import { makeOffscreenBuffer } from "../../../core/buffer_utils"; import { globalConfig, THIRDPARTY_URLS } from "../../../core/config"; import { DrawParameters } from "../../../core/draw_parameters"; import { gMetaBuildingRegistry } from "../../../core/global_registries"; import { Loader } from "../../../core/loader"; import { DialogWithForm } from "../../../core/modal_dialog_elements"; import { FormElementInput } from "../../../core/modal_dialog_forms"; import { Rectangle } from "../../../core/rectangle"; import { STOP_PROPAGATION } from "../../../core/signal"; import { arrayDeleteValue, fillInLinkIntoTranslation, lerp, makeDiv, removeAllChildren, } from "../../../core/utils"; import { Vector } from "../../../core/vector"; import { ACHIEVEMENTS } from "../../../platform/achievement_provider"; import { T } from "../../../translations"; import { BaseItem } from "../../base_item"; import { MetaHubBuilding } from "../../buildings/hub"; import { enumMouseButton } from "../../camera"; import { KEYMAPPINGS } from "../../key_action_mapper"; import { ShapeDefinition } from "../../shape_definition"; import { BaseHUDPart } from "../base_hud_part"; import { DynamicDomAttach } from "../dynamic_dom_attach"; import { enumNotificationType } from "./notifications"; /** @typedef {{ * label: string | null, * center: { x: number, y: number }, * zoomLevel: number, * layer: Layer, * }} Waypoint */ /** * Used when a shape icon is rendered instead */ const MAX_LABEL_LENGTH = 71; export class HUDWaypoints extends BaseHUDPart { /** * Creates the overview of waypoints * @param {HTMLElement} parent */ createElements(parent) { // Create the helper box on the lower right when zooming out if ( && !G_WEGAME_VERSION) { this.hintElement = makeDiv( parent, "ingame_HUD_Waypoints_Hint", [], ` ${T.ingame.waypoints.waypoints} ${T.ingame.waypoints.description.replace( "", `${this.root.keyMapper .getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.createMarker) .getKeyCodeString()}` )} ` ); } // Create the waypoint list on the upper right this.waypointsListElement = makeDiv(parent, "ingame_HUD_Waypoints", [], "Waypoints"); } /** * Serializes the waypoints */ serialize() { return { waypoints: this.waypoints, }; } /** * Deserializes the waypoints * @param {{waypoints: Array}} data */ deserialize(data) { if (!data || !data.waypoints || !Array.isArray(data.waypoints)) { return "Invalid waypoints data"; } this.waypoints = data.waypoints; this.rerenderWaypointList(); } /** * Initializes everything */ initialize() { // Cache the sprite for the waypoints this.waypointSprites = { regular: Loader.getSprite("sprites/misc/waypoint.png"), wires: Loader.getSprite("sprites/misc/waypoint_wires.png"), }; this.directionIndicatorSprite = Loader.getSprite("sprites/misc/hub_direction_indicator.png"); /** @type {Array} */ this.waypoints = []; this.waypoints.push({ label: null, center: { x: 0, y: 0 }, zoomLevel: 3, layer: gMetaBuildingRegistry.findByClass(MetaHubBuilding).getLayer(), }); // Create a buffer we can use to measure text this.dummyBuffer = makeOffscreenBuffer(1, 1, { reusable: false, label: "waypoints-measure-canvas", })[1]; // Dynamically attach/detach the lower right hint in the map overview if (this.hintElement) { this.domAttach = new DynamicDomAttach(this.root, this.hintElement); } // Catch mouse and key events if (!G_WEGAME_VERSION) {, this); this.root.keyMapper .getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.navigation.createMarker) .add(() => this.requestSaveMarker({})); } /** * Stores at how much opacity the markers should be rendered on the map. * This is interpolated over multiple frames so we have some sort of fade effect */ this.currentMarkerOpacity = 1; this.currentCompassOpacity = 0; // Create buffer which is used to indicate the hub direction const [canvas, context] = makeOffscreenBuffer(48, 48, { smooth: true, reusable: false, label: "waypoints-compass", }); this.compassBuffer = { canvas, context }; /** * Stores a cache from a shape short key to its canvas representation */ this.cachedKeyToCanvas = {}; /** * Store cached text widths * @type {Object} */ this.cachedTextWidths = {}; // Initial render this.rerenderWaypointList(); } /** * Returns how long a text will be rendered * @param {string} text * @returns {number} */ getTextWidth(text) { if (this.cachedTextWidths[text]) { return this.cachedTextWidths[text]; } this.dummyBuffer.font = "bold " + this.getTextScale() + "px GameFont"; return (this.cachedTextWidths[text] = this.dummyBuffer.measureText(text).width); } /** * Returns how big the text should be rendered */ getTextScale() { return this.getWaypointUiScale() * 12; } /** * Returns the scale for rendering waypoints */ getWaypointUiScale() { return; } /** * Re-renders the waypoint list to account for changes */ rerenderWaypointList() { removeAllChildren(this.waypointsListElement); this.cleanupClickDetectors(); for (let i = 0; i < this.waypoints.length; ++i) { const waypoint = this.waypoints[i]; const label = this.getWaypointLabel(waypoint); const element = makeDiv(this.waypointsListElement, null, [ "waypoint", "layer--" + waypoint.layer, ]); if (ShapeDefinition.isValidShortKey(label)) { const canvas = this.getWaypointCanvas(waypoint); /** * Create a clone of the cached canvas, as calling appendElement when a canvas is * already in the document will move the existing canvas to the new position. */ const [newCanvas, context] = makeOffscreenBuffer(48, 48, { smooth: true, label: label + "-waypoint-" + i, }); context.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0); element.appendChild(newCanvas); element.classList.add("shapeIcon"); } else { element.innerText = label; } if (this.isWaypointDeletable(waypoint)) { const editButton = makeDiv(element, null, ["editButton"]); this.trackClicks(editButton, () => this.requestSaveMarker({ waypoint })); } if (!waypoint.label) { // This must be the hub label element.classList.add("hub"); element.insertBefore(this.compassBuffer.canvas, element.childNodes[0]); } this.trackClicks(element, () => this.moveToWaypoint(waypoint), { targetOnly: true, }); } } /** * Moves the camera to a given waypoint * @param {Waypoint} waypoint */ moveToWaypoint(waypoint) { this.root.currentLayer = waypoint.layer; Vector(,;; } /** * Deletes a waypoint from the list * @param {Waypoint} waypoint */ deleteWaypoint(waypoint) { arrayDeleteValue(this.waypoints, waypoint); this.rerenderWaypointList(); } /** * Gets the canvas for a given waypoint * @param {Waypoint} waypoint * @returns {HTMLCanvasElement} */ getWaypointCanvas(waypoint) { const key = waypoint.label; if (this.cachedKeyToCanvas[key]) { return this.cachedKeyToCanvas[key]; } assert(ShapeDefinition.isValidShortKey(key), "Invalid short key: " + key); const definition = this.root.shapeDefinitionMgr.getShapeFromShortKey(key); const preRendered = definition.generateAsCanvas(48); return (this.cachedKeyToCanvas[key] = preRendered); } /** * Requests to save a marker at the current camera position. If worldPos is set, * uses that position instead. * @param {object} param0 * @param {Vector=} param0.worldPos Override the world pos, otherwise it is the camera position * @param {Waypoint=} param0.waypoint Waypoint to be edited. If omitted, create new */ requestSaveMarker({ worldPos = null, waypoint = null }) { // Construct dialog with input field const markerNameInput = new FormElementInput({ id: "markerName", label: null, placeholder: "", defaultValue: waypoint ? waypoint.label : "", validator: val => val.length > 0 && (val.length < MAX_LABEL_LENGTH || ShapeDefinition.isValidShortKey(val)), }); const dialog = new DialogWithForm({ app:, title: waypoint ? T.dialogs.createMarker.titleEdit : T.dialogs.createMarker.title, desc: fillInLinkIntoTranslation(T.dialogs.createMarker.desc, THIRDPARTY_URLS.shapeViewer), formElements: [markerNameInput], buttons: waypoint ? ["delete:bad", "cancel", "ok:good"] : ["cancel", "ok:good"], });; // Edit marker if (waypoint) { dialog.buttonSignals.ok.add(() => { // Actually rename the waypoint this.renameWaypoint(waypoint, markerNameInput.getValue()); }); dialog.buttonSignals.delete.add(() => { // Actually delete the waypoint this.deleteWaypoint(waypoint); }); } else { // Compute where to create the marker const center = worldPos ||; dialog.buttonSignals.ok.add(() => { // Show info that you can have only N markers in the demo, // actually show this *after* entering the name so you want the // standalone even more (I'm evil :P) if (this.waypoints.length > { "", T.dialogs.markerDemoLimit.desc ); return; } // Actually create the waypoint this.addWaypoint(markerNameInput.getValue(), center); }); } } /** * Adds a new waypoint at the given location with the given label * @param {string} label * @param {Vector} position */ addWaypoint(label, position) { this.waypoints.push({ label, center: { x: position.x, y: position.y }, zoomLevel:, layer: this.root.currentLayer, }); this.sortWaypoints(); // Show notification about creation this.root.hud.signals.notification.dispatch( T.ingame.waypoints.creationSuccessNotification, enumNotificationType.success ); this.root.signals.achievementCheck.dispatch( ACHIEVEMENTS.mapMarkers15, this.waypoints.length - 1 // Disregard HUB ); // Re-render the list and thus add it this.rerenderWaypointList(); } /** * Renames a waypoint with the given label * @param {Waypoint} waypoint * @param {string} label */ renameWaypoint(waypoint, label) { waypoint.label = label; this.sortWaypoints(); // Show notification about renamed this.root.hud.signals.notification.dispatch( T.ingame.waypoints.creationSuccessNotification, enumNotificationType.success ); // Re-render the list and thus add it this.rerenderWaypointList(); } /** * Called every frame to update stuff */ update() { if (this.domAttach) { this.domAttach.update(; } } /** * Sort waypoints by name */ sortWaypoints() { this.waypoints.sort((a, b) => { if (!a.label) { return -1; } if (!b.label) { return 1; } return this.getWaypointLabel(a) .padEnd(MAX_LABEL_LENGTH, "0") .localeCompare(this.getWaypointLabel(b).padEnd(MAX_LABEL_LENGTH, "0")); }); } /** * Returns the label for a given waypoint * @param {Waypoint} waypoint * @returns {string} */ getWaypointLabel(waypoint) { return waypoint.label || T.ingame.waypoints.hub; } /** * Returns if a waypoint is deletable * @param {Waypoint} waypoint * @returns {boolean} */ isWaypointDeletable(waypoint) { return waypoint.label !== null; } /** * Returns the screen space bounds of the given waypoint or null * if it couldn't be determined. Also returns wheter its a shape or not * @param {Waypoint} waypoint * @return {{ * screenBounds: Rectangle * item: BaseItem|null, * text: string * }} */ getWaypointScreenParams(waypoint) { if (! { return null; } // Find parameters const scale = this.getWaypointUiScale(); const screenPos = Vector(,; // Distinguish between text and item waypoints -> Figure out parameters const originalLabel = this.getWaypointLabel(waypoint); let text, item, textWidth; if (ShapeDefinition.isValidShortKey(originalLabel)) { // If the label is actually a key, render the shape icon item = this.root.shapeDefinitionMgr.getShapeItemFromShortKey(originalLabel); textWidth = 40; } else { // Otherwise render a regular waypoint text = originalLabel; textWidth = this.getTextWidth(text); } return { screenBounds: new Rectangle( screenPos.x - 7 * scale, screenPos.y - 12 * scale, 15 * scale + textWidth, 15 * scale ), item, text, }; } /** * Finds the currently intersected waypoint on the map overview under * the cursor. * * @returns {Waypoint | null} */ findCurrentIntersectedWaypoint() { const mousePos =; if (!mousePos) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < this.waypoints.length; ++i) { const waypoint = this.waypoints[i]; const params = this.getWaypointScreenParams(waypoint); if (params && params.screenBounds.containsPoint(mousePos.x, mousePos.y)) { return waypoint; } } } /** * Mouse-Down handler * @param {Vector} pos * @param {enumMouseButton} button */ onMouseDown(pos, button) { const waypoint = this.findCurrentIntersectedWaypoint(); if (waypoint) { if (button === enumMouseButton.left) { this.root.soundProxy.playUiClick(); this.moveToWaypoint(waypoint); } else if (button === enumMouseButton.right) { if (this.isWaypointDeletable(waypoint)) { this.root.soundProxy.playUiClick(); this.requestSaveMarker({ waypoint }); } else { this.root.soundProxy.playUiError(); } } return STOP_PROPAGATION; } else { // Allow right click to create a marker if (button === enumMouseButton.right) { if ( { const worldPos =; this.requestSaveMarker({ worldPos }); return STOP_PROPAGATION; } } } } /** * Rerenders the compass */ rerenderWaypointsCompass() { const dims = 48; const indicatorSize = 30; const cameraPos =; const context = this.compassBuffer.context; context.clearRect(0, 0, dims, dims); const distanceToHub = cameraPos.length(); const compassVisible = distanceToHub > (10 * globalConfig.tileSize) /; const targetCompassAlpha = compassVisible ? 1 : 0; // Fade the compas in / out this.currentCompassOpacity = lerp(this.currentCompassOpacity, targetCompassAlpha, 0.08); // Render the compass if (this.currentCompassOpacity > 0.01) { context.globalAlpha = this.currentCompassOpacity; const angle = cameraPos.angle() + Math.radians(45) + Math.PI / 2; context.translate(dims / 2, dims / 2); context.rotate(angle); this.directionIndicatorSprite.drawCentered(context, 0, 0, indicatorSize); context.rotate(-angle); context.translate(-dims / 2, -dims / 2); context.globalAlpha = 1; } // Render the regualr icon const iconOpacity = 1 - this.currentCompassOpacity; if (iconOpacity > 0.01) { context.globalAlpha = iconOpacity; this.waypointSprites.regular.drawCentered(context, dims / 2, dims / 2, dims * 0.7); context.globalAlpha = 1; } } /** * Draws the waypoints on the map * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ drawOverlays(parameters) { const mousePos =; const desiredOpacity = ? 1 : 0; this.currentMarkerOpacity = lerp(this.currentMarkerOpacity, desiredOpacity, 0.08); this.rerenderWaypointsCompass(); // Don't render with low opacity if (this.currentMarkerOpacity < 0.01) { return; } // Determine rendering scale const scale = this.getWaypointUiScale(); // Set the font size const textSize = this.getTextScale(); parameters.context.font = "bold " + textSize + "px GameFont"; parameters.context.textBaseline = "middle"; // Loop over all waypoints for (let i = 0; i < this.waypoints.length; ++i) { const waypoint = this.waypoints[i]; const waypointData = this.getWaypointScreenParams(waypoint); if (!waypointData) { // Not relevant continue; } if (!parameters.visibleRect.containsRect(waypointData.screenBounds)) { // Out of screen continue; } const bounds = waypointData.screenBounds; const contentPaddingX = 7 * scale; const isSelected = mousePos && bounds.containsPoint(mousePos.x, mousePos.y); // Render the background rectangle parameters.context.globalAlpha = this.currentMarkerOpacity * (isSelected ? 1 : 0.7); parameters.context.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)"; parameters.context.fillRect(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w, bounds.h); // Render the text if (waypointData.item) { const canvas = this.getWaypointCanvas(waypoint); const itemSize = 14 * scale; parameters.context.drawImage( canvas, bounds.x + contentPaddingX + 6 * scale, bounds.y + bounds.h / 2 - itemSize / 2, itemSize, itemSize ); } else if (waypointData.text) { // Render the text parameters.context.fillStyle = "#000"; parameters.context.textBaseline = "middle"; parameters.context.fillText( waypointData.text, bounds.x + contentPaddingX + 6 * scale, bounds.y + bounds.h / 2 ); parameters.context.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; } else { assertAlways(false, "Waypoint has no item and text"); } // Render the small icon on the left this.waypointSprites[waypoint.layer].drawCentered( parameters.context, bounds.x + contentPaddingX, bounds.y + bounds.h / 2, bounds.h * 0.6 ); } parameters.context.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; } }