/* typehints:start */ import { Application } from "../application"; /* typehints:end */ import { Signal, STOP_PROPAGATION } from "./signal"; import { arrayDeleteValue, waitNextFrame } from "./utils"; import { ClickDetector } from "./click_detector"; import { SOUNDS } from "../platform/sound"; import { InputReceiver } from "./input_receiver"; import { FormElement } from "./modal_dialog_forms"; import { globalConfig } from "./config"; import { getStringForKeyCode } from "../game/key_action_mapper"; import { createLogger } from "./logging"; import { T } from "../translations"; const kbEnter = 13; const kbCancel = 27; const logger = createLogger("dialogs"); /** * Basic text based dialog */ export class Dialog { /** * * Constructs a new dialog with the given options * @param {object} param0 * @param {Application} param0.app * @param {string} param0.title Title of the dialog * @param {string} param0.contentHTML Inner dialog html * @param {Array} param0.buttons * Button list, each button contains of up to 3 parts separated by ':'. * Part 0: The id, one of the one defined in dialog_buttons.yaml * Part 1: The style, either good, bad or misc * Part 2 (optional): Additional parameters separated by '/', available are: * timeout: This button is only available after some waiting time * kb_enter: This button is triggered by the enter key * kb_escape This button is triggered by the escape key * @param {string=} param0.type The dialog type, either "info" or "warn" * @param {boolean=} param0.closeButton Whether this dialog has a close button */ constructor({ app, title, contentHTML, buttons, type = "info", closeButton = false }) { this.app = app; this.title = title; this.contentHTML = contentHTML; this.type = type; this.buttonIds = buttons; this.closeButton = closeButton; this.closeRequested = new Signal(); this.buttonSignals = {}; for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) { if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.disableTimedButtons) { this.buttonIds[i] = this.buttonIds[i].replace(":timeout", ""); } const buttonId = this.buttonIds[i].split(":")[0]; this.buttonSignals[buttonId] = new Signal(); } this.timeouts = []; this.clickDetectors = []; this.inputReciever = new InputReceiver("dialog-" + this.title); this.inputReciever.keydown.add(this.handleKeydown, this); this.enterHandler = null; this.escapeHandler = null; } /** * Internal keydown handler * @param {object} param0 * @param {number} param0.keyCode * @param {boolean} param0.shift * @param {boolean} param0.alt */ handleKeydown({ keyCode, shift, alt }) { if (keyCode === kbEnter && this.enterHandler) { this.internalButtonHandler(this.enterHandler); return STOP_PROPAGATION; } if (keyCode === kbCancel && this.escapeHandler) { this.internalButtonHandler(this.escapeHandler); return STOP_PROPAGATION; } } internalButtonHandler(id, ...payload) { this.app.inputMgr.popReciever(this.inputReciever); if (id !== "close-button") { this.buttonSignals[id].dispatch(...payload); } this.closeRequested.dispatch(); } createElement() { const elem = document.createElement("div"); elem.classList.add("ingameDialog"); this.dialogElem = document.createElement("div"); this.dialogElem.classList.add("dialogInner"); if (this.type) { this.dialogElem.classList.add(this.type); } elem.appendChild(this.dialogElem); const title = document.createElement("h1"); title.innerText = this.title; title.classList.add("title"); this.dialogElem.appendChild(title); if (this.closeButton) { this.dialogElem.classList.add("hasCloseButton"); const closeBtn = document.createElement("button"); closeBtn.classList.add("closeButton"); this.trackClicks(closeBtn, () => this.internalButtonHandler("close-button"), { applyCssClass: "pressedSmallElement", }); title.appendChild(closeBtn); this.inputReciever.backButton.add(() => this.internalButtonHandler("close-button")); } const content = document.createElement("div"); content.classList.add("content"); content.innerHTML = this.contentHTML; this.dialogElem.appendChild(content); if (this.buttonIds.length > 0) { const buttons = document.createElement("div"); buttons.classList.add("buttons"); // Create buttons for (let i = 0; i < this.buttonIds.length; ++i) { const [buttonId, buttonStyle, rawParams] = this.buttonIds[i].split(":"); const button = document.createElement("button"); button.classList.add("button"); button.classList.add("styledButton"); button.classList.add(buttonStyle); button.innerText = T.dialogs.buttons[buttonId]; const params = (rawParams || "").split("/"); const useTimeout = params.indexOf("timeout") >= 0; const isEnter = params.indexOf("enter") >= 0; const isEscape = params.indexOf("escape") >= 0; if (isEscape && this.closeButton) { logger.warn("Showing dialog with close button, and additional cancel button"); } if (useTimeout) { button.classList.add("timedButton"); const timeout = setTimeout(() => { button.classList.remove("timedButton"); arrayDeleteValue(this.timeouts, timeout); }, 3000); this.timeouts.push(timeout); } if (isEnter || isEscape) { // if (this.app.settings.getShowKeyboardShortcuts()) { // Show keybinding const spacer = document.createElement("code"); spacer.classList.add("keybinding"); spacer.innerHTML = getStringForKeyCode(isEnter ? kbEnter : kbCancel); button.appendChild(spacer); // } if (isEnter) { this.enterHandler = buttonId; } if (isEscape) { this.escapeHandler = buttonId; } } this.trackClicks(button, () => this.internalButtonHandler(buttonId)); buttons.appendChild(button); } this.dialogElem.appendChild(buttons); } else { this.dialogElem.classList.add("buttonless"); } this.element = elem; this.app.inputMgr.pushReciever(this.inputReciever); return this.element; } setIndex(index) { this.element.style.zIndex = index; } destroy() { if (!this.element) { assert(false, "Tried to destroy dialog twice"); return; } // We need to do this here, because if the backbutton event gets // dispatched to the modal dialogs, it will not call the internalButtonHandler, // and thus our receiver stays attached the whole time this.app.inputMgr.destroyReceiver(this.inputReciever); for (let i = 0; i < this.clickDetectors.length; ++i) { this.clickDetectors[i].cleanup(); } this.clickDetectors = []; this.element.remove(); this.element = null; for (let i = 0; i < this.timeouts.length; ++i) { clearTimeout(this.timeouts[i]); } this.timeouts = []; } hide() { this.element.classList.remove("visible"); } show() { this.element.classList.add("visible"); } /** * Helper method to track clicks on an element * @param {Element} elem * @param {function():void} handler * @param {import("./click_detector").ClickDetectorConstructorArgs=} args * @returns {ClickDetector} */ trackClicks(elem, handler, args = {}) { const detector = new ClickDetector(elem, args); detector.click.add(handler, this); this.clickDetectors.push(detector); return detector; } } /** * Dialog which simply shows a loading spinner */ export class DialogLoading extends Dialog { constructor(app) { super({ app, title: "", contentHTML: "", buttons: [], type: "loading", }); // Loading dialog can not get closed with back button this.inputReciever.backButton.removeAll(); this.inputReciever.context = "dialog-loading"; } createElement() { const elem = document.createElement("div"); elem.classList.add("ingameDialog"); elem.classList.add("loadingDialog"); this.element = elem; const loader = document.createElement("div"); loader.classList.add("prefab_LoadingTextWithAnim"); loader.classList.add("loadingIndicator"); elem.appendChild(loader); this.app.inputMgr.pushReciever(this.inputReciever); return elem; } } export class DialogOptionChooser extends Dialog { constructor({ app, title, options }) { let html = "
"; options.options.forEach(({ value, text, desc = null, iconPrefix = null }) => { const descHtml = desc ? `${desc}` : ""; let iconHtml = iconPrefix ? `` : ""; html += `
${iconHtml} ${text} ${descHtml}
`; }); html += "
"; super({ app, title, contentHTML: html, buttons: [], type: "info", closeButton: true, }); this.options = options; this.initialOption = options.active; this.buttonSignals.optionSelected = new Signal(); } createElement() { const div = super.createElement(); this.dialogElem.classList.add("optionChooserDialog"); div.querySelectorAll("[data-optionvalue]").forEach(handle => { const value = handle.getAttribute("data-optionvalue"); if (!handle) { logger.error("Failed to bind option value in dialog:", value); return; } // Need click detector here to forward elements, otherwise scrolling does not work const detector = new ClickDetector(handle, { consumeEvents: false, preventDefault: false, clickSound: null, applyCssClass: "pressedOption", targetOnly: true, }); this.clickDetectors.push(detector); if (value !== this.initialOption) { detector.click.add(() => { const selected = div.querySelector(".option.active"); if (selected) { selected.classList.remove("active"); } else { logger.warn("No selected option"); } handle.classList.add("active"); this.app.sound.playUiSound(SOUNDS.uiClick); this.internalButtonHandler("optionSelected", value); }); } }); return div; } } export class DialogWithForm extends Dialog { /** * * @param {object} param0 * @param {Application} param0.app * @param {string} param0.title * @param {string} param0.desc * @param {array=} param0.buttons * @param {string=} param0.confirmButtonId * @param {string=} param0.extraButton * @param {boolean=} param0.closeButton * @param {Array} param0.formElements */ constructor({ app, title, desc, formElements, buttons = ["cancel", "ok:good"], confirmButtonId = "ok", closeButton = true, }) { let html = ""; html += desc + "
"; for (let i = 0; i < formElements.length; ++i) { html += formElements[i].getHtml(); } super({ app, title: title, contentHTML: html, buttons: buttons, type: "info", closeButton, }); this.confirmButtonId = confirmButtonId; this.formElements = formElements; this.enterHandler = confirmButtonId; } internalButtonHandler(id, ...payload) { if (id === this.confirmButtonId) { if (this.hasAnyInvalid()) { this.dialogElem.classList.remove("errorShake"); waitNextFrame().then(() => { if (this.dialogElem) { this.dialogElem.classList.add("errorShake"); } }); this.app.sound.playUiSound(SOUNDS.uiError); return; } } super.internalButtonHandler(id, payload); } hasAnyInvalid() { for (let i = 0; i < this.formElements.length; ++i) { if (!this.formElements[i].isValid()) { return true; } } return false; } createElement() { const div = super.createElement(); for (let i = 0; i < this.formElements.length; ++i) { const elem = this.formElements[i]; elem.bindEvents(div, this.clickDetectors); } waitNextFrame().then(() => { this.formElements[0].focus(); }); return div; } }