import { BaseHUDPart } from "../base_hud_part"; import { MetaBuilding } from "../../meta_building"; import { DrawParameters } from "../../../core/draw_parameters"; import { globalConfig } from "../../../core/config"; import { StaticMapEntityComponent } from "../../components/static_map_entity"; import { STOP_PROPAGATION, Signal } from "../../../core/signal"; import { Vector, enumDirectionToAngle, enumInvertedDirections, enumDirectionToVector, } from "../../../core/vector"; import { pulseAnimation, makeDiv } from "../../../core/utils"; import { DynamicDomAttach } from "../dynamic_dom_attach"; import { TrackedState } from "../../../core/tracked_state"; import { Math_abs, Math_radians } from "../../../core/builtins"; import { Loader } from "../../../core/loader"; import { drawRotatedSprite } from "../../../core/draw_utils"; import { Entity } from "../../entity"; export class HUDBuildingPlacer extends BaseHUDPart { initialize() { /** @type {TypedTrackedState} */ this.currentMetaBuilding = new TrackedState(this.onSelectedMetaBuildingChanged, this); this.currentBaseRotation = 0; /** @type {Entity} */ this.fakeEntity = null; const keyActionMapper = this.root.gameState.keyActionMapper; keyActionMapper.getBinding("building_abort_placement").add(() => this.currentMetaBuilding.set(null)); keyActionMapper.getBinding("back").add(() => this.currentMetaBuilding.set(null)); keyActionMapper.getBinding("rotate_while_placing").add(this.tryRotate, this); this.domAttach = new DynamicDomAttach(this.root, this.element, {});, this);, this);, this); this.currentlyDragging = false; /** * The tile we last dragged onto * @type {Vector} * */ this.lastDragTile = null; /** * The tile we initially dragged from * @type {Vector} */ this.initialDragTile = null; } createElements(parent) { this.element = makeDiv(parent, "ingame_HUD_building_placer", [], ``); this.buildingLabel = makeDiv(this.element, null, ["buildingLabel"], "Extract"); this.buildingDescription = makeDiv(this.element, null, ["description"], ""); } /** * mouse down pre handler * @param {Vector} pos */ onMouseDown(pos) { if ( { return; } if (this.currentMetaBuilding.get()) { this.currentlyDragging = true; this.lastDragTile =; // Place initial building this.tryPlaceCurrentBuildingAt(this.lastDragTile); return STOP_PROPAGATION; } } /** * mouse move pre handler * @param {Vector} pos */ onMouseMove(pos) { if ( { return; } if (this.currentMetaBuilding.get() && this.lastDragTile) { const oldPos = this.lastDragTile; const newPos =; if (!oldPos.equals(newPos)) { const delta = newPos.sub(oldPos); // - Using bresenhams algorithmus let x0 = oldPos.x; let y0 = oldPos.y; let x1 = newPos.x; let y1 = newPos.y; var dx = Math_abs(x1 - x0); var dy = Math_abs(y1 - y0); var sx = x0 < x1 ? 1 : -1; var sy = y0 < y1 ? 1 : -1; var err = dx - dy; while (true) { this.tryPlaceCurrentBuildingAt(new Vector(x0, y0)); if (x0 === x1 && y0 === y1) break; var e2 = 2 * err; if (e2 > -dy) { err -= dy; x0 += sx; } if (e2 < dx) { err += dx; y0 += sy; } } } this.lastDragTile = newPos; return STOP_PROPAGATION; } } update() { // ALways update since the camera might have moved const mousePos =; if (mousePos) { this.onMouseMove(mousePos); } } /** * aborts any dragging op */ abortDragging() { this.currentlyDragging = true; this.lastDragTile = null; } /** * * @param {MetaBuilding} metaBuilding */ startSelection(metaBuilding) { this.currentMetaBuilding.set(metaBuilding); } /** * * @param {MetaBuilding} metaBuilding */ onSelectedMetaBuildingChanged(metaBuilding) { this.root.hud.signals.selectedPlacementBuildingChanged.dispatch(metaBuilding); if (metaBuilding) { this.buildingLabel.innerHTML = metaBuilding.getName(); this.buildingDescription.innerHTML = metaBuilding.getDescription(); this.fakeEntity = new Entity(null); metaBuilding.setupEntityComponents(this.fakeEntity, null); this.fakeEntity.addComponent( new StaticMapEntityComponent({ origin: new Vector(0, 0), rotationDegrees: 0, tileSize: metaBuilding.getDimensions().copy(), }) ); } else { this.currentlyDragging = false; this.fakeEntity = null; } } /** * Tries to rotate */ tryRotate() { const selectedBuilding = this.currentMetaBuilding.get(); if (selectedBuilding) { this.currentBaseRotation = (this.currentBaseRotation + 90) % 360; const staticComp = this.fakeEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; staticComp.rotationDegrees = this.currentBaseRotation; } } /** * Tries to delete the building under the mouse */ deleteBelowCursor() { const mousePosition =; if (!mousePosition) { // Not on screen return; } const worldPos =; const tile = worldPos.toTileSpace(); const contents =; if (contents) { this.root.logic.tryDeleteBuilding(contents); } } /** * Canvas click handler * @param {Vector} mousePos * @param {boolean} cancelAction */ onCanvasClick(mousePos, cancelAction = false) { if (cancelAction) { if (this.currentMetaBuilding.get()) { this.currentMetaBuilding.set(null); } else { this.deleteBelowCursor(); } return STOP_PROPAGATION; } if (!this.currentMetaBuilding.get()) { return; } return STOP_PROPAGATION; } /** * Tries to place the current building at the given tile * @param {Vector} tile */ tryPlaceCurrentBuildingAt(tile) { if ( < globalConfig.mapChunkOverviewMinZoom) { // Dont allow placing in overview mode return; } // Transform to world space const metaBuilding = this.currentMetaBuilding.get(); const { rotation, rotationVariant } = metaBuilding.computeOptimalDirectionAndRotationVariantAtTile( this.root, tile, this.currentBaseRotation ); if ( this.root.logic.tryPlaceBuilding({ origin: tile, rotation, rotationVariant, building: this.currentMetaBuilding.get(), }) ) { // Succesfully placed if (metaBuilding.getFlipOrientationAfterPlacement()) { this.currentBaseRotation = (180 + this.currentBaseRotation) % 360; } if (!metaBuilding.getStayInPlacementMode() && ! { // Stop placement this.currentMetaBuilding.set(null); } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ draw(parameters) { if ( < globalConfig.mapChunkOverviewMinZoom) { // Dont allow placing in overview mode this.domAttach.update(false); return; } this.domAttach.update(this.currentMetaBuilding.get()); const metaBuilding = this.currentMetaBuilding.get(); if (!metaBuilding) { return; } const mousePosition =; if (!mousePosition) { // Not on screen return; } const worldPos =; const tile = worldPos.toTileSpace(); // Compute best rotation variant const { rotation, rotationVariant, connectedEntities, } = metaBuilding.computeOptimalDirectionAndRotationVariantAtTile( this.root, tile, this.currentBaseRotation ); // Check if there are connected entities if (connectedEntities) { for (let i = 0; i < connectedEntities.length; ++i) { const connectedEntity = connectedEntities[i]; const connectedWsPoint = connectedEntity.components.StaticMapEntity.getTileSpaceBounds() .getCenter() .toWorldSpace(); const startWsPoint = tile.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); const startOffset = connectedWsPoint .sub(startWsPoint) .normalize() .multiplyScalar(globalConfig.tileSize * 0.3); const effectiveStartPoint = startWsPoint.add(startOffset); const effectiveEndPoint = connectedWsPoint.sub(startOffset); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 0.6; // parameters.context.lineCap = "round"; parameters.context.strokeStyle = "#7f7"; parameters.context.lineWidth = 10; parameters.context.beginPath(); parameters.context.moveTo(effectiveStartPoint.x, effectiveStartPoint.y); parameters.context.lineTo(effectiveEndPoint.x, effectiveEndPoint.y); parameters.context.stroke(); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; // parameters.context.lineCap = "square"; } } // Synchronize rotation and origin const staticComp = this.fakeEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; staticComp.origin = tile; staticComp.rotationDegrees = rotation; metaBuilding.updateRotationVariant(this.fakeEntity, rotationVariant); // Check if we could place the buildnig const canBuild = this.root.logic.checkCanPlaceBuilding(tile, rotation, metaBuilding); // Determine the bounds and visualize them const entityBounds = staticComp.getTileSpaceBounds(); const drawBorder = 2; parameters.context.globalAlpha = 0.5; if (canBuild) { parameters.context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2)"; } else { parameters.context.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)"; } parameters.context.fillRect( entityBounds.x * globalConfig.tileSize - drawBorder, entityBounds.y * globalConfig.tileSize - drawBorder, entityBounds.w * globalConfig.tileSize + 2 * drawBorder, entityBounds.h * globalConfig.tileSize + 2 * drawBorder ); // Draw ejectors if (canBuild) { this.drawMatchingAcceptorsAndEjectors(parameters); } // HACK to draw the entity sprite const previewSprite = metaBuilding.getPreviewSprite(rotationVariant); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 0.8 + pulseAnimation(this.root.time.realtimeNow(), 1) * 0.1; staticComp.origin = worldPos.divideScalar(globalConfig.tileSize).subScalars(0.5, 0.5); staticComp.drawSpriteOnFullEntityBounds(parameters, previewSprite); staticComp.origin = tile; parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; } /** * * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ drawMatchingAcceptorsAndEjectors(parameters) { const acceptorComp = this.fakeEntity.components.ItemAcceptor; const ejectorComp = this.fakeEntity.components.ItemEjector; const staticComp = this.fakeEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; const goodArrowSprite = Loader.getSprite("sprites/misc/slot_good_arrow.png"); const badArrowSprite = Loader.getSprite("sprites/misc/slot_bad_arrow.png"); // Just ignore this code ... if (acceptorComp) { const slots = acceptorComp.slots; for (let acceptorSlotIndex = 0; acceptorSlotIndex < slots.length; ++acceptorSlotIndex) { const slot = slots[acceptorSlotIndex]; const acceptorSlotWsTile = staticComp.localTileToWorld(slot.pos); const acceptorSlotWsPos = acceptorSlotWsTile.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); for ( let acceptorDirectionIndex = 0; acceptorDirectionIndex < slot.directions.length; ++acceptorDirectionIndex ) { const direction = slot.directions[acceptorDirectionIndex]; const worldDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(direction); const sourceTile = acceptorSlotWsTile.add(enumDirectionToVector[worldDirection]); const sourceEntity =; let sprite = goodArrowSprite; let alpha = 0.5; if (sourceEntity) { sprite = badArrowSprite; const sourceEjector = sourceEntity.components.ItemEjector; const sourceStaticComp = sourceEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; const ejectorAcceptLocalTile = sourceStaticComp.worldToLocalTile(acceptorSlotWsTile); if (sourceEjector && sourceEjector.anySlotEjectsToLocalTile(ejectorAcceptLocalTile)) { sprite = goodArrowSprite; } alpha = 1.0; } parameters.context.globalAlpha = alpha; drawRotatedSprite({ parameters, sprite, x: acceptorSlotWsPos.x, y: acceptorSlotWsPos.y, angle: Math_radians(enumDirectionToAngle[enumInvertedDirections[worldDirection]]), size: 13, offsetY: 15, }); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; } } } if (ejectorComp) { const slots = ejectorComp.slots; for (let ejectorSlotIndex = 0; ejectorSlotIndex < slots.length; ++ejectorSlotIndex) { const slot = ejectorComp.slots[ejectorSlotIndex]; const ejectorSlotWsTile = staticComp.localTileToWorld( ejectorComp.getSlotTargetLocalTile(ejectorSlotIndex) ); const ejectorSLotWsPos = ejectorSlotWsTile.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); const ejectorSlotWsDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(slot.direction); const destEntity =; let sprite = goodArrowSprite; let alpha = 0.5; if (destEntity) { alpha = 1; const destAcceptor = destEntity.components.ItemAcceptor; const destStaticComp = destEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; if (destAcceptor) { const destLocalTile = destStaticComp.worldToLocalTile(ejectorSlotWsTile); const destLocalDir = destStaticComp.worldDirectionToLocal(ejectorSlotWsDirection); if (destAcceptor.findMatchingSlot(destLocalTile, destLocalDir)) { sprite = goodArrowSprite; } else { sprite = badArrowSprite; } } } parameters.context.globalAlpha = alpha; drawRotatedSprite({ parameters, sprite, x: ejectorSLotWsPos.x, y: ejectorSLotWsPos.y, angle: Math_radians(enumDirectionToAngle[ejectorSlotWsDirection]), size: 13, offsetY: 15, }); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; } } } }