/* typehints:start */ import { Application } from "../application"; import { Vector } from "../core/vector"; import { GameRoot } from "../game/root"; /* typehints:end */ import { newEmptyMap, clamp } from "../core/utils"; import { createLogger } from "../core/logging"; import { globalConfig } from "../core/config"; const logger = createLogger("sound"); export const SOUNDS = { // Menu and such uiClick: "ui_click", uiError: "ui_error", dialogError: "dialog_error", dialogOk: "dialog_ok", swishHide: "ui_swish_hide", swishShow: "ui_swish_show", badgeNotification: "badge_notification", levelComplete: "level_complete", destroyBuilding: "destroy_building", placeBuilding: "place_building", placeBelt: "place_belt", }; export const MUSIC = { theme: G_IS_STANDALONE ? "theme-full" : "theme-short", menu: "menu", }; export class SoundInstanceInterface { constructor(key, url) { this.key = key; this.url = url; } /** @returns {Promise} */ load() { abstract; return Promise.resolve(); } play(volume) { abstract; } deinitialize() {} } export class MusicInstanceInterface { constructor(key, url) { this.key = key; this.url = url; } stop() { abstract; } play() { abstract; } /** @returns {Promise} */ load() { abstract; return Promise.resolve(); } /** @returns {boolean} */ isPlaying() { abstract; return false; } deinitialize() {} } export class SoundInterface { constructor(app, soundClass, musicClass) { /** @type {Application} */ this.app = app; this.soundClass = soundClass; this.musicClass = musicClass; /** @type {Object} */ this.sounds = newEmptyMap(); /** @type {Object} */ this.music = newEmptyMap(); /** @type {MusicInstanceInterface} */ this.currentMusic = null; this.pageIsVisible = true; this.musicMuted = false; this.soundsMuted = false; } /** * Initializes the sound * @returns {Promise} */ initialize() { for (const soundKey in SOUNDS) { const soundPath = SOUNDS[soundKey]; const sound = new this.soundClass(soundKey, soundPath); this.sounds[soundPath] = sound; } for (const musicKey in MUSIC) { const musicPath = MUSIC[musicKey]; const music = new this.musicClass(musicKey, musicPath); this.music[musicPath] = music; } this.musicMuted = this.app.settings.getAllSettings().musicMuted; this.soundsMuted = this.app.settings.getAllSettings().soundsMuted; if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.disableMusic) { this.musicMuted = true; } return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Pre-Loads the given sounds * @param {string} key * @returns {Promise} */ loadSound(key) { if (this.sounds[key]) { return this.sounds[key].load(); } else if (this.music[key]) { return this.music[key].load(); } else { logger.error("Sound/Music by key not found:", key); return Promise.resolve(); } } /** Deinits the sound * @returns {Promise} */ deinitialize() { const promises = []; for (const key in this.sounds) { promises.push(this.sounds[key].deinitialize()); } for (const key in this.music) { promises.push(this.music[key].deinitialize()); } // @ts-ignore return Promise.all(...promises); } /** * Returns if the music is muted * @returns {boolean} */ getMusicMuted() { return this.musicMuted; } /** * Returns if sounds are muted * @returns {boolean} */ getSoundsMuted() { return this.soundsMuted; } /** * Sets if the music is muted * @param {boolean} muted */ setMusicMuted(muted) { this.musicMuted = muted; if (this.musicMuted) { if (this.currentMusic) { this.currentMusic.stop(); } } else { if (this.currentMusic) { this.currentMusic.play(); } } } /** * Sets if the sounds are muted * @param {boolean} muted */ setSoundsMuted(muted) { this.soundsMuted = muted; } /** * Focus change handler, called by the pap * @param {boolean} pageIsVisible */ onPageRenderableStateChanged(pageIsVisible) { this.pageIsVisible = pageIsVisible; if (this.currentMusic) { if (pageIsVisible) { if (!this.currentMusic.isPlaying() && !this.musicMuted) { this.currentMusic.play(); } } else { this.currentMusic.stop(); } } } /** * @param {string} key */ playUiSound(key) { if (this.soundsMuted) { return; } if (!this.sounds[key]) { logger.warn("Sound", key, "not found, probably not loaded yet"); return; } this.sounds[key].play(1.0); } /** * * @param {string} key * @param {Vector} worldPosition * @param {GameRoot} root */ play3DSound(key, worldPosition, root) { if (!this.sounds[key]) { logger.warn("Music", key, "not found, probably not loaded yet"); return; } if (!this.pageIsVisible || this.soundsMuted) { return; } // hack, but works if (root.time.getIsPaused()) { return; } let volume = 1.0; if (!root.camera.isWorldPointOnScreen(worldPosition)) { volume = 0.2; } volume *= clamp(root.camera.zoomLevel / 3); this.sounds[key].play(clamp(volume)); } /** * @param {string} key */ playThemeMusic(key) { const music = this.music[key]; if (key !== null && !music) { logger.warn("Music", key, "not found"); } if (this.currentMusic !== music) { if (this.currentMusic) { logger.log("Stopping", this.currentMusic.key); this.currentMusic.stop(); } this.currentMusic = music; if (music && this.pageIsVisible && !this.musicMuted) { logger.log("Starting", this.currentMusic.key); music.play(); } } } }