# # GAME TRANSLATIONS # # Contributing: # # If you want to contribute, please make a pull request on this respository # and I will have a look. # # Placeholders: # # Do *not* replace placeholders! Placeholders have a special syntax like # `Hotkey: `. They are encapsulated within angle brackets. The correct # translation for this one in German for example would be: `Taste: ` (notice # how the placeholder stayed '' and was not replaced!) # # Adding a new language: # # If you want to add a new language, ask me in the discord and I will setup # the basic structure so the game also detects it. # global: loading: Loading error: Error # How big numbers are rendered, e.g. "10,000" thousandsDivider: "," # Shown for infinitely big numbers infinite: inf time: # Used for formatting past time dates oneSecondAgo: one second ago xSecondsAgo: seconds ago oneMinuteAgo: one minute ago xMinutesAgo: minutes ago oneHourAgo: one hour ago xHoursAgo: hours ago oneDayAgo: one day ago xDaysAgo: days ago # Short formats for times, e.g. '5h 23m' secondsShort: s minutesAndSecondsShort: m s hoursAndMinutesShort: h s xMinutes: minutes keys: tab: TAB control: CTRL alt: ALT escape: ESC shift: SHIFT space: SPACE demoBanners: # This is the "advertisement" shown in the main menu and other various places title: Hey! intro: >- If you enjoy this game, please consider buying the full version! advantages: - No advertisements - Unlimited savegames - Dark mode & more - >- Allow me to further develop shapez.io ❤️ mainMenu: play: Play importSavegame: Import openSourceHint: This game is open source! discordLink: Official Discord Server # This is shown when using firefox and other browsers which are not supported. browserWarning: >- Sorry, but the game is known to run slow on your browser! Get the standalone version or download chrome for the full experience. dialogs: buttons: ok: OK delete: Delete cancel: Cancel later: Later restart: Restart reset: Reset getStandalone: Get Standalone deleteGame: I know what I do viewUpdate: View Update importSavegameError: title: Import Error text: >- Failed to import your savegame: importSavegameSuccess: title: Savegame Imported text: >- Your savegame has been successfully imported. gameLoadFailure: title: Game is broken text: >- Failed to load your savegame: confirmSavegameDelete: title: Confirm deletion text: >- Are you sure you want to delete the game? savegameDeletionError: title: Failed to delete text: >- Failed to delete the savegame: restartRequired: title: Restart required text: >- You need to restart the game to apply the settings. editKeybinding: title: Change Keybinding desc: Press the key you want to assign, or escape to cancel. resetKeybindingsConfirmation: title: Reset keybindings desc: This will reset all keybindings to their default values. Please confirm. keybindingsResetOk: title: Keybindings reset desc: The keybindings have been reset to their respective defaults! featureRestriction: title: Demo Version desc: You tried to access a feature () which is not available in the demo. Consider to get the standalone for the full experience! saveNotPossibleInDemo: desc: Your game has been saved, but restoring it is only possible in the standalone version. Consider to get the standalone for the full experience! leaveNotPossibleInDemo: title: Demo version desc: Your game was saved but you will not be able to restore it in the demo. Restoring your savegames is only possible in the full version. Are you sure? newUpdate: title: Update available desc: There is an update for this game available! demoExplanation: title: Notice from the Developer desc: I am developing this game in my free time, and I hope you enjoy it! If you do, please consider to buy the standalone version! oneSavegameLimit: title: Limited savegames desc: You can only have one savegame at a time in the demo version. Please remove the existing one or get the standalone! ingame: # This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in # every situation keybindingsOverlay: centerMap: Center moveMap: Move removeBuildings: Delete stopPlacement: Stop placement rotateBuilding: Rotate building placeMultiple: Place multiple reverseOrientation: Reverse orientation disableAutoOrientation: Disable auto orientation toggleHud: Toggle HUD placeBuilding: Place building # Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building # from the toolbar) buildingPlacement: # Buildings can have different variants which are unlocked at later levels, # and this is the hint shown when there are multiple variants available. cycleBuildingVariants: Press to cycle variants. # Shows the hotkey in the ui, e.g. "Hotkey: Q" hotkeyLabel: >- Hotkey: infoTexts: speed: Speed range: Range storage: Storage oneItemPerSecond: 1 item / second itemsPerSecond: items / s itemsPerSecondDouble: (x2) tiles: tiles # The notification when completing a level levelCompleteNotification: # is replaced by the actual level, so this gets 'Level 03' for example. levelTitle: Level completed: Completed unlockText: Unlocked ! buttonNextLevel: Next Level # Notifications on the lower right notifications: newUpgrade: A new upgrade is available! gameSaved: Your game has been saved. # Mass delete information, this is when you hold CTRL and then drag with your mouse # to select multiple buildings to delete massDelete: infoText: Press to remove selected buildings and to cancel. # The "Upgrades" window shop: title: Upgrades buttonUnlock: Upgrade # Gets replaced to e.g. "Tier IX" tier: Tier # The roman number for each tier tierLabels: [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X] maximumLevel: Maximum level # The "Statistics" window statistics: title: Statistics dataSources: stored: title: Stored description: Displaying amount of stored shapes in your central building. produced: title: Produced description: Displaying all shapes your whole factory produces, including intermediate products. delivered: title: Delivered description: Displaying shapes which are delivered to your central building. noShapesProduced: No shapes have been produced so far. # Displays the shapes per minute, e.g. '523 / m' shapesPerMinute: / m # Settings menu, when you press "ESC" settingsMenu: playtime: Playtime buildingsPlaced: Buildings beltsPlaced: Belts buttons: continue: Continue settings: Settings menu: Return to menu # All shop upgrades shopUpgrades: belt: name: Belts, Distributor & Tunnels description: Speed +% miner: name: Extraction description: Speed +% processors: name: Shape Processing description: Speed +% painting: name: Mixing & Painting description: Speed +% # Buildings and their name / description buildings: belt: default: name: &belt Conveyor Belt description: Transports items, hold and drag to place multiple. miner: # Internal name for the Extractor default: name: &miner Extractor description: Place over a shape or color to extract it. chainable: name: Extractor (Chain) description: Place over a shape or color to extract it. Can be chained. underground_belt: # Internal name for the Tunnel default: name: &underground_belt Tunnel description: Allows to tunnel resources under buildings and belts. tier2: name: Tunnel Tier II description: Allows to tunnel resources under buildings and belts. splitter: # Internal name for the Balancer default: name: &splitter Balancer description: Multifunctional - Evenly distributes all inputs onto all outputs. compact: name: Merger (compact) description: Merges two conveyor belts into one. compact-inverse: name: Merger (compact) description: Merges two conveyor belts into one. cutter: default: name: &cutter Cutter description: Cuts shapes from top to bottom and outputs both halfs. If you use only one part, be sure to destroy the other part or it will stall! quad: name: Cutter (Quad) description: Cuts shapes into four parts. If you use only one part, be sure to destroy the other part or it will stall! rotater: default: name: &rotater Rotate description: Rotates shapes clockwise by 90 degrees. ccw: name: Rotate (CCW) description: Rotates shapes counter clockwise by 90 degrees. stacker: default: name: &stacker Stacker description: Stacks both items. If they can not be merged, the right item is placed above the left item. mixer: default: name: &mixer Color Mixer description: Mixes two colors using additive blending. painter: default: name: &painter Painter description: Colors the whole shape on the left input with the color from the right input. double: name: Painter (Double) description: Colors the both shapes on the left input with the color from the right input. quad: name: Painter (Quad) description: Allows to color each quadrant of the shape with a different color. trash: default: name: &trash Trash description: Accepts inputs from all sides and destroys them. Forever. storage: name: Storage description: Stores excess items, up to a given capacity. Can be used as an overflow gate. storyRewards: # Those are the rewards gained from completing the store reward_cutter_and_trash: title: Cutting Shapes desc: You just unlocked the cutter - it cuts shapes half from top to bottom regardless of its orientation!

Be sure to get rid of the waste, or otherwise it will stall - For this purpose I gave you a trash, which destroys everything you put into it! reward_rotater: title: Rotating desc: The rotater has been unlocked! It rotates shapes clockwise by 90 degrees. reward_painter: title: Painting desc: >- The painter has been unlocked - Extract some color veins (just as you do with shapes) and combine it with a shape in the painter to color them!

PS: If you are colorblind, I'm working on a solution already! reward_mixer: title: Color Mixing desc: The mixer has been unlocked - Combine two colors using additive blending with this building! reward_stacker: title: Combiner desc: You can now combine shapes with the combiner! Both inputs are combined, and if they can be put next to each other, they will be fused. If not, the right input is stacked on top of the left input! reward_splitter: title: Splitter/Merger desc: The multifunctional balancer has been unlocked - It can be used to build bigger factories by splitting and merging items onto multiple belts!

reward_tunnel: title: Tunnel desc: The tunnel has been unlocked - You can now pipe items through belts and buildings with it! reward_rotater_ccw: title: CCW Rotating desc: You have unlocked a variant of the rotater - It allows to rotate counter clockwise! To build it, select the rotater and press 'T' to cycle its variants! reward_miner_chainable: title: Chaining Extractor desc: You have unlocked the chaining extractor! It can forward its resources to other extractors so you can more efficiently extract resources! reward_underground_belt_tier_2: title: Tunnel Tier II desc: You have unlocked a new variant of the tunnel - It has a bigger range, and you can also mix-n-match those tunnels now! reward_splitter_compact: title: Compact Balancer desc: >- You have unlocked a compact variant of the balancer - It accepts two inputs and merges them into one! reward_cutter_quad: title: Quad Cutting desc: You have unlocked a variant of the cutter - It allows you to cut shapes in four parts instead of just two! reward_painter_double: title: Double Painting desc: You have unlocked a variant of the painter - It works as the regular painter but processes two shapes at once consuming just one color instead of two! reward_painter_quad: title: Quad Painting desc: You have unlocked a variant of the painter - It allows to paint each part of the shape individually! reward_storage: title: Storage Buffer desc: You have unlocked a variant of the trash - It allows to store items up to a given capacity! reward_freeplay: title: Freeplay desc: You did it! You unlocked the free-play mode! This means that shapes are now randomly generated! (No worries, more content is planned for the standalone!) # Special reward, which is shown when there is no reward actually no_reward: title: Next level desc: >- This level gave you no reward, but the next one will!

PS: Better don't destroy your existing factory - You need all those shapes later again to unlock upgrades! no_reward_freeplay: title: Next level desc: >- Congratulations! By the way, more content is planned for the standalone! settings: title: Settings categories: game: Game app: Application versionBadges: dev: Development staging: Staging prod: Production buildDate: Built labels: uiScale: title: Interface scale description: >- Changes the size of the user interface. The interface will still scale based on your device resolution, but this setting controls the amount of scale. fullscreen: title: Fullscreen description: >- It is recommended to play the game in fullscreen to get the best experience. Only available in the standalone. soundsMuted: title: Mute Sounds description: >- If enabled, mutes all sound effects. musicMuted: title: Mute Music description: >- If enabled, mutes all music. theme: title: Game theme description: >- Choose the game theme (light / dark). refreshRate: title: Simulation Target description: >- If you have a 144hz monitor, change the refresh rate here so the game will properly simulate at higher refresh rates. This might actually decrease the FPS if your computer is too slow. alwaysMultiplace: title: Multiplace description: >- If enabled, all buildings will stay selected after placement until you cancel it. This is equivalent to holding SHIFT permanently. keybindings: title: Keybindings hint: >- Tip: Be sure to make use of CTRL, SHIFT and ALT! They enable different placement options. resetKeybindings: Reset Keyinbindings categoryLabels: general: Appplication ingame: Game placement: Placement massSelect: Mass Delete buildings: Building Shortcuts placementModifiers: Placement Modifiers mappings: confirm: Confirm back: Back mapMoveUp: Move Up mapMoveRight: Move Right mapMoveDown: Move Down mapMoveLeft: Move Left centerMap: Center Map menuOpenShop: Upgrades menuOpenStats: Statistics toggleHud: Toggle HUD toggleFPSInfo: Toggle FPS and Debug Info belt: *belt splitter: *splitter underground_belt: *underground_belt miner: *miner cutter: *cutter rotater: *rotater stacker: *stacker mixer: *mixer painter: *painter trash: *trash abortBuildingPlacement: Abort Placement rotateWhilePlacing: Rotate cycleBuildingVariants: Cycle Variants confirmMassDelete: Confirm Mass Delete cycleBuildings: Cycle Buildings massSelectStart: Hold and drag to start massSelectSelectMultiple: Select multiple areas placementDisableAutoOrientation: Disable automatic orientation placeMultiple: Stay in placement mode placeInverse: Invert automatic orientation about: title: About this Game demo: features: restoringGames: Restoring savegames importingGames: Importing savegames oneGameLimit: Limited to one savegame customizeKeybindings: Customizing Keybindings settingNotAvailable: Not available in the demo.