import { AdProviderInterface } from "../ad_provider"; import { createLogger } from "../../core/logging"; import { timeoutPromise } from "../../core/utils"; const logger = createLogger("crazygames"); export class CrazygamesAdProvider extends AdProviderInterface { getHasAds() { return true; } getCanShowVideoAd() { return this.getHasAds() && this.sdkInstance; } get sdkInstance() { try { return window.CrazyGames.CrazySDK.getInstance(); } catch (ex) { return null; } } initialize() { if (!this.getHasAds()) { return Promise.resolve(); } logger.log("🎬 Initializing crazygames SDK"); const scriptTag = document.createElement("script"); scriptTag.type = "text/javascript"; return timeoutPromise( new Promise((resolve, reject) => { scriptTag.onload = resolve; scriptTag.onerror = reject; scriptTag.src = ""; document.head.appendChild(scriptTag); }) .then(() => { logger.log("🎬 Crazygames SDK loaded, now initializing"); this.sdkInstance.init(); }) .catch(ex => { console.warn("Failed to init crazygames SDK:", ex); }) ); } showVideoAd() { const instance = this.sdkInstance; if (!instance) { return Promise.resolve(); } logger.log("Set sound volume to 0");;; return timeoutPromise( new Promise(resolve => { console.log("🎬 crazygames: Start ad"); document.body.classList.add("externalAdOpen"); const finish = () => { instance.removeEventListener("adError", finish); instance.removeEventListener("adFinished", finish); resolve(); }; instance.addEventListener("adError", finish); instance.addEventListener("adFinished", finish); instance.requestAd(); }), 60000 ) .catch(ex => { console.warn("Error while resolving video ad:", ex); }) .then(() => { document.body.classList.remove("externalAdOpen"); logger.log("Restored sound volume");"musicVolume"));"soundVolume")); }); } setPlayStatus(playing) { console.log("crazygames::playing:", playing); if (playing) { this.sdkInstance.gameplayStart(); } else { this.sdkInstance.gameplayStop(); } } }