export const IS_DEBUG = G_IS_DEV && typeof window !== "undefined" && window.location.port === "3005" && (window.location.host.indexOf("localhost:") >= 0 || window.location.host.indexOf("192.168.0.") >= 0) && window.location.search.indexOf("nodebug") < 0; const smoothCanvas = true; export const globalConfig = { // Size of a single tile in Pixels. // NOTICE: Update webpack.production.config too! tileSize: 32, halfTileSize: 16, // Which dpi the assets have assetsDpi: 192 / 32, assetsSharpness: 1.2, shapesSharpness: 1.4, // Production analytics statisticsGraphDpi: 2.5, statisticsGraphSlices: 100, analyticsSliceDurationSeconds: 10, // [Calculated] physics step size physicsDeltaMs: 0, physicsDeltaSeconds: 0, // Update physics at N fps, independent of rendering // physicsUpdateRate: 55, physicsUpdateRate: 120, // Map mapChunkSize: 32, mapChunkPrerenderMinZoom: 1.3, mapChunkOverviewMinZoom: 0.7, // Belt speeds // NOTICE: Update webpack.production.config too! beltSpeedItemsPerSecond: 5, itemSpacingOnBelts: 0.63, minerSpeedItemsPerSecond: 0, // COMPUTED undergroundBeltMaxTiles: 5, buildingSpeeds: { cutter: 1 / 4, rotater: 1 / 1, painter: 1 / 3, painterDouble: 1 / 3, mixer: 1 / 2, stacker: 1 / 5, }, // Zooming initialZoom: 1.9, minZoomLevel: 0.1, maxZoomLevel: 3, // Global game speed gameSpeed: 1, warmupTimeSecondsFast: 0.1, warmupTimeSecondsRegular: 1, smoothing: { smoothMainCanvas: smoothCanvas && true, quality: "low", // Low is CRUCIAL for mobile performance! }, rendering: {}, debug: { /* dev:start */ fastGameEnter: true, noArtificialDelays: true, // disableSavegameWrite: true, showEntityBounds: false, showAcceptorEjectors: false, usePlainShapeIds: true, disableMusic: true, doNotRenderStatics: false, disableZoomLimits: false, showChunkBorders: false, rewardsInstant: false, allBuildingsUnlocked: true, upgradesNoCost: true, disableUnlockDialog: false, /* dev:end */ }, // Secret vars info: { // Binary file salt file: "Ec'])@^+*9zMevK3uMV4432x9%iK'=", // Savegame salt sgSalt: "}95Q3%8/.837Lqym_BJx%q7)pAHJbF", // Analytics key analyticsApiKey: "baf6a50f0cc7dfdec5a0e21c88a1c69a4b34bc4a", }, }; export const IS_MOBILE = /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent); // Automatic calculations globalConfig.physicsDeltaMs = 1000.0 / globalConfig.physicsUpdateRate; globalConfig.physicsDeltaSeconds = 1.0 / globalConfig.physicsUpdateRate; globalConfig.minerSpeedItemsPerSecond = globalConfig.beltSpeedItemsPerSecond / globalConfig.itemSpacingOnBelts / 6;