// @ts-nocheck const METADATA = { website: "https://tobspr.io", author: "tobspr", name: "Mod Example: Modify existing building", version: "1", id: "modify-existing-building", description: "Shows how to modify an existing building", minimumGameVersion: ">=1.5.0", }; class Mod extends shapez.Mod { init() { // Make Rotator always unlocked this.modInterface.replaceMethod(shapez.MetaRotaterBuilding, "getIsUnlocked", function () { return true; }); // Add some custom stats to the info panel when selecting the building this.modInterface.replaceMethod(shapez.MetaRotaterBuilding, "getAdditionalStatistics", function ( root, variant ) { return [["Awesomeness", 5]]; }); } }