/* typehints:start */ import { Application } from "../application"; /* typehints:end */ import { createLogger } from "../core/logging"; const logger = createLogger("setting_types"); export class BaseSetting { /** * * @param {string} id * @param {string} categoryId * @param {function(Application, any):void} changeCb * @param {boolean} enabled */ constructor(id, categoryId, changeCb, enabled) { this.id = id; this.categoryId = categoryId; this.changeCb = changeCb; this.enabled = enabled; /** @type {Application} */ this.app = null; this.element = null; this.dialogs = null; } /** * @param {Application} app * @param {Element} element * @param {any} dialogs */ bind(app, element, dialogs) { this.app = app; this.element = element; this.dialogs = dialogs; } getHtml() { abstract; return ""; } syncValueToElement() { abstract; } modify() { abstract; } showRestartRequiredDialog() { const { restart } = this.dialogs.showInfo( "Restart required", "You need to restart the game to apply the settings.", this.app.platformWrapper.getSupportsRestart() ? ["later:grey", "restart:misc"] : ["ok:good"] ); if (restart) { restart.add(() => this.app.platformWrapper.performRestart()); } } /** * @param {any} value * @returns {boolean} */ validate(value) { abstract; return false; } } export class EnumSetting extends BaseSetting { constructor( id, { options, valueGetter, textGetter, descGetter = null, category, restartRequired = true, iconPrefix = null, changeCb = null, magicValue = null, enabled = true, } ) { super(id, category, changeCb, enabled); this.options = options; this.valueGetter = valueGetter; this.textGetter = textGetter; this.descGetter = descGetter || (() => null); this.restartRequired = restartRequired; this.iconPrefix = iconPrefix; this.magicValue = magicValue; } getHtml() { return `
`; } validate(value) { if (value === this.magicValue) { return true; } const availableValues = this.options.map(option => this.valueGetter(option)); if (availableValues.indexOf(value) < 0) { logger.error( "Value '" + value + "' is not contained in available values:", availableValues, "of", this.id ); return false; } return true; } syncValueToElement() { const value = this.app.settings.getSetting(this.id); let displayText = "???"; const matchedInstance = this.options.find(data => this.valueGetter(data) === value); if (matchedInstance) { displayText = this.textGetter(matchedInstance); } else { logger.warn("Setting value", value, "not found for", this.id, "!"); } this.element.innerText = displayText; } modify() { const { optionSelected } = this.dialogs.showOptionChooser("TODO: SETTING TITLE", { active: this.app.settings.getSetting(this.id), options: this.options.map(option => ({ value: this.valueGetter(option), text: this.textGetter(option), desc: this.descGetter(option), iconPrefix: this.iconPrefix, })), }); optionSelected.add(value => { this.app.settings.updateSetting(this.id, value); this.syncValueToElement(); if (this.restartRequired) { this.showRestartRequiredDialog(); } if (this.changeCb) { this.changeCb(this.app, value); } }, this); } } export class BoolSetting extends BaseSetting { constructor(id, category, changeCb = null, enabled = true) { super(id, category, changeCb, enabled); } getHtml() { return `
`; } syncValueToElement() { const value = this.app.settings.getSetting(this.id); this.element.classList.toggle("checked", value); } modify() { const newValue = !this.app.settings.getSetting(this.id); this.app.settings.updateSetting(this.id, newValue); this.syncValueToElement(); if (this.changeCb) { this.changeCb(this.app, newValue); } } validate(value) { return typeof value === "boolean"; } }