// @ts-nocheck const METADATA = { website: "https://tobspr.io", author: "tobspr", name: "Mod Example: Usage Statistics", version: "1", id: "usage-statistics", description: "Shows how to add a new component to the game, how to save additional data and how to add custom logic and drawings", minimumGameVersion: ">=1.5.0", }; /** * Quick info on how this mod works: * * It tracks how many ticks a building was idle within X seconds to compute * the usage percentage. * * Every tick the logic checks if the building is idle, if so, it increases aggregatedIdleTime. * Once X seconds are over, the aggregatedIdleTime is copied to computedUsage which * is displayed on screen via the UsageStatisticsSystem */ const MEASURE_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 5; class UsageStatisticsComponent extends shapez.Component { static getId() { return "UsageStatistics"; } static getSchema() { // Here you define which properties should be saved to the savegame // and get automatically restored return { lastTimestamp: shapez.types.float, computedUsage: shapez.types.float, aggregatedIdleTime: shapez.types.float, }; } constructor() { super(); this.lastTimestamp = 0; this.computedUsage = 0; this.aggregatedIdleTime = 0; } } class UsageStatisticsSystem extends shapez.GameSystemWithFilter { constructor(root) { // By specifying the list of components, `this.allEntities` will only // contain entities which have *all* of the specified components super(root, [UsageStatisticsComponent, shapez.ItemProcessorComponent]); } update() { const now = this.root.time.now(); for (let i = 0; i < this.allEntities.length; ++i) { const entity = this.allEntities[i]; const processorComp = entity.components.ItemProcessor; const usageComp = entity.components.UsageStatistics; if (now - usageComp.lastTimestamp > MEASURE_INTERVAL_SECONDS) { usageComp.computedUsage = shapez.clamp( 1 - usageComp.aggregatedIdleTime / MEASURE_INTERVAL_SECONDS ); usageComp.aggregatedIdleTime = 0; usageComp.lastTimestamp = now; } if (processorComp.ongoingCharges.length === 0) { usageComp.aggregatedIdleTime += this.root.dynamicTickrate.deltaSeconds; } } } drawChunk(parameters, chunk) { const contents = chunk.containedEntitiesByLayer.regular; for (let i = 0; i < contents.length; ++i) { const entity = contents[i]; const usageComp = entity.components.UsageStatistics; if (!usageComp) { continue; } const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity; const context = parameters.context; const center = staticComp.getTileSpaceBounds().getCenter().toWorldSpace(); // Culling for better performance if (parameters.visibleRect.containsCircle(center.x, center.y, 40)) { // Background badge context.fillStyle = "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.8)"; context.beginRoundedRect(center.x - 10, center.y + 3, 20, 8, 2); context.fill(); // Text const usage = usageComp.computedUsage * 100.0; if (usage > 99.99) { context.fillStyle = "green"; } else if (usage > 70) { context.fillStyle = "orange"; } else { context.fillStyle = "red"; } context.textAlign = "center"; context.font = "7px GameFont"; context.fillText(Math.round(usage) + "%", center.x, center.y + 10); } } } } class Mod extends shapez.Mod { init() { // Register the component this.modInterface.registerComponent(UsageStatisticsComponent); // Add our new component to all item processor buildings so we can see how many items it processed. // You can also inspect the entity with F8 const buildings = [ shapez.MetaBalancerBuilding, shapez.MetaCutterBuilding, shapez.MetaRotaterBuilding, shapez.MetaStackerBuilding, shapez.MetaMixerBuilding, shapez.MetaPainterBuilding, ]; buildings.forEach(metaClass => { this.modInterface.runAfterMethod(metaClass, "setupEntityComponents", function (entity) { entity.addComponent(new UsageStatisticsComponent()); }); }); // Register our game system so we can update and draw stuff this.modInterface.registerGameSystem({ id: "demo_mod", systemClass: UsageStatisticsSystem, before: "belt", drawHooks: ["staticAfter"], }); } }