/* typehints:start */ import { Application } from "../../../application"; /* typehints:end */ import { SOUNDS } from "../../../platform/sound"; import { DynamicDomAttach } from "../dynamic_dom_attach"; import { BaseHUDPart } from "../base_hud_part"; import { Dialog, DialogLoading, DialogOptionChooser } from "../../../core/modal_dialog_elements"; import { makeDiv } from "../../../core/utils"; import { T } from "../../../translations"; import { THIRDPARTY_URLS } from "../../../core/config"; export class HUDModalDialogs extends BaseHUDPart { constructor(root, app) { // Important: Root is not always available here! Its also used in the main menu super(root); /** @type {Application} */ this.app = root ? root.app : app; this.dialogParent = null; this.dialogStack = []; } // For use inside of the game, implementation of base hud part initialize() { this.dialogParent = document.getElementById("ingame_HUD_ModalDialogs"); this.domWatcher = new DynamicDomAttach(this.root, this.dialogParent); } shouldPauseRendering() { return this.dialogStack.length > 0; } shouldPauseGame() { return this.shouldPauseRendering(); } createElements(parent) { return makeDiv(parent, "ingame_HUD_ModalDialogs"); } // For use outside of the game initializeToElement(element) { assert(element, "No element for dialogs given"); this.dialogParent = element; } isBlockingOverlay() { return this.dialogStack.length > 0; } // Methods /** * @param {string} title * @param {string} text * @param {Array} buttons */ showInfo(title, text, buttons = ["ok:good"]) { const dialog = new Dialog({ app: this.app, title: title, contentHTML: text, buttons: buttons, type: "info", }); this.internalShowDialog(dialog); if (this.app) { this.app.sound.playUiSound(SOUNDS.dialogOk); } return dialog.buttonSignals; } /** * @param {string} title * @param {string} text * @param {Array} buttons */ showWarning(title, text, buttons = ["ok:good"]) { const dialog = new Dialog({ app: this.app, title: title, contentHTML: text, buttons: buttons, type: "warning", }); this.internalShowDialog(dialog); if (this.app) { this.app.sound.playUiSound(SOUNDS.dialogError); } return dialog.buttonSignals; } /** * @param {string} feature * @param {string} textPrefab */ showFeatureRestrictionInfo(feature, textPrefab = T.dialogs.featureRestriction.desc) { const dialog = new Dialog({ app: this.app, title: T.dialogs.featureRestriction.title, contentHTML: textPrefab.replace("", feature), buttons: ["cancel:bad", "getStandalone:good"], type: "warning", }); this.internalShowDialog(dialog); if (this.app) { this.app.sound.playUiSound(SOUNDS.dialogOk); } this.app.analytics.trackUiClick("demo_dialog_show"); dialog.buttonSignals.cancel.add(() => { this.app.analytics.trackUiClick("demo_dialog_cancel"); }); dialog.buttonSignals.getStandalone.add(() => { this.app.analytics.trackUiClick("demo_dialog_click"); window.open(THIRDPARTY_URLS.standaloneStorePage + "?ref=ddc"); }); return dialog.buttonSignals; } showOptionChooser(title, options) { const dialog = new DialogOptionChooser({ app: this.app, title, options, }); this.internalShowDialog(dialog); return dialog.buttonSignals; } // Returns method to be called when laoding finishd showLoadingDialog() { const dialog = new DialogLoading(this.app); this.internalShowDialog(dialog); return this.closeDialog.bind(this, dialog); } internalShowDialog(dialog) { const elem = dialog.createElement(); dialog.setIndex(this.dialogStack.length); // Hide last dialog in queue if (this.dialogStack.length > 0) { this.dialogStack[this.dialogStack.length - 1].hide(); } this.dialogStack.push(dialog); // Append dialog dialog.show(); dialog.closeRequested.add(this.closeDialog.bind(this, dialog)); // Append to HTML this.dialogParent.appendChild(elem); document.body.classList.toggle("modalDialogActive", this.dialogStack.length > 0); // IMPORTANT: Attach element directly, otherwise double submit is possible this.update(); } update() { if (this.domWatcher) { this.domWatcher.update(this.dialogStack.length > 0); } } closeDialog(dialog) { dialog.destroy(); let index = -1; for (let i = 0; i < this.dialogStack.length; ++i) { if (this.dialogStack[i] === dialog) { index = i; break; } } assert(index >= 0, "Dialog not in dialog stack"); this.dialogStack.splice(index, 1); if (this.dialogStack.length > 0) { // Show the dialog which was previously open this.dialogStack[this.dialogStack.length - 1].show(); } document.body.classList.toggle("modalDialogActive", this.dialogStack.length > 0); } close() { for (let i = 0; i < this.dialogStack.length; ++i) { const dialog = this.dialogStack[i]; dialog.destroy(); } this.dialogStack = []; } cleanup() { super.cleanup(); for (let i = 0; i < this.dialogStack.length; ++i) { this.dialogStack[i].destroy(); } this.dialogStack = []; this.dialogParent = null; } }