import "./core/polyfills"; import "./core/assert"; import "./core/error_handler"; import { createLogger, logSection } from "./core/logging"; import { Application } from "./application"; import { IS_DEBUG } from "./core/config"; import { initComponentRegistry } from "./game/component_registry"; import { initDrawUtils } from "./core/draw_utils"; import { initItemRegistry } from "./game/item_registry"; import { initMetaBuildingRegistry } from "./game/meta_building_registry"; const logger = createLogger("main"); if (window.coreThreadLoadedCb) { logger.log("Javascript parsed, calling html thread"); window.coreThreadLoadedCb(); } console.log( ` ️%c\n© 2019 Tobias Springer IT Solutions\nCommit %c${G_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH}%c on %c${new Date( G_BUILD_TIME ).toLocaleString()}\n`, "font-size: 35px; font-family: Arial;font-weight: bold; padding: 10px 0;", "color: #aaa", "color: #7f7", "color: #aaa", "color: #7f7" ); console.log("Environment: %c" + G_APP_ENVIRONMENT, "color: #fff"); if (G_IS_DEV && IS_DEBUG) { console.log("\n%c🛑 DEBUG ENVIRONMENT 🛑\n", "color: #f77"); } /* typehints:start */ // @ts-ignore assert(false, "typehints built in, this should never be the case!"); /* typehints:end */ /* dev:start */ console.log("%cDEVCODE BUILT IN", "color: #f77"); /* dev:end */ logSection("Boot Process", "#f9a825"); initDrawUtils(); initComponentRegistry(); initItemRegistry(); initMetaBuildingRegistry(); let app = null; function bootApp() { logger.log("Page Loaded"); app = new Application(); app.boot(); } window.addEventListener("load", bootApp);