/* typehints:start */ import { GameRoot } from "./root"; /* typehints:end */ import { Math_ceil, Math_max, Math_min, Math_random, Math_round } from "../core/builtins"; import { globalConfig } from "../core/config"; import { createLogger } from "../core/logging"; import { clamp, fastArrayDeleteValueIfContained, make2DUndefinedArray, randomChoice, randomInt, } from "../core/utils"; import { Vector } from "../core/vector"; import { BaseItem } from "./base_item"; import { enumColors } from "./colors"; import { Entity } from "./entity"; import { ColorItem } from "./items/color_item"; import { ShapeItem } from "./items/shape_item"; import { enumSubShape } from "./shape_definition"; const logger = createLogger("map_chunk"); export class MapChunk { /** * * @param {GameRoot} root * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ constructor(root, x, y) { this.root = root; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.tileX = x * globalConfig.mapChunkSize; this.tileY = y * globalConfig.mapChunkSize; /** @type {Array>} */ this.contents = make2DUndefinedArray( globalConfig.mapChunkSize, globalConfig.mapChunkSize, "map-chunk@" + this.x + "|" + this.y ); /** @type {Array>} */ this.lowerLayer = make2DUndefinedArray( globalConfig.mapChunkSize, globalConfig.mapChunkSize, "map-chunk-lower@" + this.x + "|" + this.y ); /** @type {Array} */ this.containedEntities = []; /** * Store which patches we have so we can render them in the overview * @type {Array<{pos: Vector, item: BaseItem, size: number }>} */ this.patches = []; this.generateLowerLayer(); } /** * Generates a patch filled with the given item * @param {number} patchSize * @param {BaseItem} item * @param {number=} overrideX Override the X position of the patch * @param {number=} overrideY Override the Y position of the patch */ internalGeneratePatch(patchSize, item, overrideX = null, overrideY = null) { const border = Math_ceil(patchSize / 2 + 3); // Find a position within the chunk which is not blocked let patchX = randomInt(border, globalConfig.mapChunkSize - border - 1); let patchY = randomInt(border, globalConfig.mapChunkSize - border - 1); if (overrideX !== null) { patchX = overrideX; } if (overrideY !== null) { patchY = overrideY; } const avgPos = new Vector(0, 0); let patchesDrawn = 0; // Each patch consists of multiple circles const numCircles = patchSize; // const numCircles = 1; for (let i = 0; i <= numCircles; ++i) { // Determine circle parameters const circleRadius = Math_min(1 + i, patchSize); const circleRadiusSquare = circleRadius * circleRadius; const circleOffsetRadius = (numCircles - i) / 2 + 2; // We draw an elipsis actually const circleScaleY = 1 + (Math_random() * 2 - 1) * 0.1; const circleScaleX = 1 + (Math_random() * 2 - 1) * 0.1; const circleX = patchX + randomInt(-circleOffsetRadius, circleOffsetRadius); const circleY = patchY + randomInt(-circleOffsetRadius, circleOffsetRadius); for (let dx = -circleRadius * circleScaleX - 2; dx <= circleRadius * circleScaleX + 2; ++dx) { for (let dy = -circleRadius * circleScaleY - 2; dy <= circleRadius * circleScaleY + 2; ++dy) { const x = Math_round(circleX + dx); const y = Math_round(circleY + dy); if (x >= 0 && x < globalConfig.mapChunkSize && y >= 0 && y <= globalConfig.mapChunkSize) { const originalDx = dx / circleScaleX; const originalDy = dy / circleScaleY; if (originalDx * originalDx + originalDy * originalDy <= circleRadiusSquare) { if (!this.lowerLayer[x][y]) { this.lowerLayer[x][y] = item; ++patchesDrawn; avgPos.x += x; avgPos.y += y; } } } else { // logger.warn("Tried to spawn resource out of chunk"); } } } } this.patches.push({ pos: avgPos.divideScalar(patchesDrawn), item, size: patchSize, }); } /** * Generates a color patch * @param {number} colorPatchSize * @param {number} distanceToOriginInChunks */ internalGenerateColorPatch(colorPatchSize, distanceToOriginInChunks) { // First, determine available colors let availableColors = [enumColors.red, enumColors.green]; if (distanceToOriginInChunks > 2) { availableColors.push(enumColors.blue); } this.internalGeneratePatch(colorPatchSize, new ColorItem(randomChoice(availableColors))); } /** * Generates a shape patch * @param {number} shapePatchSize * @param {number} distanceToOriginInChunks */ internalGenerateShapePatch(shapePatchSize, distanceToOriginInChunks) { /** @type {[enumSubShape, enumSubShape, enumSubShape, enumSubShape]} */ let subShapes = null; let weights = {}; // Later there is a mix of everything weights = { [enumSubShape.rect]: 100, [enumSubShape.circle]: Math_round(50 + clamp(distanceToOriginInChunks * 2, 0, 50)), [enumSubShape.star]: Math_round(20 + clamp(distanceToOriginInChunks * 2, 0, 30)), [enumSubShape.windmill]: Math_round(5 + clamp(distanceToOriginInChunks * 2, 0, 20)), }; if (distanceToOriginInChunks < 7) { // Initial chunk patches always have the same shape const subShape = this.internalGenerateRandomSubShape(weights); subShapes = [subShape, subShape, subShape, subShape]; } else if (distanceToOriginInChunks < 12) { // Later patches can also have mixed ones const subShapeA = this.internalGenerateRandomSubShape(weights); const subShapeB = this.internalGenerateRandomSubShape(weights); subShapes = [subShapeA, subShapeA, subShapeB, subShapeB]; } else { // Finally there is a mix of everything subShapes = [ this.internalGenerateRandomSubShape(weights), this.internalGenerateRandomSubShape(weights), this.internalGenerateRandomSubShape(weights), this.internalGenerateRandomSubShape(weights), ]; } const definition = this.root.shapeDefinitionMgr.getDefinitionFromSimpleShapes(subShapes); this.internalGeneratePatch(shapePatchSize, new ShapeItem(definition)); } /** * Chooses a random shape with the given weights * @param {Object.} weights * @returns {enumSubShape} */ internalGenerateRandomSubShape(weights) { // @ts-ignore const sum = Object.values(weights).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); const chosenNumber = randomInt(0, sum - 1); let accumulated = 0; for (const key in weights) { const weight = weights[key]; if (accumulated + weight > chosenNumber) { return key; } accumulated += weight; } logger.error("Failed to find matching shape in chunk generation"); return enumSubShape.circle; } /** * Generates the lower layer "terrain" */ generateLowerLayer() { if (this.generatePredefined()) { return; } const chunkCenter = new Vector(this.x, this.y).addScalar(0.5); const distanceToOriginInChunks = Math_round(chunkCenter.length()); // Determine how likely it is that there is a color patch const colorPatchChance = 0.9 - clamp(distanceToOriginInChunks / 25, 0, 1) * 0.5; if (Math_random() < colorPatchChance) { const colorPatchSize = Math_max(2, Math_round(1 + clamp(distanceToOriginInChunks / 8, 0, 4))); this.internalGenerateColorPatch(colorPatchSize, distanceToOriginInChunks); } // Determine how likely it is that there is a shape patch const shapePatchChance = 0.9 - clamp(distanceToOriginInChunks / 25, 0, 1) * 0.5; if (Math_random() < shapePatchChance) { const shapePatchSize = Math_max(2, Math_round(1 + clamp(distanceToOriginInChunks / 8, 0, 4))); this.internalGenerateShapePatch(shapePatchSize, distanceToOriginInChunks); } } /** * Checks if this chunk has predefined contents, and if so returns true and generates the * predefined contents * @returns {boolean} */ generatePredefined() { if (this.x === 0 && this.y === 0) { this.internalGeneratePatch(2, new ColorItem(enumColors.red), 7, 7); return true; } if (this.x === -1 && this.y === 0) { const definition = this.root.shapeDefinitionMgr.getDefinitionFromSimpleShapes([ enumSubShape.circle, enumSubShape.circle, enumSubShape.circle, enumSubShape.circle, ]); this.internalGeneratePatch(2, new ShapeItem(definition), globalConfig.mapChunkSize - 9, 7); return true; } if (this.x === 0 && this.y === -1) { const definition = this.root.shapeDefinitionMgr.getDefinitionFromSimpleShapes([ enumSubShape.rect, enumSubShape.rect, enumSubShape.rect, enumSubShape.rect, ]); this.internalGeneratePatch(2, new ShapeItem(definition), 5, globalConfig.mapChunkSize - 7); return true; } if (this.x === -1 && this.y === -1) { this.internalGeneratePatch(2, new ColorItem(enumColors.green)); return true; } return false; } /** * * @param {number} worldX * @param {number} worldY * @returns {BaseItem=} */ getLowerLayerFromWorldCoords(worldX, worldY) { const localX = worldX - this.tileX; const localY = worldY - this.tileY; assert(localX >= 0, "Local X is < 0"); assert(localY >= 0, "Local Y is < 0"); assert(localX < globalConfig.mapChunkSize, "Local X is >= chunk size"); assert(localY < globalConfig.mapChunkSize, "Local Y is >= chunk size"); return this.lowerLayer[localX][localY] || null; } /** * Returns the contents of this chunk from the given world space coordinates * @param {number} worldX * @param {number} worldY * @returns {Entity=} */ getTileContentFromWorldCoords(worldX, worldY) { const localX = worldX - this.tileX; const localY = worldY - this.tileY; assert(localX >= 0, "Local X is < 0"); assert(localY >= 0, "Local Y is < 0"); assert(localX < globalConfig.mapChunkSize, "Local X is >= chunk size"); assert(localY < globalConfig.mapChunkSize, "Local Y is >= chunk size"); return this.contents[localX][localY] || null; } /** * Returns the chunks contents from the given local coordinates * @param {number} localX * @param {number} localY * @returns {Entity=} */ getTileContentFromLocalCoords(localX, localY) { assert(localX >= 0, "Local X is < 0"); assert(localY >= 0, "Local Y is < 0"); assert(localX < globalConfig.mapChunkSize, "Local X is >= chunk size"); assert(localY < globalConfig.mapChunkSize, "Local Y is >= chunk size"); return this.contents[localX][localY] || null; } /** * Sets the chunks contents * @param {number} tileX * @param {number} tileY * @param {Entity=} contents */ setTileContentFromWorldCords(tileX, tileY, contents) { const localX = tileX - this.tileX; const localY = tileY - this.tileY; assert(localX >= 0, "Local X is < 0"); assert(localY >= 0, "Local Y is < 0"); assert(localX < globalConfig.mapChunkSize, "Local X is >= chunk size"); assert(localY < globalConfig.mapChunkSize, "Local Y is >= chunk size"); const oldContents = this.contents[localX][localY]; assert(contents === null || !oldContents, "Tile already used: " + tileX + " / " + tileY); if (oldContents) { // Remove from list fastArrayDeleteValueIfContained(this.containedEntities, oldContents); } this.contents[localX][localY] = contents; if (contents) { if (this.containedEntities.indexOf(contents) < 0) { this.containedEntities.push(contents); } } } }