import { GameState } from "../core/game_state"; import { logSection, createLogger } from "../core/logging"; import { waitNextFrame } from "../core/utils"; import { globalConfig } from "../core/config"; import { GameLoadingOverlay } from "../game/game_loading_overlay"; import { KeyActionMapper } from "../game/key_action_mapper"; import { Savegame } from "../savegame/savegame"; import { GameCore } from "../game/core"; import { MUSIC } from "../platform/sound"; import { enumGameModeIds } from "../game/game_mode"; import { MOD_SIGNALS } from "../mods/mod_signals"; import { HUDModalDialogs } from "../game/hud/parts/modal_dialogs"; import { T } from "../translations"; const logger = createLogger("state/ingame"); // Different sub-states export const GAME_LOADING_STATES = { s3_createCore: "s3_createCore", s4_A_initEmptyGame: "s4_A_initEmptyGame", s4_B_resumeGame: "s4_B_resumeGame", s5_firstUpdate: "s5_firstUpdate", s6_postLoadHook: "s6_postLoadHook", s7_warmup: "s7_warmup", s10_gameRunning: "s10_gameRunning", leaving: "leaving", destroyed: "destroyed", initFailed: "initFailed", }; export const gameCreationAction = { new: "new-game", resume: "resume-game", }; // Typehints export class GameCreationPayload { constructor() { /** @type {boolean|undefined} */ this.fastEnter; /** @type {string} */ this.gameModeId; /** @type {Savegame} */ this.savegame; /** @type {object|undefined} */ this.gameModeParameters; } } export class InGameState extends GameState { constructor() { super("InGameState"); /** @type {GameCreationPayload} */ this.creationPayload = null; // Stores current stage this.stage = ""; /** @type {GameCore} */ this.core = null; /** @type {KeyActionMapper} */ this.keyActionMapper = null; /** @type {GameLoadingOverlay} */ this.loadingOverlay = null; /** @type {Savegame} */ this.savegame = null; this.boundInputFilter = this.filterInput.bind(this); /** * Whether we are currently saving the game * @TODO: This doesn't realy fit here */ this.currentSavePromise = null; } get dialogs() { return; } /** * Switches the game into another sub-state * @param {string} stage */ switchStage(stage) { assert(stage, "Got empty stage"); if (stage !== this.stage) { this.stage = stage; logger.log(this.stage); MOD_SIGNALS.gameLoadingStageEntered.dispatch(this, stage); return true; } else { // log(this, "Re entering", stage); return false; } } // GameState implementation getInnerHTML() { return ""; } onAppPause() { // if (this.stage === stages.s10_gameRunning) { // logger.log("Saving because app got paused"); // this.doSave(); // } } getHasFadeIn() { return false; } getPauseOnFocusLost() { return false; } getHasUnloadConfirmation() { return true; } onLeave() { if (this.core) { this.stageDestroyed(); }; } onResized(w, h) { super.onResized(w, h); if (this.stage === GAME_LOADING_STATES.s10_gameRunning) { this.core.resize(w, h); } } // ---- End of GameState implementation /** * Goes back to the menu state */ goBackToMenu() { if ([enumGameModeIds.puzzleEdit, enumGameModeIds.puzzlePlay].includes(this.gameModeId)) { this.saveThenGoToState("PuzzleMenuState"); } else { this.saveThenGoToState("MainMenuState"); } } /** * Goes back to the settings state */ goToSettings() { this.saveThenGoToState("SettingsState", { backToStateId: this.key, backToStatePayload: this.creationPayload, }); } /** * Goes back to the settings state */ goToKeybindings() { this.saveThenGoToState("KeybindingsState", { backToStateId: this.key, backToStatePayload: this.creationPayload, }); } /** * Moves to a state outside of the game * @param {string} stateId * @param {any=} payload */ saveThenGoToState(stateId, payload) { if (this.stage === GAME_LOADING_STATES.leaving || this.stage === GAME_LOADING_STATES.destroyed) { logger.warn( "Tried to leave game twice or during destroy:", this.stage, "(attempted to move to", stateId, ")" ); return; } this.stageLeavingGame(); this.doSave().then(() => { this.stageDestroyed(); this.moveToState(stateId, payload); }); } onBackButton() { // do nothing } getIsIngame() { return ( this.stage === GAME_LOADING_STATES.s10_gameRunning && this.core && !this.core.root.hud.shouldPauseGame() ); } /** * Called when the game somehow failed to initialize. Resets everything to basic state and * then goes to the main menu, showing the error * @param {string} err */ onInitializationFailure(err) { if (this.switchStage(GAME_LOADING_STATES.initFailed)) { logger.error("Init failure:", err); this.stageDestroyed(); this.moveToState("MainMenuState", { loadError: err }); } } // STAGES /** * Creates the game core instance, and thus the root */ stage3CreateCore() { if (this.switchStage(GAME_LOADING_STATES.s3_createCore)) { logger.log("Waiting for resources to load");{ progress }) => { this.loadingOverlay.loadingIndicator.innerText = "", (progress * 100.0).toFixed(1) ); }); () => { if ( this.creationPayload.gameModeId && this.creationPayload.gameModeId.includes("puzzle") ) {; } else {; } this.loadingOverlay.loadingIndicator.innerText = "";; logger.log("Creating new game core"); this.core = new GameCore(; this.core.initializeRoot(this, this.savegame, this.gameModeId); if (this.savegame.hasGameDump()) { this.stage4bResumeGame(); } else {; this.stage4aInitEmptyGame(); } }, err => { logger.error("Failed to preload resources:", err); const dialogs = new HUDModalDialogs(null,; const dialogsElement = document.createElement("div"); = "ingame_HUD_ModalDialogs"; = "999999"; document.body.appendChild(dialogsElement); dialogs.initializeToElement(dialogsElement);, err); } ); } } /** * Initializes a new empty game */ stage4aInitEmptyGame() { if (this.switchStage(GAME_LOADING_STATES.s4_A_initEmptyGame)) { this.core.initNewGame(); this.stage5FirstUpdate(); } } /** * Resumes an existing game */ stage4bResumeGame() { if (this.switchStage(GAME_LOADING_STATES.s4_B_resumeGame)) { if (!this.core.initExistingGame()) { this.onInitializationFailure("Savegame is corrupt and can not be restored."); return; }; this.stage5FirstUpdate(); } } /** * Performs the first game update on the game which initializes most caches */ stage5FirstUpdate() { if (this.switchStage(GAME_LOADING_STATES.s5_firstUpdate)) { this.core.root.logicInitialized = true; this.core.updateLogic(); this.stage6PostLoadHook(); } } /** * Call the post load hook, this means that we have loaded the game, and all systems * can operate and start to work now. */ stage6PostLoadHook() { if (this.switchStage(GAME_LOADING_STATES.s6_postLoadHook)) { logger.log("Post load hook"); this.core.postLoadHook(); this.stage7Warmup(); } } /** * This makes the game idle and draw for a while, because we run most code this way * the V8 engine can already start to optimize it. Also this makes sure the resources * are in the VRAM and we have a smooth experience once we start. */ stage7Warmup() { if (this.switchStage(GAME_LOADING_STATES.s7_warmup)) { if (this.creationPayload.fastEnter) { this.warmupTimeSeconds = globalConfig.warmupTimeSecondsFast; } else { this.warmupTimeSeconds = globalConfig.warmupTimeSecondsRegular; } } } /** * The final stage where this game is running and updating regulary. */ stage10GameRunning() { if (this.switchStage(GAME_LOADING_STATES.s10_gameRunning)) { this.core.root.signals.readyToRender.dispatch(); logSection("GAME STARTED", "#26a69a"); // Initial resize, might have changed during loading (this is possible) this.core.resize(,; MOD_SIGNALS.gameStarted.dispatch(this.core.root); } } /** * This stage destroys the whole game, used to cleanup */ stageDestroyed() { if (this.switchStage(GAME_LOADING_STATES.destroyed)) { // Cleanup all api calls this.cancelAllAsyncOperations(); if (this.syncer) { this.syncer.cancelSync(); this.syncer = null; } // Cleanup core if (this.core) { this.core.destruct(); this.core = null; } } } /** * When leaving the game */ stageLeavingGame() { if (this.switchStage(GAME_LOADING_STATES.leaving)) { // ... } } // END STAGES /** * Filters the input (keybindings) */ filterInput() { return this.stage === GAME_LOADING_STATES.s10_gameRunning; } /** * @param {GameCreationPayload} payload */ onEnter(payload) {; this.creationPayload = payload; this.savegame = payload.savegame; this.gameModeId = payload.gameModeId; this.loadingOverlay = new GameLoadingOverlay(, this.getDivElement()); this.loadingOverlay.showBasic(); // Remove unneded default element document.body.querySelector(".modalDialogParent").remove(); this.asyncChannel .watch(waitNextFrame()) .then(() => this.stage3CreateCore()) .catch(ex => { logger.error(ex); throw ex; }); } /** * Render callback * @param {number} dt */ onRender(dt) { if (window.APP_ERROR_OCCURED) { // Application somehow crashed, do not do anything return; } if (this.stage === GAME_LOADING_STATES.s7_warmup) { this.core.draw(); this.warmupTimeSeconds -= dt / 1000.0; if (this.warmupTimeSeconds < 0) { logger.log("Warmup completed"); this.stage10GameRunning(); } } if (this.stage === GAME_LOADING_STATES.s10_gameRunning) { this.core.tick(dt); } // If the stage is still active (This might not be the case if tick() moved us to game over) if (this.stage === GAME_LOADING_STATES.s10_gameRunning) { // Only draw if page visible if ( { this.core.draw(); } this.loadingOverlay.removeIfAttached(); } else { if (!this.loadingOverlay.isAttached()) { this.loadingOverlay.showBasic(); } } } onBackgroundTick(dt) { this.onRender(dt); } /** * Saves the game */ doSave() { if (!this.savegame || !this.savegame.isSaveable()) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (window.APP_ERROR_OCCURED) { logger.warn("skipping save because application crashed"); return Promise.resolve(); } if ( this.stage !== GAME_LOADING_STATES.s10_gameRunning && this.stage !== GAME_LOADING_STATES.s7_warmup && this.stage !== GAME_LOADING_STATES.leaving ) { logger.warn("Skipping save because game is not ready"); return Promise.resolve(); } if (this.currentSavePromise) { logger.warn("Skipping double save and returning same promise"); return this.currentSavePromise; } if (!this.core.root.gameMode.getIsSaveable()) { return Promise.resolve(); } logger.log("Starting to save game ..."); this.savegame.updateData(this.core.root); this.currentSavePromise = this.savegame .writeSavegameAndMetadata() .catch(err => { // Catch errors logger.warn("Failed to save:", err); }) .then(() => { // Clear promise logger.log("Saved!"); this.core.root.signals.gameSaved.dispatch(); this.currentSavePromise = null; }); return this.currentSavePromise; } }