import { globalConfig } from "../../core/config"; import { gMetaBuildingRegistry } from "../../core/global_registries"; import { Loader } from "../../core/loader"; import { createLogger } from "../../core/logging"; import { arrayAllDirections, enumDirection, enumDirectionToVector, enumInvertedDirections, Vector, } from "../../core/vector"; import { BaseItem, enumItemType } from "../base_item"; import { arrayWireRotationVariantToType, MetaWireBuilding } from "../buildings/wire"; import { getCodeFromBuildingData } from "../building_codes"; import { enumWireType, WireComponent } from "../components/wire"; import { enumPinSlotType, WiredPinsComponent } from "../components/wired_pins"; import { Entity } from "../entity"; import { GameSystemWithFilter } from "../game_system_with_filter"; import { MapChunkView } from "../map_chunk_view"; import { defaultBuildingVariant } from "../meta_building"; import { WireTunnelComponent } from "../components/wire_tunnel"; import { fastArrayDeleteValueIfContained } from "../../core/utils"; import { BooleanItem } from "../items/boolean_item"; const logger = createLogger("wires"); let networkUidCounter = 0; const VERBOSE_WIRES = G_IS_DEV && false; export class WireNetwork { constructor() { /** * Who contributes to this network * @type {Array<{ entity: Entity, slot: import("../components/wired_pins").WirePinSlot }>} */ this.providers = []; /** * Who takes values from this network * @type {Array<{ entity: Entity, slot: import("../components/wired_pins").WirePinSlot }>} */ this.receivers = []; /** * All connected slots * @type {Array<{ entity: Entity, slot: import("../components/wired_pins").WirePinSlot }>} */ this.allSlots = []; /** * All connected tunnels * @type {Array} */ this.tunnels = []; /** * Which wires are in this network * @type {Array} */ this.wires = []; /** * The current value of this network * @type {BaseItem} */ this.currentValue = null; /** * Whether this network has a value conflict, that is, more than one * sender has sent a value * @type {boolean} */ this.valueConflict = false; /** * Unique network identifier * @type {number} */ this.uid = ++networkUidCounter; } } export class WireSystem extends GameSystemWithFilter { constructor(root) { super(root, [WireComponent]); this.wireSprites = { regular: { [enumWireType.regular]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/regular_forward.png"), [enumWireType.turn]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/regular_turn.png"), [enumWireType.split]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/regular_split.png"), [enumWireType.cross]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/regular_cross.png"), }, conflict: { [enumWireType.regular]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/conflict_forward.png"), [enumWireType.turn]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/conflict_turn.png"), [enumWireType.split]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/conflict_split.png"), [enumWireType.cross]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/conflict_cross.png"), }, shape: { [enumWireType.regular]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/shape_forward.png"), [enumWireType.turn]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/shape_turn.png"), [enumWireType.split]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/shape_split.png"), [enumWireType.cross]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/shape_cross.png"), }, color: { [enumWireType.regular]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/color_forward.png"), [enumWireType.turn]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/color_turn.png"), [enumWireType.split]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/color_split.png"), [enumWireType.cross]: Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/sets/color_cross.png"), }, }; this.root.signals.entityDestroyed.add(this.updateSurroundingWirePlacement, this); this.root.signals.entityAdded.add(this.updateSurroundingWirePlacement, this); this.root.signals.entityDestroyed.add(this.queueRecomputeIfWire, this); this.root.signals.entityChanged.add(this.queueRecomputeIfWire, this); this.root.signals.entityAdded.add(this.queueRecomputeIfWire, this); this.needsRecompute = true; /** * @type {Array} */ this.networks = []; } /** * Invalidates the wires network if the given entity is relevant for it * @param {Entity} entity */ queueRecomputeIfWire(entity) { if (!this.root.gameInitialized) { return; } if (entity.components.Wire || entity.components.WiredPins || entity.components.WireTunnel) { this.needsRecompute = true; this.networks = []; } } /** * Recomputes the whole wires network */ recomputeWiresNetwork() { this.needsRecompute = false; logger.log("Recomputing wires network"); this.networks = []; // Clear all network references const wireEntities = this.root.entityMgr.getAllWithComponent(WireComponent); for (let i = 0; i < wireEntities.length; ++i) { wireEntities[i].components.Wire.linkedNetwork = null; } const tunnelEntities = this.root.entityMgr.getAllWithComponent(WireTunnelComponent); for (let i = 0; i < tunnelEntities.length; ++i) { tunnelEntities[i].components.WireTunnel.linkedNetworks = []; } const pinEntities = this.root.entityMgr.getAllWithComponent(WiredPinsComponent); for (let i = 0; i < pinEntities.length; ++i) { const slots = pinEntities[i].components.WiredPins.slots; for (let k = 0; k < slots.length; ++k) { slots[k].linkedNetwork = null; } } VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log("Recomputing slots"); // Iterate over all ejector slots for (let i = 0; i < pinEntities.length; ++i) { const entity = pinEntities[i]; const slots = entity.components.WiredPins.slots; for (let k = 0; k < slots.length; ++k) { const slot = slots[k]; // Ejectors are computed directly, acceptors are just set if (slot.type === enumPinSlotType.logicalEjector && !slot.linkedNetwork) { this.findNetworkForEjector(entity, slot); } } } } /** * Finds the network for the given slot * @param {Entity} initialEntity * @param {import("../components/wired_pins").WirePinSlot} slot */ findNetworkForEjector(initialEntity, slot) { let currentNetwork = new WireNetwork(); VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log( "Finding network for entity", initialEntity.uid, initialEntity.components.StaticMapEntity.origin.toString(), "(nw-id:", currentNetwork.uid, ")" ); const entitiesToVisit = [ { entity: initialEntity, slot, }, ]; while (entitiesToVisit.length > 0) { const nextData = entitiesToVisit.pop(); const nextEntity = nextData.entity; const wireComp = nextEntity.components.Wire; const staticComp = nextEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log("Visiting", staticComp.origin.toString(), "(", nextEntity.uid, ")"); // Where to search for neighbours let newSearchDirections = []; let newSearchTile = null; //// WIRE if (wireComp) { // Sanity check assert( !wireComp.linkedNetwork || wireComp.linkedNetwork === currentNetwork, "Mismatching wire network on wire entity " + (wireComp.linkedNetwork ? wireComp.linkedNetwork.uid : "") + " vs " + currentNetwork.uid + " @ " + staticComp.origin.toString() ); if (!wireComp.linkedNetwork) { // This one is new! :D VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log(" Visited new wire:", staticComp.origin.toString()); wireComp.linkedNetwork = currentNetwork; currentNetwork.wires.push(nextEntity); newSearchDirections = arrayAllDirections; newSearchTile = nextEntity.components.StaticMapEntity.origin; } } //// PINS const pinsComp = nextEntity.components.WiredPins; if (pinsComp) { const slot = nextData.slot; assert(slot, "No slot set for next entity"); if (slot.type === enumPinSlotType.logicalEjector) { VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log(" Visiting ejector slot", staticComp.origin.toString(), "->", slot.type); } else if (slot.type === enumPinSlotType.logicalAcceptor) { VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log(" Visiting acceptor slot", staticComp.origin.toString(), "->", slot.type); } else { assertAlways(false, "Bad slot type: " + slot.type); } // Sanity check assert( !slot.linkedNetwork || slot.linkedNetwork === currentNetwork, "Mismatching wire network on pin slot entity " + (slot.linkedNetwork ? slot.linkedNetwork.uid : "") + " vs " + currentNetwork.uid ); if (!slot.linkedNetwork) { // This one is new VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log(" Visited new slot:", staticComp.origin.toString()); // Add to the right list if (slot.type === enumPinSlotType.logicalEjector) { currentNetwork.providers.push({ entity: nextEntity, slot }); } else if (slot.type === enumPinSlotType.logicalAcceptor) { currentNetwork.receivers.push({ entity: nextEntity, slot }); } else { assertAlways(false, "unknown slot type:" + slot.type); } // Register on the network currentNetwork.allSlots.push({ entity: nextEntity, slot }); slot.linkedNetwork = currentNetwork; // Specify where to search next newSearchDirections = [staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(slot.direction)]; newSearchTile = staticComp.localTileToWorld(slot.pos); } } if (newSearchTile) { // Find new surrounding wire targets const newTargets = this.findSurroundingWireTargets( newSearchTile, newSearchDirections, currentNetwork ); VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log(" Found", newTargets, "new targets to visit!"); for (let i = 0; i < newTargets.length; ++i) { entitiesToVisit.push(newTargets[i]); } } } if ( currentNetwork.providers.length > 0 && (currentNetwork.wires.length > 0 || currentNetwork.receivers.length > 0) ) { this.networks.push(currentNetwork); VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log("Attached new network with uid", currentNetwork); } else { // Unregister network again for (let i = 0; i < currentNetwork.wires.length; ++i) { currentNetwork.wires[i].components.Wire.linkedNetwork = null; } for (let i = 0; i < currentNetwork.tunnels.length; ++i) { fastArrayDeleteValueIfContained( currentNetwork.tunnels[i].components.WireTunnel.linkedNetworks, currentNetwork ); } for (let i = 0; i < currentNetwork.allSlots.length; ++i) { currentNetwork.allSlots[i].slot.linkedNetwork = null; } } } /** * Finds surrounding entities which are not yet assigned to a network * @param {Vector} initialTile * @param {Array} directions * @param {WireNetwork} network * @returns {Array} */ findSurroundingWireTargets(initialTile, directions, network) { let result = []; VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log(" Searching for new targets at", initialTile.toString(), "and d=", directions); // Go over all directions we should search for for (let i = 0; i < directions.length; ++i) { const direction = directions[i]; const offset = enumDirectionToVector[direction]; const initialSearchTile = initialTile.add(offset); // Store which tunnels we already visited to avoid infinite loops const visitedTunnels = new Set(); // First, find the initial connected entities const initialContents = initialSearchTile.x, initialSearchTile.y ); // Link the initial tile to the initial entities, since it may change /** @type {Array<{entity: Entity, tile: Vector}>} */ const contents = []; for (let j = 0; j < initialContents.length; ++j) { contents.push({ entity: initialContents[j], tile: initialSearchTile, }); } for (let k = 0; k < contents.length; ++k) { const { entity, tile } = contents[k]; const wireComp = entity.components.Wire; // Check for wire if (wireComp && !wireComp.linkedNetwork) { // Wires accept connections from everywhere result.push({ entity, }); } // Check for connected slots const pinComp = entity.components.WiredPins; if (pinComp) { const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; // Go over all slots and see if they are connected const pinSlots = pinComp.slots; for (let j = 0; j < pinSlots.length; ++j) { const slot = pinSlots[j]; // Check if the position matches const pinPos = staticComp.localTileToWorld(slot.pos); if (!pinPos.equals(tile)) { continue; } // Check if the direction (inverted) matches const pinDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(slot.direction); if (pinDirection !== enumInvertedDirections[direction]) { continue; } if (!slot.linkedNetwork) { result.push({ entity, slot, }); } } // Pin slots mean it can be nothing else continue; } // Check if its a tunnel, if so, go to the forwarded item const tunnelComp = entity.components.WireTunnel; if (tunnelComp) { if (visitedTunnels.has(entity.uid)) { continue; } const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; if ( !tunnelComp.multipleDirections && !( direction === staticComp.localDirectionToWorld( || direction === staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(enumDirection.bottom) ) ) { // It's a coating, and it doesn't connect here continue; } // Compute where this tunnel connects to const forwardedTile = staticComp.origin.add(offset); VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log( " Found tunnel", entity.uid, "at", tile, "-> forwarding to", forwardedTile ); // Figure out which entities are connected const connectedContents = forwardedTile.x, forwardedTile.y ); // Attach the entities and the tile we search at, because it may change for (let h = 0; h < connectedContents.length; ++h) { contents.push({ entity: connectedContents[h], tile: forwardedTile, }); } // Add the tunnel to the network if (tunnelComp.linkedNetworks.indexOf(network) < 0) { tunnelComp.linkedNetworks.push(network); } if (network.tunnels.indexOf(entity) < 0) { network.tunnels.push(entity); } // Remember this tunnel visitedTunnels.add(entity.uid); } } } VERBOSE_WIRES && logger.log(" -> Found", result.length); return result; } /** * Updates the wires network */ update() { if (this.needsRecompute) { this.recomputeWiresNetwork(); } // Re-compute values of all networks for (let i = 0; i < this.networks.length; ++i) { const network = this.networks[i]; // Reset conflicts network.valueConflict = false; // Aggregate values of all senders const senders = network.providers; let value = null; for (let k = 0; k < senders.length; ++k) { const senderSlot = senders[k]; const slotValue = senderSlot.slot.value; // The first sender can just put in his value if (!value) { value = slotValue; continue; } // If the slot is empty itself, just skip it if (!slotValue) { continue; } // If there is already an value, compare if it matches -> // otherwise there is a conflict if (value.equals(slotValue)) { // All good continue; } // There is a conflict, this means the value will be null anyways network.valueConflict = true; break; } // Assign value if (network.valueConflict) { network.currentValue = null; } else { network.currentValue = value; } } } /** * Returns the given tileset and opacity * @param {WireComponent} wireComp * @returns {{ spriteSet: Object, opacity: number}} */ getSpriteSetAndOpacityForWire(wireComp) { if (!wireComp.linkedNetwork) { // There is no network, it's empty return { spriteSet: this.wireSprites.regular, opacity: 0.3, }; } const network = wireComp.linkedNetwork; if (network.valueConflict) { // There is a conflict return { spriteSet: this.wireSprites.conflict, opacity: 1, }; } const value = network.currentValue; if (!value) { // There is no value stored return { spriteSet: this.wireSprites.regular, opacity: 0.3, }; } const valueType = value.getItemType(); if (valueType === enumItemType.shape) { return { spriteSet: this.wireSprites.shape, opacity: 1, }; } else if (valueType === enumItemType.color) { return { spriteSet: this.wireSprites.color, opacity: 1, }; } else if (valueType === enumItemType.boolean) { return { spriteSet: this.wireSprites.regular, opacity: /** @type {BooleanItem} */ (value).value ? 1 : 0.5, }; } else { assertAlways(false, "Unknown item type: " + valueType); } return { spriteSet: this.wireSprites.regular, opacity: 1, }; } /** * Draws a given chunk * @param {import("../../core/draw_utils").DrawParameters} parameters * @param {MapChunkView} chunk */ drawChunk(parameters, chunk) { const contents = chunk.wireContents; for (let y = 0; y < globalConfig.mapChunkSize; ++y) { for (let x = 0; x < globalConfig.mapChunkSize; ++x) { const entity = contents[x][y]; if (entity && entity.components.Wire) { const wireComp = entity.components.Wire; const wireType = wireComp.type; const { opacity, spriteSet } = this.getSpriteSetAndOpacityForWire(wireComp); const sprite = spriteSet[wireType]; assert(sprite, "Unknown wire type: " + wireType); const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; parameters.context.globalAlpha = opacity; staticComp.drawSpriteOnFullEntityBounds(parameters, sprite, 0); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.renderWireRotations) { parameters.context.fillStyle = "red"; parameters.context.font = "5px Tahoma"; parameters.context.fillText( "" + staticComp.originalRotation, staticComp.origin.x * globalConfig.tileSize, staticComp.origin.y * globalConfig.tileSize + 5 ); parameters.context.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)"; if (staticComp.originalRotation % 180 === 0) { parameters.context.fillRect( (staticComp.origin.x + 0.5) * globalConfig.tileSize, staticComp.origin.y * globalConfig.tileSize, 3, globalConfig.tileSize ); } else { parameters.context.fillRect( staticComp.origin.x * globalConfig.tileSize, (staticComp.origin.y + 0.5) * globalConfig.tileSize, globalConfig.tileSize, 3 ); } } } // DEBUG Rendering if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.renderWireNetworkInfos) { if (entity) { const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; const wireComp = entity.components.Wire; // Draw network info for wires if (wireComp && wireComp.linkedNetwork) { parameters.context.fillStyle = "red"; parameters.context.font = "5px Tahoma"; parameters.context.fillText( "W" + wireComp.linkedNetwork.uid, (staticComp.origin.x + 0.5) * globalConfig.tileSize, (staticComp.origin.y + 0.5) * globalConfig.tileSize ); } } } } } } /** * Updates the wire placement after an entity has been added / deleted * @param {Entity} entity */ updateSurroundingWirePlacement(entity) { if (!this.root.gameInitialized) { return; } const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; if (!staticComp) { return; } const metaWire = gMetaBuildingRegistry.findByClass(MetaWireBuilding); // Compute affected area const originalRect = staticComp.getTileSpaceBounds(); const affectedArea = originalRect.expandedInAllDirections(1); for (let x = affectedArea.x; x < affectedArea.right(); ++x) { for (let y = affectedArea.y; y < affectedArea.bottom(); ++y) { if (originalRect.containsPoint(x, y)) { // Make sure we don't update the original entity continue; } const targetEntities =, y); for (let i = 0; i < targetEntities.length; ++i) { const targetEntity = targetEntities[i]; const targetWireComp = targetEntity.components.Wire; const targetStaticComp = targetEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; if (!targetWireComp) { // Not a wire continue; } const { rotation, rotationVariant, } = metaWire.computeOptimalDirectionAndRotationVariantAtTile({ root: this.root, tile: new Vector(x, y), rotation: targetStaticComp.originalRotation, variant: defaultBuildingVariant, layer: targetEntity.layer, }); // Compute delta to see if anything changed const newType = arrayWireRotationVariantToType[rotationVariant]; if (targetStaticComp.rotation !== rotation || newType !== targetWireComp.type) { // Change stuff targetStaticComp.rotation = rotation; metaWire.updateVariants(targetEntity, rotationVariant, defaultBuildingVariant); // Update code as well targetStaticComp.code = getCodeFromBuildingData( metaWire, defaultBuildingVariant, rotationVariant ); // Make sure the chunks know about the update this.root.signals.entityChanged.dispatch(targetEntity); } } } } } }