATION; } /** * mouse move pre handler * @param {Vector} pos */ onMouseMove(pos) { if (this.currentSelectionStartWorld) { this.currentSelectionEnd = pos.copy(); } } onMouseUp() { if (this.currentSelectionStartWorld) { const worldStart = this.currentSelectionStartWorld; const worldEnd =; const tileStart = worldStart.toTileSpace(); const tileEnd = worldEnd.toTileSpace(); const realTileStart = tileStart.min(tileEnd); const realTileEnd = tileStart.max(tileEnd); for (let x = realTileStart.x; x <= realTileEnd.x; ++x) { for (let y = realTileStart.y; y <= realTileEnd.y; ++y) { const contents =, y, this.root.currentLayer); if (contents && this.root.logic.canDeleteBuilding(contents)) { const staticComp = contents.components.StaticMapEntity; if (!staticComp.getMetaBuilding().getIsRemovable(this.root)) { continue; } this.selectedUids.add(contents.uid); } } } this.currentSelectionStartWorld = null; this.currentSelectionEnd = null; } } /** * * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ draw(parameters) { const boundsBorder = 2; if (this.currentSelectionStartWorld) { const worldStart = this.currentSelectionStartWorld; const worldEnd =; const realWorldStart = worldStart.min(worldEnd); const realWorldEnd = worldStart.max(worldEnd); const tileStart = worldStart.toTileSpace(); const tileEnd = worldEnd.toTileSpace(); const realTileStart = tileStart.min(tileEnd); const realTileEnd = tileStart.max(tileEnd); parameters.context.lineWidth = 1; parameters.context.fillStyle =; parameters.context.strokeStyle =; parameters.context.beginPath(); parameters.context.rect( realWorldStart.x, realWorldStart.y, realWorldEnd.x - realWorldStart.x, realWorldEnd.y - realWorldStart.y ); parameters.context.fill(); parameters.context.stroke(); parameters.context.fillStyle =; parameters.context.beginPath(); const renderedUids = new Set(); for (let x = realTileStart.x; x <= realTileEnd.x; ++x) { for (let y = realTileStart.y; y <= realTileEnd.y; ++y) { const contents =, y, this.root.currentLayer); if (contents && this.root.logic.canDeleteBuilding(contents)) { // Prevent rendering the overlay twice const uid = contents.uid; if (renderedUids.has(uid)) { continue; } renderedUids.add(uid); const staticComp = contents.components.StaticMapEntity; if (!staticComp.getMetaBuilding().getIsRemovable(this.root)) { continue; } const bounds = staticComp.getTileSpaceBounds(); parameters.context.rect( bounds.x * globalConfig.tileSize + boundsBorder, bounds.y * globalConfig.tileSize + boundsBorder, bounds.w * globalConfig.tileSize - 2 * boundsBorder, bounds.h * globalConfig.tileSize - 2 * boundsBorder ); } } } parameters.context.fill(); } parameters.context.fillStyle =; parameters.context.beginPath(); this.selectedUids.forEach(uid => { const entity = this.root.entityMgr.findByUid(uid); const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; const bounds = staticComp.getTileSpaceBounds(); parameters.context.rect( bounds.x * globalConfig.tileSize + boundsBorder, bounds.y * globalConfig.tileSize + boundsBorder, bounds.w * globalConfig.tileSize - 2 * boundsBorder, bounds.h * globalConfig.tileSize - 2 * boundsBorder ); }); parameters.context.fill(); } }