import { enumDirection, Vector } from "../../core/vector"; import { types } from "../../savegame/serialization"; import { BeltPath } from "../belt_path"; import { Component } from "../component"; import { Entity } from "../entity"; export const curvedBeltLength = /* Math.PI / 4 */ 0.78; export class BeltComponent extends Component { static getId() { return "Belt"; } static getSchema() { // The followUpCache field is not serialized. return { direction: types.string, }; } duplicateWithoutContents() { return new BeltComponent({ direction: this.direction }); } /** * * @param {object} param0 * @param {enumDirection=} param0.direction The direction of the belt */ constructor({ direction = }) { super(); this.direction = direction; /** @type {Entity} */ this.followUpCache = null; /** * The path this belt is contained in, not serialized * @type {BeltPath} */ this.assignedPath = null; } /** * Returns the effective length of this belt in tile space * @returns {number} */ getEffectiveLengthTiles() { return this.direction === ? 1.0 : curvedBeltLength; } /** * Converts from belt space (0 = start of belt ... 1 = end of belt) to the local * belt coordinates (-0.5|-0.5 to 0.5|0.5) * @param {number} progress * @returns {Vector} */ transformBeltToLocalSpace(progress) { switch (this.direction) { case assert(progress <= 1.02, "Invalid progress: " + progress); return new Vector(0, 0.5 - progress); case enumDirection.right: { assert(progress <= curvedBeltLength + 0.02, "Invalid progress 2: " + progress); const arcProgress = (progress / curvedBeltLength) * 0.5 * Math.PI; return new Vector(0.5 - 0.5 * Math.cos(arcProgress), 0.5 - 0.5 * Math.sin(arcProgress)); } case enumDirection.left: { assert(progress <= curvedBeltLength + 0.02, "Invalid progress 3: " + progress); const arcProgress = (progress / curvedBeltLength) * 0.5 * Math.PI; return new Vector(-0.5 + 0.5 * Math.cos(arcProgress), 0.5 - 0.5 * Math.sin(arcProgress)); } default: assertAlways(false, "Invalid belt direction: " + this.direction); return new Vector(0, 0); } } }