// When to reduce control elements size for small devices $layoutExpandMinWidth: 340px; // Font sizes and line heights $superHeadingFontSize: 25px; $superHeadingLineHeight: 24px; $breakTooltipShowStatsPx: 1023px; $headingFontSize: 19px; $headingLineHeight: 21px; $textFontSize: 16px; $textLineHeight: 21px; $plainTextFontSize: 13px; $plainTextLineHeight: 17px; $supersmallTextFontSize: 10px; $supersmallTextLineHeight: 13px; $buttonFontSize: 14px; $buttonLineHeight: 18px; // Main background color $mainBgColor: #dee1ea; // Accent colors $accentColorBright: #e1e4ed; $accentColorDark: #7d808a; $colorGreenBright: #66bb6a; $colorRedBright: #ef5072; $themeColor: #393747; $ingameHudBg: rgba($accentColorBright, 0.9); $ingameHudBorder: #{D(1.5px)} solid $accentColorDark; $text3dColor: #f4ffff; // Dialog properties $modalDialogBg: rgba(#666a73, 0.8); $dialogBgColor: lighten($mainBgColor, 10); $lightFontWeight: normal; $boldFontWeight: 600; $iconSizeSmall: 30px; $iconSizeMedium: 40px; $iconSizeLarge: 60px; // Poppins 500 // Rubik 400 // Cairo 400 // Viga 400 // Sniglet 400 $mainFont: "GameFont", sans-serif; // $mainFont: "DK Canoodle"; // $mainFont: "MADE Florence Sans"; $numberFont: $mainFont; $textFont: $mainFont; $mainFontWeight: 400; $mainFontSpacing: 0.04em; $mainFontScale: 1; @mixin DebugText($color) { // font-size: 3px; // &, // * { // color: $color !important; // } } @mixin SuperSmallText { @include ScaleFont($supersmallTextFontSize, $supersmallTextLineHeight); font-weight: $mainFontWeight; font-family: $mainFont; letter-spacing: $mainFontSpacing; @include DebugText(green); } @mixin PlainText { @include ScaleFont($plainTextFontSize, $plainTextLineHeight); font-weight: $mainFontWeight; font-family: $mainFont; letter-spacing: $mainFontSpacing; @include DebugText(red); } @mixin Text { @include ScaleFont($textFontSize, $textLineHeight); font-weight: $mainFontWeight; font-family: $mainFont; letter-spacing: $mainFontSpacing; @include DebugText(blue); } @mixin Heading { @include ScaleFont($headingFontSize, $headingLineHeight); font-weight: $mainFontWeight; font-family: $mainFont; letter-spacing: $mainFontSpacing; @include DebugText(yellow); } @mixin SuperHeading { @include ScaleFont($superHeadingFontSize, $superHeadingLineHeight); font-weight: $mainFontWeight; font-family: $mainFont; letter-spacing: $mainFontSpacing; @include DebugText(orange); } @mixin ButtonText { @include ScaleFont($buttonFontSize, $buttonLineHeight); font-weight: $mainFontWeight; font-family: $mainFont; letter-spacing: $mainFontSpacing; @include DebugText(purple); } @function str-split($string, $separator) { // empty array/list $split-arr: (); // first index of separator in string $index: str-index($string, $separator); // loop through string @while $index != null { // get the substring from the first character to the separator $item: str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1); // push item to array $split-arr: append($split-arr, $item); // remove item and separator from string $string: str-slice($string, $index + 1); // find new index of separator $index: str-index($string, $separator); } // add the remaining string to list (the last item) $split-arr: append($split-arr, $string); @return $split-arr; } @function _first-index($string, $direction: "left") { @for $i from 1 through str-length($string) { $index: if($direction == "left", $i, -$i); @if str-slice($string, $index, $index) != " " { @return $index; } } @return 0; } @function trim($string) { @return str-slice($string, _first-index($string, "left"), _first-index($string, "right")); } @mixin AppendGlobal($prefix) { $strSelector: quote(&); $selectors: str-split($strSelector, ","); $builtSelector: null; @if (& == null) { $builtSelector: "html" + $prefix; } @else { $builtSelector: (); // @debug ($strSelector, "->>>", $selectors); @each $srcSelector in $selectors { $srcSelector: trim($srcSelector); // @debug ("___", $srcSelector); $selector: "html" + $prefix + " " + $srcSelector; @if str-index($srcSelector, "html.") { $selector: "html" + $prefix + "." + str-slice($srcSelector, str-index($srcSelector, "html.") + 5); } // @debug ("_______", $selector); $builtSelector: append($builtSelector, $selector, comma); } } @at-root #{$builtSelector} { @content; } }